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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

iloveyoutoo :')

Yay hellos. Okay basically i miss all of them on top. And of cos, the malacca trip! :( Missing all the fun times and memories together! Hehehe. So today had school till 1.45pm then went for band at 2.30pm. So had rehersal and stuffs till 7 plus then leave school! Freaking late aye. Then headed home and tomorrow is the real sparkle concert. Today only got 1 timing the rehersal yet we are all drop dead tired. Imagine tomorrow, there'll be 2 shows. Gosh, confirm become zombie. Hahahaha ok and oh ya i lost my ez-link card in the freaking school toilet. I know its.... lol but yeah. Freaking heck care it uh. Okay so yeah shall end here alright bye :) x

Saturday, March 24, 2012

fantastic baby.

Hi was back from band camp just now. camp was great. had some games and night walk yesterday. night walk was awesome :P at first everyone screamed cuz the seniors will use leaves to tickle you and grabbed your legs etc. Hahahaha it was rlly fun. Then basically head to bed at 12 plus. So today woke up at 6 then fall in at 745. have to do like 10 pumpings and ran 4 rounds of parade square. -__- then had our breakfast at around 9.  after breakfast had 22 pumpings again then then amazing race. ran to many stations and played different games and we got wet too. overall it was awesome. especially at joel's station. hehehehhe. alright then homed at 1 plus :) oh yeah before i forget, yesterday mom went school for ptm and also the principal talk. mr tam said i was a good obedient girl :P hahahahahha.  okay shall end here byeee.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

but here's my number, so call me maybe? :')

Hello :-) Gotten my CT results back recently. Hmm didnt really score well cos my class tests/graded assignments pulled some of my results down. Class position was 15/40... wasn't good at all. I expected top 10 but yeah.. then L1R5 15. Damn fucked up. Shall work harder for MYE etc. Okay anyway there's a band camp this coming friday and i dont feel like going so yeah.. and tomorrow will have CCA till evening. Argh hunger games is coming out this thursday yet i've rehersal. Fuck. Oh ya btw ytd caught a movie with evangeline. The woman in black. It was great, freaking scary and thrilling. Y'all shld go and watch it ! Hehehehe alright shall end here ! Goodnight :-)

Monday, March 12, 2012

one step closer.

Sorry for the lack of update, was back from malacca last friday. I swear many good memories were created there, the trip was fantabulous. Although quite a number of unpleasant things happened but still overall it was awesome. So first day we went to kampong and we had fun there playing stuffs etc then at night had 1h shopping time at night. Then second day went temple , church and had a lil shopping time. Third day headed for shopping for 2hrs. So overall bonded alot with the class and teachers especially Iqbal Iman they all. And also ms kas and ms karen ang. Oh and took a photo with ms lee, will upload the photos in to next post okie!then last sat headed to johor with mom and aunts. bought clothes and toms shoes mwhahaha. Then today went for movie marathon with evangeline & anthony :) watched timelesslove & the lorex . both were quite nice la hahaha k and this coming wed will have band and rehersal for school concert. shag sia. 8-430. freaking 8 and a half hour. gona dieeeeeeeeee. ok la shall end ok bye. 

Monday, March 5, 2012


hello :) its school tomorrow and now's 12am yet im still here blogging and watching vids. ahahaha ok deekosh's cinammon challenge made me laughed so hard. u guys should go and watch it :D hehhee ok basically headed to jp just now for some shopping with sis and mom. bought a high waisted shorts and had dinner @ swensens. oh anyway will be going malacca on wed - friday with the schoooool. kind of excited but somehow not... im afraid that i'd be left out hehehe ok insecurities sucks but yeah.... :/ alright umm pray that later in school it'll be good and fuq school's ending at 5 due to that flight aviation shit ok srsly limsikchoo gnd la . do i even look like i have the freaking time for ur bloody programme that have to include the whole sec 2 i meant like do i even look like i'd like to be a pilot in future...? da'hell. okay la shouldnt rant here hahaha ok goodnight guise !

Saturday, March 3, 2012

used to the pain.

Hellos! Its already March. Time flies :3 Oh yea so taken my common test last week and received back most of the paper. So yeah, heres the results. Mother tongue : 26/50 (IFKR I DROPPED SO BADLY). Science 32/50
Literature 15/30. History 22/30. Maths 28/30. Got 3rd in class for maths and ya i was so shocked hahahaha. Okay so haven gotten back my geog paper. Hopefully will get A. Hehehehe alright anyway today had floorball inter-class match. 2E2 ah 2E2. Kena trashed so badly. Even by sec 1s... fucking xiasuay but at least we tried our best. My finger was injured wtf :/ Umm k anyway tomorrow will be going to school early in da morning for malacca briefing, afterwards heading to town with Evan and Vanessa. Gona shop till drop heehehhe. Pray hard that the weather would be gooooooood. :) Alright so shall end today's post here, bye (: