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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Helloooo. Today sho fun sia. Had lessons , then aft schl had meeting @ MRL with esther and those radiodeejayyys. Den aft tt slacked in canteen with Evan, Lynn, Hh, Ht and wait for Shirlin to release frm CCA. Went out minimart to buy eat. Aft that we wnt back schl & started on our lit project. Dn hh go take spagehtti go put in my hair until like joss stick liddat, lol.Den band membrs came down , like wtf -.- That jy come ask me why i bo go band then i say i wn see mdm khong nxt wk , she come say what , ' i bettr see u nxt wk ' . See mah lanjiao sibo. Rofl. If i appear, i make sure i chop off mah head okay -.-. Dn met up w Shirlin & went out bball court slack. At first sho damn peaceful , was like chatting w hh they all. Den aft tt chaos. We ran all around to chase tl and we sprayed perfume and water on his bag. LOL. Den i go squeeze paint on his pencil case whn he not arnd. Den aft tt , he came back , we all pack up and zao. LOL. He ws like freakingfreaking angry. He clenched his fist & whole face red sia. Den we chiong across traffic light right , he see red light , and alot car , he also chiong sia , omgzxc, den we ran all th way like speed liddat to a block and wnt up 13th floor. Den aft tt we called him and said sorry , he like okok liao , but fb he say watch out on monday, LOLLA. He come find us is no problem , th problem is tt he ltr complain to ms tan or schl we cfm gg,.com.sg -_-. Zzzz, cfm call parents , if nt detention or else suspension. Cos this is bullying sia , omg lol. But nvm , if die , only me , evan and lynn die. Duwan drag others down . They bo do anything uh. expt hh spray wtr & perfume. But nvm , she diff class we dw she kena drag dwn. Den aft tt went wm slacked awhile , meet up w ht/hh's church fren ? k , then me,lynn and evan went home while they all slackslack. #praythatTLwontcomplain. k , heheheh gtg bai.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back here blogging again. Nowadays seriously damn bored one lor. Ytd went lot 1 w sis & mum, slacked there for awhile , then bought a clutch . Ummmm, dn aft tt went back yt to have dinner, and went clementi mall. Bought stickys. Den met a biatch there -_- Sian sia, her brother so stupid one okay , go knock onto the glass door , hahahah wtf . Den aft tt went to bought koi and slacked awhile before gg home . Umm , ltr gg altr my fucking schl skirt den going jp , k , done posting bai. :D

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heyhai, i seriously have to post this, cos today was freaking awesome you knw. :D Morning routine as usual , den reached schl 7, survived thru lessons until MT, totally went crazy . Lynn, vanessa and tengchao needa get outta of th class cos yan li told them. Den lynn ask me and evan go pei them, so was fooling arnd, throwing stuffs & shouting until yan li ask us to get out. :D Heheheheh, den so th fun okay , yan li ask me and evan go the lift there but lynn , van and tc outside class. Den evan and me was pointing middle finger across the class & evan, lynn and van was dancing indian dance, like LOL SERIOUSLY. HAHAHA. Den aft class, yan li ask us to write our parents no down cos she want call , all of us wrote our OWN number. Ahahahah, awesome siol , LOL. Den aft schl went meet esther for the deejay thingy , den slacked at canteen with Shirlin, Evan, Lynn, Huiting, Huihong & Teckteck. At first was like tryna do lit proj de , but ended up me and hh was like splashing water at each other, LOL. And we both "BATHED" lololol! okayyyy , den aft tt me and hh was like gossiping about ****** all the way from 3 plus till 5 while th rest doing lit proj , Haahahah, awesome ikr. Geez , den aft that 5 plus mr yeo ask us go hm , went outside th basketball court there to play truth or dare while eating. Was like a fun okay , den ran arnd , having