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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merryxmas! :)

Hello guise, basically ytd went to aunt's house to celebrate christmas eve as usual. Gotten got our christmas gifts from aunts and guess what, i've around $100+. Its rather fun at aunt's house catching up with aunts and just slack there. :) So today was 25/12/11, merry christmas guys! :) Had a simple christmas this year though, went to causeway point to grab some stuffs and then had dinner at swensen's. I know its way too simple but hahaha at least i already had fun yesterday. Oh and also school's starting in a week's time and i still left with 4 sets of maths paper still untouched and i guess i wouldnt be doing the asknlearn's MT homework already. Time flies rlly fast and im really not prepared for school, not at all! I wonder how's sec 2 like and will it be stress cos of streamings? Will the teachers be super strict? Hmmm lets just not think so much and we'll know next tuesday :) Lets just end here alright, sorry for a short post! Bye!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Hello all. Sorry for the lack of updates these few days. Was kinda busy.. Anyw, started on homework ytd, didnt do the chinese email and compo(lazy) then i submit alrdy.. anyw idgafd too :3. btw tmw gg meet evan for lunch @ cck then head to marsiling to meet the bs ppl to collect our bags. Then at night will be gg aunt's house. hehhhhh yayyy christmas presents (Y). yeaaaa btw schl's reopening in freaking 12 days time. hell................. all the stress, homeworks, exams, cca. oh and  my cca is still hanging there. i heard that mdm khong is quitting so ms sim will be the teacher in charge already, but they dont allow us to quit and so yeah idk what to do too so its like in the middle of quitting but fail to do so. haha. rlly wanna transfer school just cos of this cca thing.. the teacher are all pestering me about why didnt i attend cca and stuffs. Im rlly not interested in band yenno hais. 走一步看一步吧 .. alright let's end here bye. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

171211 (Y)

hello cold world. So woke at 11plus and headed to meet them guise(look at the pic on top) to scape. Oh well so the mrt service was down from newton to marina so we had to take bus 190 to scape. It was a pretty fast ride there but when we've reached, the sky is gona cry alrdy.... So we went to bought gongcha then suddenly it rained super heavily. So we hailed a taxi at the bustop and we just sat till outside cineleisure there and guess what, it wasnt raining already... we should just have waited for awhile till the rain slows down or something... but nvm. So we went to cine and bought some assesories. Then headed to fleamarket. was like searching for fredperry's bagpack but thet didnt sell so we ended up buying rings and necklaces hehehhee. aft tht went to scape's rooftop to see ppl dance while Vk they all were putting their nailpolish on. then it was alrdy like 5 so headed back to lot by 190. had dinner at KFC then went arcade for neoprints and DDR. Headed back home at arnd 745.  Hehehehe. 171211 (Y) awesome day today with babes :) k so lets end here ok ciaos! :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

it all came rushing back.

ni men hao. im back to sg yesterday :) heh sooooo yeah had fun right there and it  was shuperduper cold. =3. oh so yesterday took singapore airline then was like laughing like mad bitches right there cos' me and sis drank singapore sling and they freaking added lots of vodka inside then we became high. and its like seriously high. =3. Mehhhh, then bought alot of things there. clothes, bag, iphone covers and etcs. :) And so today went to watched alvin & chipmunks 3, it was totally awesome. (Y). Haha, so tmr will be going scape w vk, jody, evan and may. :). Do homwrk there & also laze around, so shall end here alright xx :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

hello cold world.

hellos :)  sinces i was bored right now, so lets just blog alright? Hmmmm tomorrow will be flying off around. Feel like ton-ing tonight till 530am then bath and head over to airport, shld i ? heh, okay so had a last minute packing just now. and so tmw's flight would be 920am i guess and so we'll have to reach the airport at 730am... im pretty excited for this trip but also its sad that i wouldnt get to use twitter for the time being unless there's wifi there but yeah even if have, i guess its only for awhile as im not on a free and easy trip :( Anyways, went to lot with sis and mom just now to buy all the things that was needed to bring overseas and also had my dinner there, dinner there. Oh and also just wasted $ on a era cap which i think it's awesome but at the same time, wasting money. Haha, but sinces i've alrdy bought it, then shouldnt regret haha alright so shall go off now :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


hello. its already 7th of dec and yes, approximately one more month to school reopen. guess what? i didnt touch my school bag at all, and obviously none of the holiday homeworks are done. the 3 sets of maths paper and yes, those askandlearn things too. :3 dead. by the time when im back in sg, its like, 12345678910 days to school reopen alrdy. da hell. so obviously i'll go and........ copy it from someone hehehhe. k so basically today went to trim my hair with mom and sis. then went lot and yesh bought clothes and atomic bomb mom's creditcard like hell lolllll. :x hehehh and yea had dinner then homed. friday im flying and yenno me haven pack anything. nothing at all. ok so imma pack some nao and tmr continue. heh so yeahh will update soon when im back i guess, shall end here kbai :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

oyessssssshello. :D using iPad to update this post right nso. Hehehe. so yeah yesterday went to watch hk ghost movie with mom & sis. it was a naaaaaaise movie :D quite scary yeah. hehehe. Then today actually planned to go jogging with alice, but yeah u knw I'm those lazy type :P hehehehe. Ohya, tomorrow going watch already famous again. But this time is with Evan and Vanessa :D hehehe. So yeah, when I come back is already soon on school reopen.....I think I should start on my holiday assignments soon. And I guess th 'soon' will be 2 or 3 days before school reopen. HAHAHA. I pro mah :3 Hehehee joke. ok so nothing much. Ciao!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

learn to live, half alive.

ohaiiii sorry for the lack of updates for a few days. hehehhe. so yeah basically nothing interesting rlly happened these few days. so yeah tday finally headed out. went to cityhall to shop and dinner with sis,mom and aunt. hehehehhe like spend mom's and aunt's money like freeflow like that looool. yeah thn nothing much up alrdy. hais next fri going off alrdy, scared their bo wifi i cfm sian max. :3 Gah, shall start packing rlly soon heheheh and surely imma not gona update blog k. heh so yeah shall end here kbai. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.

ohai. so basically tday woke at 9, then actually planned to go www but then postponed it cos may couldnt go then like left me yani van like half the grp no go , no fun uh. :3 ohk so probably postponed it to ermmm 21st dec? long way to go heheheh. ok so im freaking bored right now and yeah shall just watch some freaking drama or whut. sho probably tmrw will be watching breaking dawn w may and and idk . hmmm, hahaha anw last sat was like buying lots of clothes, using mom's money like a freeflow only trololol. then saw ............. a group of humans which makes me unpleasant yeah hoho. ok sho ive nothing muchup so ciaos! :)

Friday, November 25, 2011


osupppp. sorry for the dead blog for a few days uhuh. So yeah, on tue went for interview at the whut unity center @ bb with may and Aqashah. The place was freaking creepy I swear. :3 Heh. Then after interview headed to Westmall for fun. Then went lot for gongcha! and after that headed back to yewtee with may. Slacked @ the playground there then home. Then ytd went to work. Took 1.5k flyers. Finished 300++ already like 4+. Then sua we quit then we cabbed back to the unity center plus it was raining and we give them back the papers. Then yeah, was superduper tired like hell. So headed to S11 coffee shop for late lunch with may! Didnt eat the whole day! Ok hehehe then homed. Kekeke so tmr going back schl w Evan, vt and others to do some lit proj. Meeting evan and VT earlier @ 1! :D Hehe okay so ya ciaos :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

High hopes ):

Oheydudes. So yeah, so long bo update got miss me not . haahha joke. okay so basically lets start from 16 nov? it was mom's bday so yeah i be guai one day, didnt go out (Y) heheheh. yeah, then on fri, went somerset 313 and scape with may, evan and jody. At first went arcade, aft that shopped around. Heheh. Thn headed home around 8+. Yeah, then ytd went lot with mom and sis at night. :3 Today rain like fvcking big so went yt for dinner. Uhh. Im like feeling so empty right now, reading over the timeline, its like evan is like replying to my tweet. Yeah, im fvcking paranoid and sensitive ikr. im trying to change. :x Hais, influence bah.   Uhhh so yeah just now kena kpkb by mom say whut i cnt go work, skali kena cheat or whutsoever. like a lame only. the company is real one leh lj . haiyo , so this tue going interview at batok there. maybe calling may along, ohkk , so now watching hotshot hahhaa . downloaded alot of movie. #moviemarathon soon. hahhahaa ok, ciaos! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

like a skyscraper.

ohyeah supp. yesterday went bugis with 6eys, without yani. She isnt free. ): Then met up with poh and evan with may at arnd 11 plus at bb mrt. :3 heh. then trained down straight to bugis. started shopping for wallets and then started with shirts and stuffs. heh bought 2 tops and a bag same with may and evan de. :) Poh was just window shopping all the way troll. then after that headed to koi. slacked there while waiting for the number, then headed back to bugis to slack. Ate our lunch there while waiting for VT to come. Then aft that trained down to somerset. Went to arcade, hahaha, had so much fun ddr-ing with may. sweat like a mad only! :) then after that at 5.55pm , only left with me , evan and may cos poh and vt went to their bc. ): hais. okayyy, then may went to buy gongcha, then we headed to cineleasure there to shop. walked into vans, fredperry and alot more shops LOL. Then ended up went into a assesories shop and only may bought lots of stuff. me and evan bought iphone covers. then yeah aft tt headed back home. reached home at 8. yeap. 
gahhhh today just rotted at home the whole wide day! then nothing much rlly happened. tmr mom's bday and something else. k so nothing much, shall end here rightynow ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11 11:11pm

11/11/11 11:11pm, i wanna be pretty. 

yosuppp. today just rotted at home all day huh. sho bored. then next monday bugis with 6eys.    yeah, everyone from 6eys except yani. ): haissssssssssssss. ok, then just had a good chat with bii aka poh (Y). talked to her about everything and yes, she understands how i feel, rlly great for someone to understands how i feel. really. :'). heh okay sooooooo was chatting w edwardng also, he told me he stead but dw tell me who. lamesai ! >: hehahaha. okay so yeah nothing much. i hope the 11/11/11 11:11pm wish will come true aites. heheh ciaos. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


osupphumans. tday woke at 8. sibei early yi xia. then prepared to go out. then at 9plus, may came mah house. was like slacking for 15 mins then headed to CSC. hmmm, then saw them playing bowling, was like errr lazy to play bowling so yeah dw play. sat there and spam jody's whatsppp. hahahahha. k then went to clementi seoul garden for lunch. the bill was like $180++ and the top 6 had to pay $20 and the rest $10. hehehhe. but still funn la. then outside seoulgarden got the lightings, i itchy hand go touch then kena electric shock for like 3 secs. like fuckkkking pain sia. lucky no die trolll. k then jer and jody went off for work and another for jacky. then aft tt mheena and rheena cant go , so yeah left tricia yvette vk vt me may and zy. headed to bugis. :3 hhehh. shopped for earrings and braclet then ya fuck things happen and was kping ____ all the way == hmmm sibei bueysong. want judge so much? go fuck urself. u so slim ? why stomach so big. hahah cbk. k then aft tt went sougurt. shared w tricia may and yvette. then slack till 630 headed to yt. was like slacking @ mac till 8plus then home. was like talking bout ehem ehem things all the time, hahaha it was fun. k so yeah thats all for tday and i've created a private acc - xSKYSCRAP3Rx . so yah ciaos =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

osupppp. had an outing today with 6EYs. :D uhm, to be exact shld be 4EYs. LOL. me, evan, poh and tan. :). heheheh. went to meet up w them @ clementi mall. then was like slacking all arnd, walking and walking. then met the blogspot person and bought my earrings, then aft that went to wm. :3 minhui went to buy standard ticket, but i tapped out for no reason. lul fuck. then aft that headed to lot. dinner at pastamania @ arnd 5 plus, then slacked all the way till 6.10 then gtg meet sis. went to tw salon to meet up w mom. then aft tt homed. hais. sibei tired ttm! :3. hhehh. and tmw gg bugis w awweessoommes? hehhe okay ciaos =.=

Friday, November 4, 2011

burn down in flames.

whassup. tday same, woke at 11, then bathed and prepared to wait for poh and vanessa and may to come mah hse. then aft tt we slacked, cooked lunch and yeah just slack slack and stalk ppl on fb. hahaha. then arnd 445 may accompany mh to wm to meet her mom and also may wanna buy gc. then awhile later at 530 she came back and we continue stalking and slacking. hehehe. then aft tt at 7, left and headed to lot with may while vanessa went home. k then we walked around and around and around and shopped for bags and shirts but ended up @ sasa, buying nailpolish. :3 hehehe. and yeaaa next tue when going bugis may's gona come mah hse earlier to put nailpolish & eyeliner. :3 k excited excited. hehehe ok so tday was pretty fun and yeap, we gossiped alotalotalot. HAHAH. ok so yeah tmr's sat alrd, yeah so ending this now. ciaos.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

lalalalalalalala elmos world.

ohais. tday woke at 10.30. then bathed and headed to wm to meet vanessa and evan. pei vanessa to lunch at pontian until 12. then headed to school for dental :3. brought forward my appointment as to pei evan and also the earlier the bettr. :)  heh okay so after dental headed to lot1 with may, evan and vt. went to returned the disk we borrowed and gotten back my $20. and also, then headed for lunch @ food junction. then aft tt went to buy gongcha and yeah then went to evan's house. actually wanted to watch paranormal activity 3 but then cos too blur so ended up watching the child's eye. k hahaha so scary. then aft that may homed then me and van left. so we called Koh to ask smth then we laughed like hell. hehehe. then homed with vanessa @ 725. reached home @ 8. then skyped with poh (Y) hehehehe. had fun :) later skyping again. hahaha k so thats all for tday, ciaos. =)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

helloooooo. k so basically woke @ 10 today :3 bathed and headed out to yewtee to meet vanessa and evan. then they bought lunch alrrrrrr. so yeah then went back home. heated up our lunch. then watched paranormal activity 1 while eating heh. then soon after awhile yani came. :D Yayyyyy. then continue our lunch then watch watch watch ~ then finished already, all of us are like superb scared. :3 hehhhh. k then we went in room, on the aircorn and surf the net, and then played hotel 626 while skyping with poh. Heh. then now in study room, all playing tap sonic while me blogging hoho. :p. heh okay so yeah dad is coming back to get whut student pass shit then so thus therefore hences in conclusion............ they all have to hide under table. LOL. aiya k so ciaos. love them all (Y) =)

Monday, October 31, 2011

311011 (Y)

okayyhi. so basically today was fun. heh. k so woke at 11. then bathed and lunched then headed to wm to slack with may. then also asked evangeline along. then we headed to lunch @ koufu. Then headed to cinema to see what movie can we watch. but then saw people we shouldnt see. then like yeah dw alr. then headed to dvd shops to see whut movie can we buy to watch tmr. but ended up neh buy. then yuzhen and minhui and vanessa came. then yeh, yuzhen and may wanna go yewtee. so yeah left me poh,tan and khoh. :B. heh then we head to soghurt. had our yoghurt then went to vanessa's house to do her phone cos her phone cnt on, but then fail. den headed back to wm, went to arcade. :3. fun time there. memories. heh. look on top the pic. we took neoprints. :). and we played ddr and more. hahaha, today was freaking fun i swear. best outing i've ever had. (Y). heh okay. so yeah. then headed to make keychain tgt aft that trained back yt to meet sis for dinner. and yeah aft dinner home. then now skyping with poh and whatsapping with poh, khoh and tan. hahha love them ttm. k so yeah ciaos. =)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

heyyyyyyy. look at the toppppp. real eyes. realize. real lies. hahaha true much. and the cookie monsterrrrs. fugging cute. :D. HEH. okay so yeah today went out to lot1 with sis? actually going town but yeah.......she was being lazy. kfuck. then bought gongcha, the person there gives a lj attitude. haish. this kind of attitude then dont fucking work lah, go home and sleep la hor. lameshit. :D. Heh so yeah remembered that tmr have no school. :D the best thing bout tday is tht tomorrow have no schl. woooootxzc. heh and alsoooo, tue, yani vanessa and evan will be coming mah hse for movie. ^-^ heh cant wait!! gona have fun yawwwwwwww. kciaos. :)

baby you light up my world like nobody else.

heywhaddup. now using my new laptop to update this. :3. hmm so basically, today was fucking awesome. woke at 1.11pm, hohoho. then lunched, aft that headed down to wm. watch 2359 with mom, it was kinda scary. then aft tt dad came. queue at M1 to get number. then walked arnd, slackslack, went to harvey norman. actually dad wanna buy me iPad, but then ended up bought this laptop. hahahaha. red eh awesome. k thanks dad. :D then arnd 8plus went back M1. k then slack outside for fucking long, then our turn le, bought iphone 4S, then went back yt for dinner @ arnd 11. :3 lateeee. heheh then k homed and now blogging, gona shutdown soon and charge my lappy, hehh k ciaos. :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

haiii. today out with may. actually wanted to go and work but yeah lazy and in additional, the fucking uncle is a pedophile LOL. k hmmmm so headed to lot 1. then walked around and slacked. Saw things we shouldnt see, yeah. And met alice, nicole and her friends @ rooftop. slacked awhile. then saw ehem ehem. k then walked arnd again, sibei sian one. aft tt headed to stagmont. Slacked there and prank call ppl hahahhaa. then called tricia and laughed our assout. LOL. hmmm then anson came. me went home. k and sis saw smth which she shouldnt see too. fuck. k nvm -.- ciaos? :)


ksuppp imma update this before i slp k hehe. so basically, 271011 (Y) today was awesome. as usual, went to schl with they all. then had maths lesson @ comp lab and followed by 'pe' lesson @ music room, watching the king and i. hahaha. had freaking much fun w huiting, raping each otherr. k sound superb wrong. :3 then aft recess had prize giving ceremony. yeapppp then 11.15 back to class. no teacher for a total 1h siol until 12.15 . awesome much. hahaha then was fooling all arnd the class and bullying ehem k dowan mention names k badbad. :B. hhahah then mrs pan gave results......... k wasnt really please w it but yeah promoted. 61st position among whole level? k th fuck it sucks. and at least i gotten mah 3As. WOOT. :D hahahaha k no wait to be precise, everyone was promoted -.- LOL. hmmmm then dismissed @ 1.15. lunched and headed down to acm. in th bus was like partying, having freaking lotta fun and kartriding w rachel theyall. hmm then reached acm. boring like helll. but managed to complete the freaking ws at arnd 3 plus then headed back school. onces agn, in th bus, freaking fun la can. was like singing paramore songs all th way and hardcore headbanging with yani, poh, vanessa and rachel. hahahaha funshits. :D love them looooads. (Y). then reached schl at 4.30? slacked at study corner w evan, vt, yani and rachel. talk all th way bout EHEM k. heheh then bused dwn to gombak @ 530 while evan took 176. :3 then yeah homed at arnd 6. bathed and dinner thn rotted all the way.  i swear today was frigging awesome ttm hehhe. k chaos. (:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

grab somebody sexy tell 'em hey.

