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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya!

Hello! Selamat Hari Raya to all the muslims! Time flies and soon it'll be week 9 then streaming....... oh god. All the tests are coming up too and I'm losing all my confidence. Sigh! Anyway, went to mrs pan baby's first month party yesterday. Had much fun and saw some of the hgss teachers there :) Hmmmm. Tmr will be another day of holiday cos of Hari Raya :) TEEHEE. Okay, maybe I shall end here and post more soon! Hehe bye! x

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Everything's being so screwed. Everyone's being fucked up. Things aint going the way I want it to be. Alright. But what can we do? Embrace ourselves. Sigh. School's being such tiring and boring these day. Have to wake up early for some SEM survey and now the school owes me my 1h of sleep. Alright then many tests are coming up which is freaking stressed up....... And there's like rehersal tomorrow for the ndp concert. :D Oh so ya I've nothing much to update though. Had green@hgss last Saturday, quite fun but tiring and the school collected a total of $13.7K?
Oh and talking about school... Friends are being extremely fucked up. Yeah shouldnt expose much here or else taiji gna come up. You know who you are, having attitude problem and being bias.
Okay shall end here then alright bye x

Friday, July 13, 2012

This is not a drive by!

Hello! It's been one month since I neglected this blog, so shall update now (: Heheh life's been great these days! Haha alright so yeah basically had band today and it was superb fun! Hehehe then headed home with dryan aka ED, and something epic happened, Krik Krik :P Heheh so yeah that's maybe all that I've to say cos words can't express everything :D Oh and next tue early dismissal at 12:15 cos of OLevel!! HEHEHE alright so shall update again next time with more content! Xx

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cos I can love you more than this.

Time flies rly fast. 13 more days to school. And I've literally wasted 3/4 of my holidays rotting at home. Yeap didn't study at all, and after school reopen will be end of year exams alrdy. Anyway headed to town last tues with Evan and Yani. Had some unpleasant incidents on the train cos of a god damn old bitch. But overall it was great heheh. Headed to forever21, H&M and bugis street. Bought a crop top and galaxy top. Then went to lot and slack and homed. Hmm have to go back school on thurs/fri and next week wed & Friday. Keke Okies shall end post here bb x!.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hiiiiiii! Finally it's holiday already heheh. So headed to USS yesterday and taken some pics, you can see it below :). Hmm it was fun and we spammed the rides like holy fuck lol. Roller coasters became so boring aft we spammed for so many times hahah and the transformer ride was awesome much ;-) Going again on the 11th with koh & Tricia hehehe yay excited :) Hehehe oky so let the pictures say everything Heheheh ok bb x!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Helloz! Life's been quite good nowadays. Hmm had PTM ytd and mrs pan kept on praising me. Hahaha awesomez. Then stayback as student helper until 6 with Evan. It was fun & tiring & there's free foooood. Hahahha okz. Am so excited for Monday, going USS with Mh Heheheh alright so anyway holidays started but the fact that I've like tons of homeworks/projects and have to go back school for CCAs and supps................... it spoils the whole holiday. Hahaha okie shall end the post right here with some of the unglam photos right there! Bb x

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Hiiiiiiiiii! Finally gotten back some of my results and guess what, they are all so so so so disappointing. Lesigh! Failed my English paper 2 :-( Then MT the paper cui lo then maths 64, history 66 defuck. Then science 80.5 (shocking) Hmmmm. Overall all my results sucks I guess, anyway getting back lit and geog tomorrow. Excited yet at the same time, scared! Pray hard I'll get A for geog and B for lit Heheheh god bless uh!
Hmm so here's for you bitch I just merely asked u for ur results and you're the one the asked me about mine back, I told u mine then now
kb say I show off ? Smlj eh ? U know the meaning of show off anot ? Wtfuq then kb at twitter, i shoot back u say I misunderstand ! Lanpa eh knnb.
Okay shall chill my tits okie bye all :-)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Hellos! Exams are finally over! The last paper for today was art. Was quite satisfied with it until the last part when the moon and the buildings are ruined by paint...... hmmm so headed home straight. Pathetic me yeap. Then headed out to meet sis. Facetime for 2h with Mh :) Hahah! Alright so anyway tomorrow's a marking day hence there's no school. And i guess, next week would be the last week of school ? Bad thing is that there's CCA.......... gosh. -_-. Haha cant wait for June holidays! Made alot of plans already :). Teehee, alright shall end here byebye!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Hello! It's the exam period right now thus I couldn't update much! Exam's ending really soon. Like really. Next Thursday would be the last paper. And then CCA will start. Lesigh! :-( Hmm, anyway these few days the paper were rather easy for me.... Science was like omfg easy. Today had geog, flunked some of the questions & probably some of lit's too. Next week would be maths and I really pray hard to get at A is possible... Lesigh..... So, basically yesterday headed to Evangeline's home to play then today headed to Yani's. Watched horror movie there, which was amazing. HAHAHA. Alright so shall end here and update more when exam ends! Bye!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hello, sry for the lack of updates. So had our paper 1 today. It was much better than what i expected, think i did pretty well for it. hmmm then stayed back for the unsw science until 230 and headed home then. have to stay back tomorrow for maths supp and heard from miss toh that there are only 8 passes.. its so hard to expect a pass in this kind of situation, dont need need to think of being the first 3 again... le sigh :( praying so hard that i'll at least get a pass cuz this is gona affect my overall grades and its gona be pulled down so badly. kind of terrify that i couldnt get 60 abv for maths science and english then i couldnt go into the course i want.... really hope that i could do it cuz its rather easy on the surface.... yeap hahaha alright shall end here and hope for the best for tomorrow's maths result. bobi bobi.