funnnn, hahahha, (Y) awesomest day okaaaaay. Den next mon have floorball interclass competition , jiayous yo 1E2. ;). Okaaay , gtg bye. :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hai. Today? School? Okay, fine la. Usual rotine in th morning and reached schl at 7.10 plus, assemble there, den they talktalktalk what racial harmony thingy. Im freaking racist okay, lol keeding. :D. k , then lesson as usual , siandaozxc -_- . During sci that ms fun keep starestare. Wtf seriously, i so the bad meh , lol. Den aft schl went slacking. Tmr gt history test and idgaf at all , k , prepared to phaaail. :) Gaaaah , did do history hmw also , the SBQ. NO CCA TMR. (Y). Okay , LOL. Gtg , bai.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hai. Yesterday school was awesome. Started at 8.15 and ended at 12.45. Heheheh. Then today had lit test, damn uh , that stupid ms grace . -_- Give 30 mins do nia, 1 min also duwan spare, then i bo finish up , lol seriously gt fail. Then today pon band agn , tsktsk , ikr i paikia, teehee, but idgaf. ;D. Okayyy , den ms lee finding people to join th media club be what radio idk thingy , den mh ask me go join , i see funfun den put as 2nd cca uh. :DD Hehehehe , okaeee , just did my lexile test thingy like finally. k , gtg, bye. :D

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hellos, today was like aweshome ttm. 17/7/11 (Y) Woke up at 9 plus thanks to Evan's text. Den decided to go lot 1 with her to finish up the homeworks. Was tryna jio peopleee , then spamspamspam people , end up is either bo reply or else is sleeping , seriously pigs man. -_- Zzz. Den had lunch at 11plus and meet up with Evan at 12. Went rooftop to do hw , den try jio people agn , end up decided go Westmall find hh , ht & xiaochen and his frens . Den had so much fun today , geez , lazy type out here (: Den went frolick with Evan , and went back home at 4 cos sis jio me go railway tracks take pic, hehehe, had fun taking pics and went hm at 7 , now here blogging and ltr gg clementi mall . Haven even fvcking touched my hw , ohmahgod. K, gtg, bye.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heyhai. Yesterday school was fine, early morning lisa go check socks alr. Luckily i pull up high high like soccersocks , ahahah . Den yani , evan & ht kena caught , need call parents + write 100 word essay , wtfh seriously . Lisa is so free isit ? -.- Zzzz. Den had lessons, failed my maths test by 1 mark , pcb . Zzzz , den lynn and evan still fighting den all come find me , seriously so fucking depress man. -.- . Den aft schl pon band and went slacking with Tricia and Evan. Went frolick. Den saw Yi min & kimberly. Hmmmm , den slacked till 2 plus then Evan go le. Heart to heart talk with tricia till 4plus den went hm. Then today woke at 10 plus. Prepared to go out with sis to Bugis. Den at cck interchange meet up with mummy and went. Shopping spree man. Bought some tops den iphone assesories and stuffs. Ahahaha. Broke alr. :D . Den aft tt trained down to Somerset for lunch. Den went home. k then now chionging my cmp, gtg bye,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Heyhai. Im here to update about ytd and today. Ytd was like a awesome k , had lessons then aft schl pon band and went to Evan's cca. Lalalala, im sucha betrayer to band , ahahah , lah, den i was like planning to join Infocomm and quitting band, but cfm plus chop khong wont allow lah zz. Then infocomm was like a fun can , we learned to edit pics den we went to the Guilin park there to take pic and stuffs , imma like a extra but i made new friends , ahahha , awesome max. Den cca dismissed at 5.15 ! LOL . Band is always 6.30 -.