whudduppppp guys. ystd went to schl, nothing rlly happened. then aft schl went to vk's house w may and jody. hmmm. then homed at arnd 6 plus. heh basically today was a holiday and yea so rotted at home th whole day until night, went to lot. dinner at pizzahuttttt. :D then bought a mickey cover fer mah phone. yeah then homed and now blogging. prepared for tmr's schl. and excited for acm. :D hahahahah thanks to poh they all. weeee. k so yeah ciaos. :D

Monday, October 24, 2011

it's been days.

heyyyyall. updating this before i slp so lets strt. umm basically today i pon w may,jody and zhen. and yeah then trained down to wm interchange to meet tricia at 1plus. k then waited for may, jody and zhen to come interchange from poly then headed to wm , was actually gona find chester w may d but sadly he's home. then nvm and we headed to library to slack for awhile and walked arnd wm. then jody went down to meet jacky and headed off. and yesh, unluckily, we saw them. yesh, humans. kthen as per normal nth much hpn. then th rest headed to mah hse. movied and ordered pizza. lunched and then they went off at arnd 6. then packed up mah house yes its in a mess hoho. then otp w may,tricia and vanessa seperatelyyy. then k done. so tmw gona go schl soooo ya. andand mrs pan called mah mom and asked why didnt i go to schl hohoho. :3 luckily mah mom's smart heh ;) okay so gdn9 yall. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

You're not a judge but if you're gona judge me, then sentence me to another life

hey suppppp. sunday alrd leh. k and its like gona 11pm alr? D: school's in a few hours time but yeah. okay sooo just now went to book tour with dad and mom. and then headed to plaza sing to get mah phone changed. hehhhh, its alrd changed. :3 hope this one wouldnt spoil ? teehee. so yeah then headed to yt for late dinner. and homed half an hour ago. anw, bought a portable iphone battery case. can change mah phone one. hehehe. andand tmw gona skip schl yayyyyy. :D. okay nothing maddup nawww. ciaos. :D

You said good morning when it's midnight.

supppp its 1.11am now while typing this hehhh. okay currently still at mom's office? ikr its late and imma not asleep and in addition imma out. :3 hehh okay so basically today was like a boring only. woke at 12? k haha late but awesome much huh. then yeah bathed and heading to yt w mom. lunched and yeah bought black cl then home. heh thanks mommy for the cl. :D. heckyeah so rotted at home till arnd 8 plus, then headed out to westmall. dinner at swensen while mom and dad went to buy i4 white. like a jealous only! white is totally aweeeesome. ): hehh but nvm. k then errrrr headed to mom's office. was slacking here sinces like 10 plus? :3 she's packing things as her office needa renovate then yeah. so havent done packing pfft. me wanna sleeeep leh. D: haish, k i guess she's gona be done sooooon? hmmmm tmw's sunday. like a fucking day. monday hab schl , hope tht mrs pan wouldnt confiscate mah phone k. praypraypray. :3 uhh so yeah ending here k ciaos. :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thats what makes you beautiful .

ohkhai. gona update bfore my lappy dies k. so today woke at 9 with a sorethroat. was late! so grabbed medicine, bathed, then rushed over to meet jody, may and chester @ yt mrt at 9.45. then trained down to bedok. reached at 11.11pm HAHA. then had our brunch at mac. it was raining freaking heavily and so we're unable to head down to ecp. so slacked arnd at bedok. then bus-ed to an unknown bus stop LOL. in th end cab down to ecp mac. met vanessa they all. gave us bueysong looks? kcan fine. then sua. may,jody,chester and me slacked at coffee bean awhile, getting ourselves dry as we walked in the rain. like srsly this fucking rain spoilt EVERYTHING. pfft. -.- thn dry alr, headed to taxi stand, k wet agn tsk. then cab back to bedok. precisely, we're wasting our fucking time going down to ecp just to see their faces? -.- k thn headed to cck, gongcha-ed, watched Johnny English Reborn, then headed home. uh, blocknose+sorethroat, thfuck. awesomelife huh. -.- . hmmm so whaddup now. imma bored and i guess tmw's gona be a stay-home-sat? ergh see how k anw, gona end here k.
Sayonara. (:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forcing laughters , faking smiles ?

ohai , pon tday again hehe. was too lazy to wake up for schl and to be precise, it was cos of my phone also , srsly dw my phone to b confiscated uh , like wtf i cant live without it ? Youtube, twitter, fb, its all inside , i mean like yknow ? k lol. hmmm thn tmw promotionday , hol . thn next wk depavali ? then nxt fri semo parents day ): confirm complain all sai to mom one zzzzz. firstly whut , nevr pay attention , then racist to sherin , then fold skirt, socks, then lie, then phone, vandalise table, haish , never ending complains ? LOL. k uh im so boreddd. tmw gg ecp w/ may, chester like duh, and jody. and also yea, most of the boys in class and also vanessa they all. hope that we're gona have fun or smth? banlee said whut if jody go, he would go home. like wtf, whats wrong w jody srsly. she's awesome ok. AWESOME. hahhaha k nothing much up so yeah gonna slp early gdnight. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

let the rain wash away, all the pain of ytd.

hoi whaddup. its been awhile sinces i changed mah blogsong & templates uhuh. gona do it soon k rlly soon. was freaking busy with eoy these days. D: hmmm, so yeah. gotten back mah results, was sucha disappointment uh. :( english got 30/60 first in class and i guess only wk and me pass? aiya nth to b proud of anw. then mt 52/70, improved, 2nd in class but wasnt rlly satisfied uh. anw, imma not planning to take hmt nxt yr. too stress. then geog 53/100...? ok it was freaking low and after the change of chers, mah interest in geog was like... yknow i even slept in class.. HAHA k badass. okay thn maths, 58, sci 56, lit failed by 1.5 marks and history 60. k all borderlines ikr. Bs and Cs in mah report bk? mati onleh. ): hmmmmm, anw, haven add up overall whut so no worries HAHAHA. self-cheering-up. heh. okay so ytd was like freaking unlucky? The fucking relief teacher took my phone away thn told me to collect it from mrs pan? So yea, she told me t go home and take out th sim card first. Then today give it to her , but yenno i pon schl huh HAHA. okay and mayb tmw gona pon too. k hahaha bad right. but go schl also nth to do so yeah.. okay so gona end this here, kbye . :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

moves like jaggger.

supppppppp. ok so ytd was my last paper art, didnt do rlly well i guess? Thn ms fun stand beside me and look see look see. not naise huh. Then had pizza in class spons by mrs pan aft paper. Woot. Took a piece then chionged down to meet clique and headed to lot1 except jer. Bought ticks for realsteel, then slacked and lunched w/ them @ foodcourt. Went in theatre at 1.50 and we started screaming and making lotta noise and our laughters filled the whole cinema lul. then everyone was like 'shhhhhh/shutup la'. LOL. Then movie started, we sat at the last row so yea we laughed and laughed and everyone was like turning back. like an awkward only ikr.  hahaha but its awesome. ok, basically reelsteel is frigging awesome and max aka dakota(?) is hot. Atom is like the coolest robot in the movie eh pleaseeee. Heh. k then slacked at smiggles w/ 3 sexys, van, may and jody while the rest homed alrd. Fast uhuh. Then aft tt homed too. So yeah, today pon schl as it was about err what flight and aviation whut shit. like please ms lim, my ambition is not to be a pilot dont frigging waste my friday going back school to see you and ur cca luh -.- . okay so literally the WHOLE clique pon except VT,ZY,Rheena,Mheena i guess. Even yvette also pon siol, amazing huh. Then was woke up by jody's text at 10 plus. :x. then tweet and youtube all the way till now and blogged. heheheh. k later gona meet up with rachel and may to slack yea. luckily it's not a stay-home-fri. hehehhe. okay so yeah gtg prepare chaos. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ignorance is your new bestfriend.

dupdup, its been like fives days since i didnt touch up mah blogger? heh sry peeps was kinda busy revising for eoys. :( anw tmrw would be the last paper, art so yeah i dont have to revise any shit or stuffs huh. k so yea, outta all the papers, i guess, only maths paper 2 & geog is screwed huh. =/ the rest was pretty good except probably mt or lit? hais. but maths paper 1 is fucking easy. i think at least can score 30-40+. hehahah. so many will hlp pull up overall or smth. So yeah, today went brunching w rach,may and jody @ koufu. then went jody's house with rabbit and duh jody for awhile. we'all quarrelled w may over small things at twitter. zzz if you know then gd, dono then dont ask k not rlly a pleasant thing to say. hmmm anw now we've settled alrd. Hmmm, so aft tt home to shower while rabbit is still @ jody's house. Ok then went to meet rach,jody, alice after that and rachel went off meet fayee and the rest headed to stadium. :b. ran for 2 rounds, then went gym. hmmm, aweshome workout hehe was like fun, then jody kept on tweeting and tweeting only. trololol. was tired too. :3  kcan, then homed. bathed. and yeah now blogging. tmw mayb going movie w cliques. but need stayback for whut pizza spon by mrs pan? wts. idw. but if i just walk out, like a awkward only. heh see the situation tmw bah k can nothing muchdup, okay so shall end here bai!

