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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hahas.. Arlow . ;D.
Wnt shoppinq ehh . Jealous?! Lols.
Bouqht a Tee and den wnt dinnerhh at same kopitiam bahh . ;)
Dad ordered stinqrayy! Woahh! Hahas. HDM! <- HOTDIEME. LOL.
HMMM. Den went to Aunt's hse awhilee nah! Dad tauqht me & sis play mahjonqq. Cous at
Aunt's hse found mahhjonq. Dhen as miie and my sis fwen alot noe hw ply, i ask dad teach lo . :D. Now , i knw hw ply. Euu all cnt look down on me! HAHAHA! Jus jk. (:
Dhen went hm . Dad found our own mahhjonq. Den ply wit sis 2 rnds. She wanna qo slp ler. Den keeeeep lo . XD. Btw, tdy at shoppinq centre bouqht @cash . 30k eh . Jealous eh ? ZuuuL ? Hahas . Tml promise zuul say wanna send him 12k ._. . I dw senddddd! :( . Hope he dont online hahas. Today maple didnt level uppp! I was slackinqq. Goinq all arnd maple , shoppinq n discoverinq. Ahaaha . Den .... recruit peeps to quild ? :D. Dhen nothhinqq else bah ... TOMORROW GOT TUITION. :( IM GONA DIE! I HATE TUITION! TUTION SUCKS! SUCKS! TUITION SUCKS ! I HATE TUITION! TUITION, UUUUUUUUUUU SUCKS! TO THE COREEE! :'( Gtgs. Byeee! :( .

Labels: I hate tuitionn! Hahas!

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