- Fml . I shouldnt even chose band in the fucking first place maaaan . -'- . Den pon band right , yongxin go tell mr ong say is I OWNSELF TELL HER THAT I DOWAN GO DE. SERIOUSLY FK YOU BITCH , I DIDNT TELL U ASSHOLE , SHORTIE _l_. Fml , den mr ong mayb go tell mdm khong. Pcb la cb shortie. Zzzz, den today also another awesome day . Had school. Lesson was like a fun k , had PE, Lynn was like shouting like a mad, lol. Den had 2.4, passed. And lesson goes on, especially during el lesson , went to comp lab to do the lexile test thingy , end up my printer spoil then need use lynn's comp to print mah , den i save wrong file go save the licsence thingyyy , lolorofl. Seriously, we're maddies just now. Ahahaha , dn after schl went to Westmall with evan & lynn . Bought materials for the lit project , the what Noi and Ghan's house. Den when we were queueing up to pay for those things @ shop&save , suddenly a nerd aunty that wear the pants till so th damn high , told lynn to go sew her bag , roflmao . HAHAHHA seriously. Den aft tt we went back schl at arnd 4 plus , slacked at canteen for awhile to do the lit with teckleong also , zz. Nvm, at least he helped. :D hehehe , then huiting & hh finished detention den ht come help also , same grp mahs. Den aft tt we ended up having fun , playing, screaming, catching and stuffs hahahah, den when arnd 6 plus , we played truth or dare for awhile dn the security guard come ask us get lost , trolol , den went bball court to slack for awhile dn suddenly a uncle come and ask 'Can gimme $1 drink coffee?' We all knew he was a cheater den we keep di siao him , ahahah . Lmz also & the floorball guys also , rofl . Den went lot 1 @ arnd 7 , took taxi okay , im broke alr -.- LOOOL . Then slacked awhile at roofgarden , talking about horny stuffs and went hm . Completed mah hw & nw blogging. Tmw got band , shuckmuch , haish . I wanna quit zomg, :@ k gtg . bye .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hellos peep. Ytd was awesome. Schl was dismissed at 1.45pm , last period was PE. Then went canteen to finish up my sci worksheet cos need hand in. Den after finishing le , slacked awhile with ht , jody etc at canteeen . Planned to go movie with hh , tricia and ht . But cos E3 have supp. So supp end 330. Tricia buey sai , so went ht house with jody till 4 , den bused down to lot 1 to meet hh for movie. Geez. Met bernard and zavier there. Lol. K , then watched transformer3. I almost slept inside k ? Boring ttm , like seriously. Den i was playing tap tap and listening to songs while hh , ht and jody was enjoying the movie ? Roflmao . Den ended up jody also bored :P. HAHAH. K , then movie ended at 7. Went arcade for neoprint , den went roofgarden slack awhile and reached home at 8 , awesome day. k , then today more boring cn . Maths supp cancelled cos ms toh absent, awww. (Y) . HAHAH . Actually planned to go buy sticky at clementi d , but everyone nt free, jiu sua lo. Survived thru lessons , last 2 periods , geo , almost fell asleep k , fvcking boring somemore th cher is lao kok kok . -.- K, then slacked awhile and went home with yating , now blogging and just uploaded my cmp project , like finally . zomg, k , anw, today gt mt test on that freaking bk and i bo bring, so just copied for ht , ahahaha , tyvm xht (Y) hehe , k , gtg , :D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hellos. Yesterday was awesome. Went with sis to Jurong to meet mom at arnd 5 plus. Den trained to Jp. Went for late lunch at Jp. Den shopped around. Shopping spree sia. Yesterday bought alot a stuffs. Bought belts, necklace, shoes, shirts. LOL. Okayy , den aft shopping, trained back to lot 1 . Went to cotton on and bought shirts. Well , my wallet now got hole alr , lmao. k , then after that trained back to yewtee , went pasar malam , den went home. :D hahaha, okay , thn tmrw gt schl agn , fvck -.- . Didnt upload CMP sia, wtf . I dont even know need to upload lor . Prepare to fail nia, haish . Tmr aft schl gg watch Transformer w friends. Hopefully donid stayback lor , k done posting, bye. ;D