Friday, October 7, 2011


da jia hao.sry for the dead blog for five days? was supahultraduper busy revising for eoy, good girl right heh. okay so far eoy was pretty okay. so far so gd. 4 more papers to go but i felt like exam's over alrd. HEH shhhh. So decided to use comp :3. Hmmm. Geog paper was a total disaster for like lots of people? hmm, everything i revised didnt come out. shaglife. ):  then maths paper 2 too, it was frigging hard and i guess i'll fail it huh. then el , mt and history was fineee. pretty good huh. anw, flunked mah history saq, totally dk howta do i meant like only a few questions i know which is like 2 marks 3 marks? hahaha i think i gota score low marks for tt sect. wts. yeah so next wk will be sci, lit, maths ppr 1 and art. 14th oct, imma waitin. :3. Anw, ytd went jer's house for partyinggggg. Sort of partying luh. With jody, nessa and may, obviously jer is there. then went horny over the song im sexy and i knw it. uhuh hahaha. thn homed at arnd 6. was raining. shared umbrella with may so yeah.
Today went mac breakfast w jody, may they all uh. sadly, only jody they all get to have breakfast. we had lunch. soooooo yeah. then jacky went to jody's house u know. ehemehem. heh kidd. then jer home. me and may went home firsttttt to bath then headed to rachel's house @ 1 plus. slacked all th way then went yt for foooood. then back to rachel's house and slacked, was kartriding all th way heh. its too addictive uhuh. hmm then homed yeah and now blogging. heh. so gona end this up nw bye (:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Who do you think you are?

yooooooo. went lot 1 this afternoon for gongcha, yeap just for gongcha hahaha. :D then at night went westmall for Sogurt with mom and sis. it was a w e s o m e. (Y) Ahahahahah. k then something funny happened. I slide the stuffs I bought down the whole escalator @ MRT and the group of guy infront was like wtf. because it hit them. SO YEAH. instead of going to pick it up, me and sis was like laughing non-stop lol and the group of guy, k not guy, banglah huh. kinda black lah aiya, pointed fingers at us so yeah fuck their whole family uhuh -.- . k then homed and revised abit for geog. ummm precisely it took 1h for a few chapts. take note, a FEW. uhuhh slow progressing hais, gona fail for sure. ): okay so this post is short and idgaf. gona end here and gota sleep. its getting dark now k chaos people.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

left alone.

supppppppo. today was elearning. it shucks except the part where i dont have to wake at 5 and prepare for school heh and yeah its at home so freedom. so woke at 8, just on time for elearning, not too late neither early. so brushed up and yeap, on lappy and started work. chionged sci and maths. like obviously duh i anyhow do la HAHA and all scored v low. hohoho. then when break time, bathed and may came. rotted on fb and twitter while waiting for geog and mt assignment to come out at 12 plus huh. then zhen came over , laughed like crazeee then yeah left. and now yknw imma blogging. too bored. hmmmmm so gota go soon. meeting rachel, fayee, jody for lunch i guess. so yeah. andandand tmw gort schooool hais. D:  but yeah eoy coming, cannot pon uhuh. and yeah settling stuffs with gillian tmw hehhehehe, got show to watch alr LOL. ok so bad. :x and next tue is geog paper. k thfug imma not prepared at all. anw ending here bai.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

shawty with you under the mistletoe.

yippieyawwwwwww. yesterday as usual, morning routine. Survived through lessons and yeah i slept during geog and mr lee didnt realise a shit, like a cool only heh. andand, gotten back maths test, 22/40. yay i passed it? unbelievable or whut! HAHA. then geo test 10/20. just pass. lucky much hahahah. So yeah, settled that hh stuff during lunch. Then may pangseh me go detention and yesh guess whut, i had to go maths supp. hais. did dono whut test and gone through papers. like a boring only. eyes alrd half close while typing this heh. hmmm. then ended at almost 5 wtf ms toh ah ms toh, always love to keep us back -.-Then may pangseh me go with chester then yeah went frolic with gillian.... errr yeah no mistake, gillian. we talked alot, and she said she was naturally cuteee? then she asked me to go and like her photos and status, i meant like LOL? buey hiao bai uh. then she said whut she thinks that she's more famous then hh , i mean like wtf who cares? -.- then whut keep gossiping bout may, jody and vk like okay? she's purely dumb and she thought i would kept it as a secret within me and her. like please uh, they my clique members and in addition , im closer to them than you uh. then also say whut jer step one fierce? the fuck? Then kp about ashlyn, amanda? LOL? Aiya. You perfect la k. Wtf. Then homed at 7. Then today gave school a miss. Went doct at 11 plus. Then homed. Revised geog for the whole day. Yeah, productive day. :D hehehhee, nothing much now. Tmr elearning, it gotta be awesome as we all dont have to wake at 5 to prepare for schl hehhek gtg bye.

Monday, September 26, 2011

ohey y'all. so yeah. today as usual. went to school. it was like raining quite heavily at arnd 5plus. then 6 plus jiu drizzle then stop alr. sian can. -__-. hmmmm, so yeaah. went to schl with jer & rachel as usual. :). survived through DNT heckyeah. then had 1 period of freaking english. sitting with jon = suffer nia. keep kpkpkp. sian. hmm then recess, bl ask me to settle that thing with him. jer say best settle aft school. k can. told him aft schl, he kp, shout with javier they all. k fuck care. then settled stuffs with shirlin, boonyong and two of them. settle alr. want settle w hh. then haven strt settling, need assemble. didnt assemble. kena caught. aft schl, detention. knn. k then aft schl say hao want settle with bl, he fuckcare. say if hh talk to me then he would. k can. head for detention den went for gongcha with rabbit & jody. then went yt to slack. okay, slack le. bl call. kp say want me apologize. so its like unreasonable right, cos i neh say him dog. so yea, sort of stuffs. end up he say he duwan chup in this anymore, taiji sua. sua lor. this is freaking truth and yes, if you are reading this and youre freaking thinking that yeah, i posted this and u wanna tell bl, fine. but its freaking truth and I DIDNT SHOOT ANYTHING about him. so yeaa, no use telling him huh. k then went rabbit's house for like 30 mins. charged mah phone dere. hohoho. xD. Then listened to paramore song & headed home. had a short conference w vanessa, rabbit & jody just nowwwww. all of us is busy now, so yeah. 8pm, conference. :D. Hehehehe, k thats all for nowww. tmr gona settle with hh. please la, settle stuff settle properly. dont talk like wtf. make ppl dulan nia. so yeah, waiting for tmr. :) peace yaw people. anw. aft all these happen , i know who were my true friends & who were there for me alr. thanks peepol. :D chaos.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

oheyya peeps. hmmm. today is alr 25. 8 more freaking days to EOY? the fuck. haven't even revise. too slackyyyyyy. ._. hmm so yeah anw today's Vanessa bday. happybirthday baobei! (Y) haha. hmm then just now quarreled with bl, by & Tricia, anson, jer all siding me. roflmao. he say tmr talk. skali tmr anyhow punch. tsk. ungentlemen k. hmm. so yeah, later going for Johnny English ! (Y) gahahaha. hope tomorrow will be fine & I wanna concentrate on EOY. yeahh, gtg BAI. :D

Friday, September 23, 2011

ohai. tgif. yesh. today gt maths test. anyhow do. then history test postpon to next fri. k then aft school went cck w jody, may. slacked all arnd. then went library. kp ppl. now use status shoot me. lame. yeah so? i guaikia , you how? jealous sibo. u "ahlian" so what ? top 10 in class tell me in ahlian? ok lor. xD hahaha. k thn yesh, another case of this agn. knn. heckcare alr la hor -.- shoot thn shoot lo. talk like im th only 1 t kp u liddt. ==. alot ppl hate me ? like everyone likes u liddat? u go ask arnd la . hw many ppl like u? yea, all th bois u flirt w nia. -.-. tsk. k chaos ppl. lazy post bout these shit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Heyy'all. in just a blink of eye its alr like wed? wtf k. then yeah, 13 more days to eoy k. sian. stress max. no time to revise, got time to use comp. ahaha. k, then hmm, today schl ended at 2pm fuck that laoaunty kp so much wts about what elearning. -__-. ohyea, next thur e-learning stay @ home. need strt at 8.15 and ends at 230. naise right. cannot wake up late. sianmax. k then. hmm, today had lunch @ kfc with rabbit. then yeah, the fries is like longer than her middle finger k can lame lolol. hmm then homed at around 330. rotrotrot, then did homeworks. guai right? heh. anw, this morning darn fvck up. the whole bus horned + stopped cos i didnt see that the bus was coming & thus i just cross. ahaha. then the bus driver face damn epic. i bet those passengers in the bus cfm all fly high high then blame me one. heckcareyeah. \m/ gahahaha. k can then hope tmw rainrainrain k. sci supp tmr. maybe i'll be goingg. <: kchaos.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ohey. sunday alr holyfuck. i dont wanna go school. -.- its like fucking sian. zz. and test test tests. tue geo test, wed lit test, fri maths & history test. hais. so many test. dont even have time to revise for eoy eh. knn. zz. then yea, next week onwards cca stand down. woohoo. xD. hmmm, den nothing much uh. tonight gona go lot 1 again. watching smurf. yeah. xD. and he's at jb now probably, yea. okay can, gtg. chaos.

