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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merryxmas! :)

Hello guise, basically ytd went to aunt's house to celebrate christmas eve as usual. Gotten got our christmas gifts from aunts and guess what, i've around $100+. Its rather fun at aunt's house catching up with aunts and just slack there. :) So today was 25/12/11, merry christmas guys! :) Had a simple christmas this year though, went to causeway point to grab some stuffs and then had dinner at swensen's. I know its way too simple but hahaha at least i already had fun yesterday. Oh and also school's starting in a week's time and i still left with 4 sets of maths paper still untouched and i guess i wouldnt be doing the asknlearn's MT homework already. Time flies rlly fast and im really not prepared for school, not at all! I wonder how's sec 2 like and will it be stress cos of streamings? Will the teachers be super strict? Hmmm lets just not think so much and we'll know next tuesday :) Lets just end here alright, sorry for a short post! Bye!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Hello all. Sorry for the lack of updates these few days. Was kinda busy.. Anyw, started on homework ytd, didnt do the chinese email and compo(lazy) then i submit alrdy.. anyw idgafd too :3. btw tmw gg meet evan for lunch @ cck then head to marsiling to meet the bs ppl to collect our bags. Then at night will be gg aunt's house. hehhhhh yayyy christmas presents (Y). yeaaaa btw schl's reopening in freaking 12 days time. hell................. all the stress, homeworks, exams, cca. oh and  my cca is still hanging there. i heard that mdm khong is quitting so ms sim will be the teacher in charge already, but they dont allow us to quit and so yeah idk what to do too so its like in the middle of quitting but fail to do so. haha. rlly wanna transfer school just cos of this cca thing.. the teacher are all pestering me about why didnt i attend cca and stuffs. Im rlly not interested in band yenno hais. 走一步看一步吧 .. alright let's end here bye. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

171211 (Y)

hello cold world. So woke at 11plus and headed to meet them guise(look at the pic on top) to scape. Oh well so the mrt service was down from newton to marina so we had to take bus 190 to scape. It was a pretty fast ride there but when we've reached, the sky is gona cry alrdy.... So we went to bought gongcha then suddenly it rained super heavily. So we hailed a taxi at the bustop and we just sat till outside cineleisure there and guess what, it wasnt raining already... we should just have waited for awhile till the rain slows down or something... but nvm. So we went to cine and bought some assesories. Then headed to fleamarket. was like searching for fredperry's bagpack but thet didnt sell so we ended up buying rings and necklaces hehehhee. aft tht went to scape's rooftop to see ppl dance while Vk they all were putting their nailpolish on. then it was alrdy like 5 so headed back to lot by 190. had dinner at KFC then went arcade for neoprints and DDR. Headed back home at arnd 745.  Hehehehe. 171211 (Y) awesome day today with babes :) k so lets end here ok ciaos! :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

it all came rushing back.

ni men hao. im back to sg yesterday :) heh sooooo yeah had fun right there and it  was shuperduper cold. =3. oh so yesterday took singapore airline then was like laughing like mad bitches right there cos' me and sis drank singapore sling and they freaking added lots of vodka inside then we became high. and its like seriously high. =3. Mehhhh, then bought alot of things there. clothes, bag, iphone covers and etcs. :) And so today went to watched alvin & chipmunks 3, it was totally awesome. (Y). Haha, so tmr will be going scape w vk, jody, evan and may. :). Do homwrk there & also laze around, so shall end here alright xx :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

hello cold world.

hellos :)  sinces i was bored right now, so lets just blog alright? Hmmmm tomorrow will be flying off around. Feel like ton-ing tonight till 530am then bath and head over to airport, shld i ? heh, okay so had a last minute packing just now. and so tmw's flight would be 920am i guess and so we'll have to reach the airport at 730am... im pretty excited for this trip but also its sad that i wouldnt get to use twitter for the time being unless there's wifi there but yeah even if have, i guess its only for awhile as im not on a free and easy trip :( Anyways, went to lot with sis and mom just now to buy all the things that was needed to bring overseas and also had my dinner there, dinner there. Oh and also just wasted $ on a era cap which i think it's awesome but at the same time, wasting money. Haha, but sinces i've alrdy bought it, then shouldnt regret haha alright so shall go off now :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


hello. its already 7th of dec and yes, approximately one more month to school reopen. guess what? i didnt touch my school bag at all, and obviously none of the holiday homeworks are done. the 3 sets of maths paper and yes, those askandlearn things too. :3 dead. by the time when im back in sg, its like, 12345678910 days to school reopen alrdy. da hell. so obviously i'll go and........ copy it from someone hehehhe. k so basically today went to trim my hair with mom and sis. then went lot and yesh bought clothes and atomic bomb mom's creditcard like hell lolllll. :x hehehh and yea had dinner then homed. friday im flying and yenno me haven pack anything. nothing at all. ok so imma pack some nao and tmr continue. heh so yeahh will update soon when im back i guess, shall end here kbai :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

oyessssssshello. :D using iPad to update this post right nso. Hehehe. so yeah yesterday went to watch hk ghost movie with mom & sis. it was a naaaaaaise movie :D quite scary yeah. hehehe. Then today actually planned to go jogging with alice, but yeah u knw I'm those lazy type :P hehehehe. Ohya, tomorrow going watch already famous again. But this time is with Evan and Vanessa :D hehehe. So yeah, when I come back is already soon on school reopen.....I think I should start on my holiday assignments soon. And I guess th 'soon' will be 2 or 3 days before school reopen. HAHAHA. I pro mah :3 Hehehee joke. ok so nothing much. Ciao!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

learn to live, half alive.

ohaiiii sorry for the lack of updates for a few days. hehehhe. so yeah basically nothing interesting rlly happened these few days. so yeah tday finally headed out. went to cityhall to shop and dinner with sis,mom and aunt. hehehehhe like spend mom's and aunt's money like freeflow like that looool. yeah thn nothing much up alrdy. hais next fri going off alrdy, scared their bo wifi i cfm sian max. :3 Gah, shall start packing rlly soon heheheh and surely imma not gona update blog k. heh so yeah shall end here kbai. :)