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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hello, sry for the lack of updates. So had our paper 1 today. It was much better than what i expected, think i did pretty well for it. hmmm then stayed back for the unsw science until 230 and headed home then. have to stay back tomorrow for maths supp and heard from miss toh that there are only 8 passes.. its so hard to expect a pass in this kind of situation, dont need need to think of being the first 3 again... le sigh :( praying so hard that i'll at least get a pass cuz this is gona affect my overall grades and its gona be pulled down so badly. kind of terrify that i couldnt get 60 abv for maths science and english then i couldnt go into the course i want.... really hope that i could do it cuz its rather easy on the surface.... yeap hahaha alright shall end here and hope for the best for tomorrow's maths result. bobi bobi. 

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