Friday, September 16, 2011

"I think im ugly, and nobody wants to love me, just like her i wanna be pretty, i wanna be pretty. Dont lie to my face, becaus i know im ugly." Ugly 2E1. (Y)

 harlo. TGIF. finally. a week has past like in just a blink of eyes andand EOY is just in 17 days @#$%^&. 2 weeks plus nia. shitasszxc. ): hmm. then yesterday nth much. stayed back in class wit bunny, junjie, tc, vanessa, mh, chongjun, iqbal, jon, fadz, iman. den arnd 3 plus a few left for home/cca den only left w me, vanessa, bun, jj & chongjun. did our homeworks den bunny go lock us in the class for quite sometime. -_-. k, then went hm w them arnd 5plus. then hmmm. today skipped cca again. then aft that went for meetings and stuff den straight home. guai hor. yea, then next week thur e-learning. no school aye. (Y). yeap. so nth much to talk about alr. goooooodbai.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ohey. Finally im free to update again. Hmm. School reopened. It was fine just that tons of homeworks are coming up and i'll have never ending homeworks like everyday. Especially maths. :/ umm. so yeah, yesterday aft school had lit supp den went slacking with Brenda and Tricia at mac. Was talking about academics till around 5plus then went home. yeah, then today aft school had fieldtrip. went to bukit timah nature reserve. was kinda fun luh. but it was quite tiring. umm. huiting was like friggin pissed off then cos the instructor, arun, called her 'teckleong gf'. lol seriously then called me banlee's gf. like fuck la. -.- hmmm, den alot of topless guy with shrink fats were like walking all around there. like wthhhhhhhh. -_- heh. so back to school arnd 5. then slack w tricia for like 20mins and went home. guaikia eh?! heh. ohyeah, today got back the result slip. was like quite satisfied with my results uh. 14th in class. 2 A1 and 1 A2. then failed maths. :/ uhm, gota work harderrr. but yeaaa, failed by 3 marks. still can pull up my socks. then el 1 more marks jiu A2 le. :( sure disappoint ms lee. hais. yea, so haven showed mom my result. hope she'll be satisfied and not scold me too. hais. at least i improved from 30th, become 19th and now 14th. aiming for 10th or below for eoy. jiayous eh shermaine. :) heh. so yea, gtg. tmrw band. gona pon agn. chaos.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

ohai humans. it's alrd fvcking Sunday and I have not finished my homework yaw. Hmm yeah,slacked the whole day again. Yesh, ytd finised reading sing to the dawn. like finally. And also I did the online homework. :P Hmm, schl's tmrw, that means Eoy coming. Gahh, I havent even started revising! >< Dont even have time for holiday homework yeah! D: Yeah, so just now went Cwp with sis. shopped around and had dinner at LJS. Then went home. Like fucked up seriously. Didn't pick up my parents call and kena kpkb. like diam la can ?! _|_ zzz. k nth much, gona end this & gtg. night!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heyaw peoples. As usual, went to schl for supp today. Had much fun during supp due to jokes from minhui and junhao. Hmm, then aft tt went mac with tricia, may and minhui. Had damn loads of fun. Brought fries and we poured together and had a pile of fries and nuggets. HAHAHA. Then we laughed at every single thing, action and it was like hilarious and the whole mac was looking at us, including nigel, taking us as insane humans. We laughed for a total of like 20 minutes without stopping. And yes, minhui made me laugh while drinking water and i choked, hellfvckingfunny. Hahahah, i dont blame her yaw. :). Den may choked onto her macwings if im not wrong, hahahaha, wokaywokay, den at arnd 2 we went home. Took mrt with tricia and yeah, still laughing. Hahaha. Hmmm. Tmr is last day of holiday. Homeworks all untouched. Fuck yea. Heck care lar. Anw, ytd night, was the best best night. (Y). Owned a frigging cute meimei y`know. Hahaha. She tell me what, bigger people bigger brain, small people smaller brain, so memory limited. LIKE FUCK YEAH. Her science got 10 marks still dare teach me science. Somemore failed science, hahahhah seriously retarded sia ! then then kena owned alr say byebye, best is that tricia owned her damn badly, called her SHORT. and she bwg. hahahahah fail. still dont dare come out talk somemore, fking keyboardwarrior. 146cm, kekekek , okayy. gtg bye. (Y).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Harlo peoples out there who is still breathing . :D Hmmmm, yeahhh whaddup. Nothing much today. Had maths supp. So went t school around 8.15 with May. Yeah, so slacked till 9am at th canteen with minhui and may, blasting songs and copying homework yeaaaah. Heh. So yeah, actually supp ends at 12. But cher need bring people go out schl or shit , so ended at 11pm. Then slacked at canteen until 12.30pm w my two babies, minhui and may and then may went off alr. :( . Me and minhui chionged homework until 1, then after that went to the study corner t kinda 'emo'. Talking bout past, yeah really sad. Yeap. So chatchat until 2 plus den went home. I so guai right hahah. Tmr going another day of maths supp then gona stayback agn , weee. wokkaaay. its already wed. shitasszxc. didnt even do my hmwrk and holiday's coming to an end? fvck kay. so yeaa, nothing much up. gtg ciao.

Monday, September 5, 2011

hohoho. effyeah.

Heck yeah peepol. Today didn't manage to follow and try achieving my goal, but yeah. tomorrow. I will. hmmm. today was kinda busy. actually planned to go out with friends or else is to complete my homework, but yeah. End up went out to Kbox with mum. Went to the woodlands one. Hmmm. then aft that, we went to Cwp and had dinner Ate at mahata fish market. Idk how spell. o-o. yeah, so aft that trained back to yt. bought my contact lens and went home. It's tue tmr alr. Have not even started on maths homework. Shit. Dead. Wed need hand in. Gosh. Gona chiong tmr. K, end this naw. bye. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Harlo people. Im bored so yeah, back here blogging. Hmmmm. I literally rotted at home today. Did nothing at all. Was twitting and facebooking the whole day. I know, its a waste of time, but im just too lazy and moodless to even start on my homework. But yeah, i started on abit. Too lazy to even do those open-ended, yeap. So its blank. :D hohoho. Tomorrow's monday already. Starting of the sept holiday. Im worried. Really worried. I dont want to holidays to end fast. Im tired of school. Seriously tired. Frigging stressed up, worried. I worried about firstly, band, secondly EOY and thirdly homework. Yeap, band doesnt allow me to quit and wants my parent to go and see the vp. Hmmm, i dont think mom would really go to school to see vp. And yes, i dont wish to go back band. Best is no cca luh. Hais. Secondly, eoy. Holiday end = Eoy soon. Tsk. I scared my grades will drop. I havent been studying well these days. Wasnt even paying attention in class at all. And i failed like all the lit and maths test. I hope i wouldnt fail them as on major exam. Yeap. Thirdly, homeworks. I havent been doing my homework well lately. I have been copying all around. This isnt good, shermaine. You aint gona learn anything. hoho. okay, so yeah. i dont plan to do homework yet. tsktsk. and wed & thur have to go back school. hais. life sucks. im worrying, worrying and still worrying. :(. wokkay. ive decided something. i will start achieving my goal from today onwards thank to pohminhui. She's always there to give me advice and stuffs, i really love her. She's a good friend y'know. She never fails to motivate me. Yes, although she is somehow sensitive and screwed and she'll be fucking here and there, but she never fails to cheer me up. She's the best of the best. I hope she'll be there for me forever. Yes, i duwan to lose her. (Y). Okay, gtg. byes.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Im a girl, i push doors that clearly say PULL. I laugh harder when i try to explain why im laughing. I walk into a room and forget why i was there. I count on my fingers in maths class. I try to accomplish things with time still on the microwave. I wish for Love every 11:11. I lie sometimes to hide the pain. I say its a long story when its really not. I fall in love too hard, too fast. All i want is to kiss you in the rain. Yes, im a girl."
Hai peoples. I've literally nothing to do, except homeworks which idgaf, so im here blogging, twitting and facebooking. "Jingle bells, Facebook smells, Tumblr go away. Myspace yucks, Bebo sucks.. Twitter all the way !!" found this on twitter hahahha, ok bo liao. -.- hmm parents didnt find out my piercing. Hope they wouldnt know forever. Hoho. And hmm , i dont think i'll even enjoy my holiday seriously. Have to go back school for two fucking days and tons of homework. Wts sia. Okay forget it. Watching #onthefringe now !! It is awesome (Y) hhahhaah. going out later. gtg , bye. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh hai peoples. Today was extremely fun. Went out with jody t cwp. Den went we reached cwp, jody was like 'Shermaine, wheres my phone..? Did u took it?' and i was like 'huh, chillchill. no?' lolol. and she was like damn worried and awkward , lool. den she said she left it in the toilet at ytp & she duwan go back take, lolol. den we done our second piercing. (Y). It looks awesome ttm and also pain ttm. LOL and jody was like grabbing my hand ? hahahaha. then we trained down to lot 1. went for neoprint. you look on top and you'll see k. and the second pic, the awcw. is obviously anson wong. lolol. jody ah jody.. tsk. okok change topic.
hmmmm. then we slacked awhile and we trained down to yewtee to have our dinner at mac. :) slacked until 7.20 plus when my phone went dead and we went home. hoho. had so much fun today. :P and ive started enjoying the holidays without even start on my homework. i know im awesome,  hahahaha. lets end this yo. :D bye.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

ohai. today had the aces day exercise which was like damn funny can. Ms toh and ms lee don't know how t dance.Den people shuffling, mdm chia at there marching. retarded. hahahahahha. and the funniest thing was that mr nuf was like acting like a 5 year old kid.Den he damn hyper hahahahha, Ji cute yi xia! Den had concert den went back class t 'party' o-o.Sian ttm.Ended at 11. Gave ms lee the card & she was like smiling so sweetly. After that walked t batok with vanessa and tricia den behind got a group of dogs barking. -.- then after that met may and yvette. went to jp with them t meet tabby, busyra, vanesse, alice & nicole. den we made a cake for teachers day aft that went back kps. Was like so the memorable cannnn! Step in the school and all those memories came running back; (Y) . Then saw like alotalotalot of awesome peepol & hugged every single one. hahahha. k then met ms go, mdm liaw and others. hoho. then went slack awhile w nicole they all den went home. anw, now's sept holiday. (Y)(Y)(Y) but 7 sept still have to go back. lameshit. and mountainous of homewrks t be done. -'- k, ending this. bai.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hellyeah , Cyndi wang is freaking hot, chio, awesome. (Y)(Y). Anw, someday imma make this blog private. hoho. i need privacy. anw, went kbox just now and also met jobina, jingyi, brenda and melinda at lot 1. was like wtf, thn jobina asked me for iphone charger ? like lol. k this blog is like somehow emoemo one. ummmm. seriously, no one is perfect, stop being so judgmental like youre any better k , bitches. AND stop being two sided, fuckers. school's strting in 1 day's time andandand i haven even touch on my mountains of homework. i know i damn guai k , dontneed praise me. :P hahaha. k somehow life's being a bitch and im falling apart. used to have a few close friend and now they all dispersed away. hais. rarely hang out with them anymore. sometimes we dont even talk. what's happening man. Okay , stop being emotional, hahaha . huhuhuhu , this week only schl on wed. thur is aces day + cher's day celeb. half day hell yeah ! \m/ . k , stop here. bai.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


What is happiness seriously ? I dont know. To some people, happiness may be just having tons of stuffs. Maybe happiness is just having money. Maybe happiness is being famous. But to me, i seriously dont know. I cant be happy when so many things are happening to me. Fvckmylife seriously. It sucks. Nothing's going right. Everything goes the way i didnt expect it to be. Okay, still having probs with two of them. Well, i dont really give a fcuk about it anymore. It doesnt matter what's the ending. How i wish i was living in those dramas, there'll always be happy endings, but why cant reality have ? We'll somehow have to suffer and die. Unfair or what. Okay well, probably no one likes me. Everyone thinks that im a nuisance. I dont even trust myself. Seriously depressed ttm. I can encourage people to stay strong, but why cant i. Behind those fake smiles are all those pains and tears i've hid to myself for long. I dont want to express it out, i dont want people to know. Nobody cares. Probably, life's cruel. Im literally dying, its like i wanna die, but i cant. -__-. Ok, wtshit. Today went lot 1. Den tmw and tue holiday. Fri oso. Anw, tony tan is the president, and people are saying that he is sending girls for NS. Hey, i duwan be bald k. lol. Longpost here. Anw, ive changed my blogskin & music. <:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ohaiii. Tues liao worh, hoho. 2 more days. Then friday holiday. Next mon,tue also holiday. \m/ yeahman. hahahaha. k, then tday went changi airpork. was quite fun uhuh. walked around, used ipad and explore the airpork. hehehe. then had mac for lunch at arnd 11 plus. aft that bused back schl. had maths supp at 230. was like fun ttm. only 15 mins lesson nia. the rest all had fun. hahaha. then got 1 monkey outside class, the whole class run go out & see. lololol. hahaha. den supp end at 3.40 liddat, went canteen to slack w minhui , may , rachel and a grp of people. thn went home w may & rach at 430. :> k, tmw got band. wtshit. -____- idw laaaaaaaaaa. omfg. k gtg.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Harlowwwwww. Soon i'll be damn free to update everyday liao kayyys. Today morning sucks. Kena called out by kingkong with those who pon band, and then she call leny chua to saysaysay about why we shouldnt quit band and shits. And ask parents go down meet that botak black vp. Then ask why, i anyhow say affect studies, he shoot tio i bwg. -___- wtf seriously, its just a CCA, need see vp. Den transfer of schl how siol ? See president isit , fuck . Haiz , den after that had DNT. As usual , lessons all th way. Den i think wed i going back band uh , sinces they all oso gg . Uh , then aft schl laksa say stayback for survey @ 230 , end up she come down comp lab 4 @ 240 & tell us do it on wed. Fuck sia srsly , waste our time. Lol. K, then aft tt went clementi mall wit tricia. Koi-ed there and then chatchatchat , then after that around 4 plus den trained home. Tmw gg changi airport for th maths thingy , haiz . Cfm sian daooo . Aft tt still got 1h supp -_- nabei .
well , i got smth to say to this fucking bitch. come`on , leave thm alone lah , fuck u sia . you duwan talk/friend me is yr fucking prob , donid go tell ppl nt to talk to me right, childish sia you. Den go por people aft that brainwash them ? pui la you . Por those people where u said they're jiaobin at th strt ? lame much , <: anw , idgafd . you want ask ht go w u jiu go lah , lose 1 friend wont die , u think ht will listen to u then go lo , suit u ah . i ask 4 people , all tell me u both dont worth to be my friend uhuh. treat me like a mother fucking toy , bored then play w me, dirty then throw me away, i make sure u regret. i make sure. -.- now even if u want make fren w me , i also duwan lah. what for having sucha friend that dont even treasure me ? took me for granted ? hahahaha , then dont regret. kekekek , go on, be happy with ur life, having only 2 friends. :P at least people are there for me whn i need them , i know who are my true friends. not like you biatch , when i need u , you're fuckin missing, hais, go on gossiping, backstabbing, lying. idgaf. i've learn to drift away from people, because they'll aways end up leaving, so what for being so close w them and theyll somehow leave u? and girl, no one is perfect. fyi. -.-

Saturday, August 20, 2011

it'll never be the same. -.-

ohai. nowadays schl seriously sucks. that day tue kena caught by that lim bitch den call parents + had to go for detention on wed, just for my fucking fringe k. still dare tell my mom say if i clip up my fringe, i'll study better. comeon, den i cut botak, i top in schl isit? -.- den now 1e2 trend is throwing erasers, hahaha. hadfun with amos they all nia. den aft schl sianzxc -.- thn last fri kena kp by that kingkong. ask me go see vp if wn quit band. kp sia seriously. zzzz. den nothin much really happened. every morning have to call ht cos ms tan asked me to do sho cos ht kena suspend cz she was late nia. k wtf. got this fuckin friendship problem with 2 bitch out there. -.- seriously la, what is this ? tt day say what you scared lynn will ignore you and not talk to you, den ask me what to do , like i know liddat. -.- now leh? gimme attitude, taking me as ur toy. fuck you seriously. when you and lynn quarrel, i was the one helping u both to patch up , thn when you both fool me, asking me go bugis den zao all th way frm mrt station, making me like a fool, den that lynn keep diao me, without finding out the truth always say is my fault, ive never even get angry ove these shits before. now what? i did nothing to u all and u ignore ignore? wtf man. happy happy den talk to me, not happy dump me aside, you want perefect friends go find barbie doll la. i did nothing jiu ignore, cb la -.- fine eh, i also dont give a damn, next time got anything dont come find me la hor. -'-

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hellohellohello. Today actually duwan go schl de, but got cmp test den bo bian. Okay, den started the day with my heart pumping rapidly. Firstly is cos that ms siti keep checking evan's skirt den skali check mine den confiscate it. -.- Secondly is t stupiak d&t cher keep ask me clip up fringe den say whut if i bo clip up ask me go detention, srsly wtf sia. Will our attitude affect our studies anw ? Hell no, bitch. -.- zzzzz. What schl rules, rule rule. lame sia. Anw, tday during maths class suddenly 1A1 people shout ccb, mother asshole & fk here and there den ms toh at there like ps liddat dn walk out class scold thm. LOL. thn aft schl slacked awhile at canteen w evan, lynn, hh, shirlin, ht, hafiqah(?) Idk her name lol. k thn until 230 they all go detention, evan, me and ht bused down to lot 1. Laughed like crazeee thr & bought a piggy for lynn's bday. =P k thn aft tt headed back schl while ht go back home. Ummm, den aft that slacked till 5 until hh they all released le thn we headed to wm , slacked till 6 plus den home w evan. k thats all fer tday. tmw getting back maths test. :O ms toh say th class did badly , wtf. -_-