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hellos. Sorry lack of updates nowadays. Was busy with school. Uhm, school was fine, Nothing really happen nowadays. Seriously band is getting on my nerves. I suddenly thinks that fall in is awesome. But learning how to play and read scores was like pure hard and like wan giv up leh. I rather join infocomn or smth else. 1 week 1 time only sia. :/ Haish. Den today woke up late. Woke at 6am. LOL. K , den prepared and went to school with Jody, Rachel, May and Jer. Den same thing happened. Had PE. Today play what power ball. Then i go touch tio that sherin thomas's hand, eww sia seriously. It smells okay. -.- Zzzzz. Then lesson ended. Had sci practical at 2.15 , awesome, was like joking and fooling around with Lynn and Evan. HAHAHA. Seriously, its fun, wasting all the acid and stuffs, hoho. :P Then stayed back at canteen waiting for tricia. Den walkwalkwalk, went home with rachel and boon, tricia go to hh. Fine ah. -.- Den was like gossiping about ____ all the way till westmall. Ahahah. Seriously. I fucking hate liars. Then just now was like talking bout _____ to boon. Den like boon ask me to ask this ask that. -.- End up accuse me stuffs that i bo say one. Den push blames to me, ownself at there act innocent. Puabye ah. -.- Sua. Now fightfightfight lo. Ccb. No mood ah, kthxbai. -.-

Monday, July 4, 2011

Horrible life. _l_

Ohai. Yesterday was fucking horrible k. -.- Want go yewtee den kena accuse say i go meet someone. Cb sia. I just want go buy my phone cable nia sia. Fkyoulah. I dont have dad k. I took him a dead. I bet, without him, i'll be HAPPIER. I swear. I dont mind being poor or whatever, as long as i dont have sucha fucking dad who accuse his own daughter. Zzzzz. Den end up he say what, give u 15minutes go buy. Fk u, no mood alr eh. Den sua. Bo go. Went at night with mom. Fk sia. I no freedom or what. 13 years old cannot even go yewtee. Im not 3. Asshole. Den nothing much happened. Today bo go USS cos mum gt meetin at 6pm. Zzzzzz. FUCK SIA! Den postpon to next sat. Zzzzz seriously. Fml. It sucks k. -.- So many unwanted things happening. How i wish i wasnt even borned. I bet i dont need to suffer. -.- Kthxbai.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hai there. Today's a saturdaaay , no schl . (Y) . Hahah , okay , woke at 10am , den had breakfast den slackedslacked awhile , den bathed and practised on mah frenchorn for awhile while waiting for mummy to get ready to go lot 1. :D. Heheheh , den first thing , reach there saw Clara. The band one, dk how spell her name uh. And her bf , den saw her like damn violent to her bf , lol wtfag k . Den bought a short & angrybird shirt. :D. Heheheh , den arnd 5 plus went for lunch and den went home. While walking to bus interchange saw Yaaaaani. (Y) . Hahaha, she didnt see me. :P . Heheheh, okay . Den mah irritating sis was like wtfg -.- Curse her ah. Always attract attention. Ah pui. -.- . K, gtg. bye.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hellos, today as usual went schl with rachel and jody. Had art on the 2nd period of lesson. Didnt hand in work & kena scolded, wtf LOL. Den i at there laugh when she scolding, ahahah . k , then survived through lesson thanks to huiting. Was like laughing with her for every single lesson. Awesome life , (Y) . Hahahah , okay , den had band aft schl. Fall-ed in and had sectionals. Was with YongXin they all. Heheheh , fun sia . I can read abit of scores, but then cannot play like the whole song uh . Cannot high pitch one , sianzxc. T.T . Haish , only can play first 3 colum of the score for Monster rock & I want to hold your hand. Tsk , and i cannot tap, seriously, si liao lor. I want go performance in 2 wks time de leh , haish . ): . Den aft band , slacked at study corner with Dryan, bernard, jamie, vanessa, jody, siti, fateha, dewi & idk , forget le. Den slacked till 630 , went home . Brought instrument home, (: . hheheh , gona practice tmrw , yay . Monday no schl , woohoo. But tons of hw, kwtfhzxc . Gtg , chaos. (: