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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yoooooooooooo! :D . Today rawks ! :D . Hehes . Butden maths paper arhhx ! >< ... No time to do paper 1 - Booklet A&B. I did booklet A dhen 2 questions blank. Dhen i went to Booklet B. Was like.. WTH. 10 minutes left. Dhen was rushinqq .:(. And then Booklet B 3 question left blanks. 12 questions donknow how do. LOL.. Then after recess paper 2.. WAHHH! DIE LA THIS ONE. The 1st 3 paqes was okeh lor. Then th rest... Cannot alr :( . Anyhow do lor. Just hope to qet a pass. Nothinq much. God, heaven please help. XD. Tml chinese paper, YAYYY ! :D ! Today art lesson Mr Nq qo thru science 2009 paper. KNS all make noise then 1hr for 15qs. >< LOL. Nice one hor.Dhen i did class duty with Joreen and Yu Zhen. Dhen suddenly 3 Biq boys locked th front door and back door they blocked it. Dhen Joreen was like... So bad mood and angry mah. Dhen suddenly she say ''CB!'' sooooo dam loud. LOL. Dhen Mdm Nqq came.. She scoled th two boys then she said she hear Vulgarities. LOL. Dhen i quickly ran to YuZhen and do duty. -ACTACT* :D. Then Joreen anqry and cry then qo home. :x. So YuZhen&Me Continue Lo. Yuzhen 38. ><'' Ytd said wnt invite me qo her bdae pt andthen she LIE said cancel. Aft tt she said is BF den qo, so i cannot. KNS riqht, i her mei ley. ASSHOLE! >< ..Cfm tml not qivinq her present one. Yuh see lo. 38. ><.And den and den she spread say i lOVE Zi Henq. KNS La. Zi Henq mummy boy sia. Evrytime so quiet and like so BLUR* >< . Whu love him. ASHOLE. Yuzhen 38 lovee 18,HAHAHA.


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