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hai. Another boring day. Today going jb with mom,sis and aunt. Den yesterday nothing happen luh, slacked with evan, lynn and tricia until 7 den went home. Hmmm, quarrelled with hh a few days ago on fb. As in not quarrel la. But me and rachel started talking bout her cliques then become like this lor. Cold war or smth. zzzz. hmmm. ive got nothing to say. i wanna scold this bitch here.
eh bitch get a life la break people's phone screen den bo say sry still at there say what 'so sad la' wtf is this man. Then act bossy, lie, por people, act cute, step big, twisting stories and putting words in my mouth. what is this? who do u think youre man. u're just a xiao meimei. dont go around accuse people aft that say what? sorry. sorry for what? sorry for empty promises? sorry for fucking us up and down? sorry for giving us attitude? sorry for accusing us? sorry for lieing? sorry for everything? well, sorry cant cure everything now. i'll shove this sorry up ur asshole now bitch. u think its very fun accusing people, putting words into people's mouth and acting innocent? pui. then kena kick out of the clique still at there ask people wan side who. srsly. its just that huihong dono ur true clr only, or else i dont even think u'll be able to join their clique man. -.- ive ever put myself in ur shoes and think before, but you're seriously too overboard. accuse kelly for nt attending trg without knowing her reasons den break her phone aft tt still duwan apologize? then no friend go por people? hahhahaha. joke of my life man. go to hell i tell you. karma will sure slap u.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Haihaihai , yesterday had national day celebration at schl . Hmmm , thn today nothing gona happen. Going go out. Anw, u know got this mother fucking bitch that go por people one hor , joined the chiobu clique siol , den got 1 xmm also worh. Pui la srsly, xmm now at fb act innocent sia, wtflol. Both of them go join wrong clique alr. Should join the bitch society or smth . -_- Zzzz , den the clique got 1 red de oso change attitude cos of the bitches. Yuck. I then duwan hang out w them anymore. No more. Ok can. Then tmw another day of holiday andd thur schl reopen. Fml. K gtg bai.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Oppps. How long neh update le ? Ps , was damn busy lately. :P Last Saturday went JB with mom, aunts and sis. Bought stuffs there. Den school was like fun ttm nowadays , especially after schl. Hahaha. I dono pon band how many weeks le siol , like 5-6 times liao , gosh. Then today had powerball interclass competition. Was like trashed by 2A2 seriously. -.-' Zzzzz. Then got some bitch from 2E2 tsk , buey song at there bark worh , pui la . Wn bark, bark louder , don at back bark. Scared nia worh -'- Dog. K dont talk bout bitches liao . Thn at first we trashed 1A1 de , but 2nd rnd we lose. Like wtfuck srsly , Sec1 vs Sec2 -_- Smlj sial , not fair k ? Evan & lynn sho small nia, 1 push cfm fall liao , still wn vs sec2 , somemore gt ah lian , wtf -.- . Den lose lo.. Boys also kena trashed by 2e2.. Sec 2 seriously jia lat la . Den 1e3 gt in semifinal coz 2E4 disqualified cz they all bo go ? Ccb -.- But they ended up losing , ahahahah . k , then aft tt slacked at canteen finished our lit proj , and was like crazeeee outside schl , was like observing th red ants on the gate ? I know we too bo liao. XD . Lynn and evan was like scratching my hand and i tot it was ants , wtf la . Den shout & ran all th way to gombak ? ahaha , thn aft tt went home & nw here blogging. :P gtg , buhbai .

Friday, July 29, 2011

Helloooo. Today sho fun sia. Had lessons , then aft schl had meeting @ MRL with esther and those radiodeejayyys. Den aft tt slacked in canteen with Evan, Lynn, Hh, Ht and wait for Shirlin to release frm CCA. Went out minimart to buy eat. Aft that we wnt back schl & started on our lit project. Dn hh go take spagehtti go put in my hair until like joss stick liddat, lol.Den band membrs came down , like wtf -.- That jy come ask me why i bo go band then i say i wn see mdm khong nxt wk , she come say what , ' i bettr see u nxt wk ' . See mah lanjiao sibo. Rofl. If i appear, i make sure i chop off mah head okay -.-. Dn met up w Shirlin & went out bball court slack. At first sho damn peaceful , was like chatting w hh they all. Den aft tt chaos. We ran all around to chase tl and we sprayed perfume and water on his bag. LOL. Den i go squeeze paint on his pencil case whn he not arnd. Den aft tt , he came back , we all pack up and zao. LOL. He ws like freakingfreaking angry. He clenched his fist & whole face red sia. Den we chiong across traffic light right , he see red light , and alot car , he also chiong sia , omgzxc, den we ran all th way like speed liddat to a block and wnt up 13th floor. Den aft tt we called him and said sorry , he like okok liao , but fb he say watch out on monday, LOLLA. He come find us is no problem , th problem is tt he ltr complain to ms tan or schl we cfm gg,.com.sg -_-. Zzzz, cfm call parents , if nt detention or else suspension. Cos this is bullying sia , omg lol. But nvm , if die , only me , evan and lynn die. Duwan drag others down . They bo do anything uh. expt hh spray wtr & perfume. But nvm , she diff class we dw she kena drag dwn. Den aft tt went wm slacked awhile , meet up w ht/hh's church fren ? k , then me,lynn and evan went home while they all slackslack. #praythatTLwontcomplain. k , heheheh gtg bai.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back here blogging again. Nowadays seriously damn bored one lor. Ytd went lot 1 w sis & mum, slacked there for awhile , then bought a clutch . Ummmm, dn aft tt went back yt to have dinner, and went clementi mall. Bought stickys. Den met a biatch there -_- Sian sia, her brother so stupid one okay , go knock onto the glass door , hahahah wtf . Den aft tt went to bought koi and slacked awhile before gg home . Umm , ltr gg altr my fucking schl skirt den going jp , k , done posting bai. :D

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heyhai, i seriously have to post this, cos today was freaking awesome you knw. :D Morning routine as usual , den reached schl 7, survived thru lessons until MT, totally went crazy . Lynn, vanessa and tengchao needa get outta of th class cos yan li told them. Den lynn ask me and evan go pei them, so was fooling arnd, throwing stuffs & shouting until yan li ask us to get out. :D Heheheheh, den so th fun okay , yan li ask me and evan go the lift there but lynn , van and tc outside class. Den evan and me was pointing middle finger across the class & evan, lynn and van was dancing indian dance, like LOL SERIOUSLY. HAHAHA. Den aft class, yan li ask us to write our parents no down cos she want call , all of us wrote our OWN number. Ahahahah, awesome siol , LOL. Den aft schl went meet esther for the deejay thingy , den slacked at canteen with Shirlin, Evan, Lynn, Huiting, Huihong & Teckteck. At first was like tryna do lit proj de , but ended up me and hh was like splashing water at each other, LOL. And we both "BATHED" lololol! okayyyy , den aft tt me and hh was like gossiping about ****** all the way from 3 plus till 5 while th rest doing lit proj , Haahahah, awesome ikr. Geez , den aft that 5 plus mr yeo ask us go hm , went outside th basketball court there to play truth or dare while eating. Was like a fun okay , den ran arnd , having funnnn, hahahha, (Y) awesomest day okaaaaay. Den next mon have floorball interclass competition , jiayous yo 1E2. ;). Okaaay , gtg bye. :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hai. Today? School? Okay, fine la. Usual rotine in th morning and reached schl at 7.10 plus, assemble there, den they talktalktalk what racial harmony thingy. Im freaking racist okay, lol keeding. :D. k , then lesson as usual , siandaozxc -_- . During sci that ms fun keep starestare. Wtf seriously, i so the bad meh , lol. Den aft schl went slacking. Tmr gt history test and idgaf at all , k , prepared to phaaail. :) Gaaaah , did do history hmw also , the SBQ. NO CCA TMR. (Y). Okay , LOL. Gtg , bai.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hai. Yesterday school was awesome. Started at 8.15 and ended at 12.45. Heheheh. Then today had lit test, damn uh , that stupid ms grace . -_- Give 30 mins do nia, 1 min also duwan spare, then i bo finish up , lol seriously gt fail. Then today pon band agn , tsktsk , ikr i paikia, teehee, but idgaf. ;D. Okayyy , den ms lee finding people to join th media club be what radio idk thingy , den mh ask me go join , i see funfun den put as 2nd cca uh. :DD Hehehehe , okaeee , just did my lexile test thingy like finally. k , gtg, bye. :D

