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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Everything's being so screwed. Everyone's being fucked up. Things aint going the way I want it to be. Alright. But what can we do? Embrace ourselves. Sigh. School's being such tiring and boring these day. Have to wake up early for some SEM survey and now the school owes me my 1h of sleep. Alright then many tests are coming up which is freaking stressed up....... And there's like rehersal tomorrow for the ndp concert. :D Oh so ya I've nothing much to update though. Had green@hgss last Saturday, quite fun but tiring and the school collected a total of $13.7K?
Oh and talking about school... Friends are being extremely fucked up. Yeah shouldnt expose much here or else taiji gna come up. You know who you are, having attitude problem and being bias.
Okay shall end here then alright bye x

Friday, July 13, 2012

This is not a drive by!

Hello! It's been one month since I neglected this blog, so shall update now (: Heheh life's been great these days! Haha alright so yeah basically had band today and it was superb fun! Hehehe then headed home with dryan aka ED, and something epic happened, Krik Krik :P Heheh so yeah that's maybe all that I've to say cos words can't express everything :D Oh and next tue early dismissal at 12:15 cos of OLevel!! HEHEHE alright so shall update again next time with more content! Xx