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hellos, today was like aweshome ttm. 17/7/11 (Y) Woke up at 9 plus thanks to Evan's text. Den decided to go lot 1 with her to finish up the homeworks. Was tryna jio peopleee , then spamspamspam people , end up is either bo reply or else is sleeping , seriously pigs man. -_- Zzz. Den had lunch at 11plus and meet up with Evan at 12. Went rooftop to do hw , den try jio people agn , end up decided go Westmall find hh , ht & xiaochen and his frens . Den had so much fun today , geez , lazy type out here (: Den went frolick with Evan , and went back home at 4 cos sis jio me go railway tracks take pic, hehehe, had fun taking pics and went hm at 7 , now here blogging and ltr gg clementi mall . Haven even fvcking touched my hw , ohmahgod. K, gtg, bye.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heyhai. Yesterday school was fine, early morning lisa go check socks alr. Luckily i pull up high high like soccersocks , ahahah . Den yani , evan & ht kena caught , need call parents + write 100 word essay , wtfh seriously . Lisa is so free isit ? -.- Zzzz. Den had lessons, failed my maths test by 1 mark , pcb . Zzzz , den lynn and evan still fighting den all come find me , seriously so fucking depress man. -.- . Den aft schl pon band and went slacking with Tricia and Evan. Went frolick. Den saw Yi min & kimberly. Hmmmm , den slacked till 2 plus then Evan go le. Heart to heart talk with tricia till 4plus den went hm. Then today woke at 10 plus. Prepared to go out with sis to Bugis. Den at cck interchange meet up with mummy and went. Shopping spree man. Bought some tops den iphone assesories and stuffs. Ahahaha. Broke alr. :D . Den aft tt trained down to Somerset for lunch. Den went home. k then now chionging my cmp, gtg bye,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Heyhai. Im here to update about ytd and today. Ytd was like a awesome k , had lessons then aft schl pon band and went to Evan's cca. Lalalala, im sucha betrayer to band , ahahah , lah, den i was like planning to join Infocomm and quitting band, but cfm plus chop khong wont allow lah zz. Then infocomm was like a fun can , we learned to edit pics den we went to the Guilin park there to take pic and stuffs , imma like a extra but i made new friends , ahahha , awesome max. Den cca dismissed at 5.15 ! LOL . Band is always 6.30 -.- Fml . I shouldnt even chose band in the fucking first place maaaan . -'- . Den pon band right , yongxin go tell mr ong say is I OWNSELF TELL HER THAT I DOWAN GO DE. SERIOUSLY FK YOU BITCH , I DIDNT TELL U ASSHOLE , SHORTIE _l_. Fml , den mr ong mayb go tell mdm khong. Pcb la cb shortie. Zzzz, den today also another awesome day . Had school. Lesson was like a fun k , had PE, Lynn was like shouting like a mad, lol. Den had 2.4, passed. And lesson goes on, especially during el lesson , went to comp lab to do the lexile test thingy , end up my printer spoil then need use lynn's comp to print mah , den i save wrong file go save the licsence thingyyy , lolorofl. Seriously, we're maddies just now. Ahahaha , dn after schl went to Westmall with evan & lynn . Bought materials for the lit project , the what Noi and Ghan's house. Den when we were queueing up to pay for those things @ shop&save , suddenly a nerd aunty that wear the pants till so th damn high , told lynn to go sew her bag , roflmao . HAHAHHA seriously. Den aft tt we went back schl at arnd 4 plus , slacked at canteen for awhile to do the lit with teckleong also , zz. Nvm, at least he helped. :D hehehe , then huiting & hh finished detention den ht come help also , same grp mahs. Den aft tt we ended up having fun , playing, screaming, catching and stuffs hahahah, den when arnd 6 plus , we played truth or dare for awhile dn the security guard come ask us get lost , trolol , den went bball court to slack for awhile dn suddenly a uncle come and ask 'Can gimme $1 drink coffee?' We all knew he was a cheater den we keep di siao him , ahahah . Lmz also & the floorball guys also , rofl . Den went lot 1 @ arnd 7 , took taxi okay , im broke alr -.- LOOOL . Then slacked awhile at roofgarden , talking about horny stuffs and went hm . Completed mah hw & nw blogging. Tmw got band , shuckmuch , haish . I wanna quit zomg, :@ k gtg . bye .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hellos peep. Ytd was awesome. Schl was dismissed at 1.45pm , last period was PE. Then went canteen to finish up my sci worksheet cos need hand in. Den after finishing le , slacked awhile with ht , jody etc at canteeen . Planned to go movie with hh , tricia and ht . But cos E3 have supp. So supp end 330. Tricia buey sai , so went ht house with jody till 4 , den bused down to lot 1 to meet hh for movie. Geez. Met bernard and zavier there. Lol. K , then watched transformer3. I almost slept inside k ? Boring ttm , like seriously. Den i was playing tap tap and listening to songs while hh , ht and jody was enjoying the movie ? Roflmao . Den ended up jody also bored :P. HAHAH. K , then movie ended at 7. Went arcade for neoprint , den went roofgarden slack awhile and reached home at 8 , awesome day. k , then today more boring cn . Maths supp cancelled cos ms toh absent, awww. (Y) . HAHAH . Actually planned to go buy sticky at clementi d , but everyone nt free, jiu sua lo. Survived thru lessons , last 2 periods , geo , almost fell asleep k , fvcking boring somemore th cher is lao kok kok . -.- K, then slacked awhile and went home with yating , now blogging and just uploaded my cmp project , like finally . zomg, k , anw, today gt mt test on that freaking bk and i bo bring, so just copied for ht , ahahaha , tyvm xht (Y) hehe , k , gtg , :D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hellos. Yesterday was awesome. Went with sis to Jurong to meet mom at arnd 5 plus. Den trained to Jp. Went for late lunch at Jp. Den shopped around. Shopping spree sia. Yesterday bought alot a stuffs. Bought belts, necklace, shoes, shirts. LOL. Okayy , den aft shopping, trained back to lot 1 . Went to cotton on and bought shirts. Well , my wallet now got hole alr , lmao. k , then after that trained back to yewtee , went pasar malam , den went home. :D hahaha, okay , thn tmrw gt schl agn , fvck -.- . Didnt upload CMP sia, wtf . I dont even know need to upload lor . Prepare to fail nia, haish . Tmr aft schl gg watch Transformer w friends. Hopefully donid stayback lor , k done posting, bye. ;D

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hellos. Sorry lack of updates nowadays. Was busy with school. Uhm, school was fine, Nothing really happen nowadays. Seriously band is getting on my nerves. I suddenly thinks that fall in is awesome. But learning how to play and read scores was like pure hard and like wan giv up leh. I rather join infocomn or smth else. 1 week 1 time only sia. :/ Haish. Den today woke up late. Woke at 6am. LOL. K , den prepared and went to school with Jody, Rachel, May and Jer. Den same thing happened. Had PE. Today play what power ball. Then i go touch tio that sherin thomas's hand, eww sia seriously. It smells okay. -.- Zzzzz. Then lesson ended. Had sci practical at 2.15 , awesome, was like joking and fooling around with Lynn and Evan. HAHAHA. Seriously, its fun, wasting all the acid and stuffs, hoho. :P Then stayed back at canteen waiting for tricia. Den walkwalkwalk, went home with rachel and boon, tricia go to hh. Fine ah. -.- Den was like gossiping about ____ all the way till westmall. Ahahah. Seriously. I fucking hate liars. Then just now was like talking bout _____ to boon. Den like boon ask me to ask this ask that. -.- End up accuse me stuffs that i bo say one. Den push blames to me, ownself at there act innocent. Puabye ah. -.- Sua. Now fightfightfight lo. Ccb. No mood ah, kthxbai. -.-

Monday, July 4, 2011

Horrible life. _l_

Ohai. Yesterday was fucking horrible k. -.- Want go yewtee den kena accuse say i go meet someone. Cb sia. I just want go buy my phone cable nia sia. Fkyoulah. I dont have dad k. I took him a dead. I bet, without him, i'll be HAPPIER. I swear. I dont mind being poor or whatever, as long as i dont have sucha fucking dad who accuse his own daughter. Zzzzz. Den end up he say what, give u 15minutes go buy. Fk u, no mood alr eh. Den sua. Bo go. Went at night with mom. Fk sia. I no freedom or what. 13 years old cannot even go yewtee. Im not 3. Asshole. Den nothing much happened. Today bo go USS cos mum gt meetin at 6pm. Zzzzzz. FUCK SIA! Den postpon to next sat. Zzzzz seriously. Fml. It sucks k. -.- So many unwanted things happening. How i wish i wasnt even borned. I bet i dont need to suffer. -.- Kthxbai.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hai there. Today's a saturdaaay , no schl . (Y) . Hahah , okay , woke at 10am , den had breakfast den slackedslacked awhile , den bathed and practised on mah frenchorn for awhile while waiting for mummy to get ready to go lot 1. :D. Heheheh , den first thing , reach there saw Clara. The band one, dk how spell her name uh. And her bf , den saw her like damn violent to her bf , lol wtfag k . Den bought a short & angrybird shirt. :D. Heheheh , den arnd 5 plus went for lunch and den went home. While walking to bus interchange saw Yaaaaani. (Y) . Hahaha, she didnt see me. :P . Heheheh, okay . Den mah irritating sis was like wtfg -.- Curse her ah. Always attract attention. Ah pui. -.- . K, gtg. bye.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hellos, today as usual went schl with rachel and jody. Had art on the 2nd period of lesson. Didnt hand in work & kena scolded, wtf LOL. Den i at there laugh when she scolding, ahahah . k , then survived through lesson thanks to huiting. Was like laughing with her for every single lesson. Awesome life , (Y) . Hahahah , okay , den had band aft schl. Fall-ed in and had sectionals. Was with YongXin they all. Heheheh , fun sia . I can read abit of scores, but then cannot play like the whole song uh . Cannot high pitch one , sianzxc. T.T . Haish , only can play first 3 colum of the score for Monster rock & I want to hold your hand. Tsk , and i cannot tap, seriously, si liao lor. I want go performance in 2 wks time de leh , haish . ): . Den aft band , slacked at study corner with Dryan, bernard, jamie, vanessa, jody, siti, fateha, dewi & idk , forget le. Den slacked till 630 , went home . Brought instrument home, (: . hheheh , gona practice tmrw , yay . Monday no schl , woohoo. But tons of hw, kwtfhzxc . Gtg , chaos. (:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hellllloos . Its like 11pm now and i finally on my comp to updaaate blog. :D. Half of my hw not done. Tmr got art, idgaf. Aiya, maths also not done, tskk , idgaf liao. Idk & lazy do . K, then as usual went schl with jody,rachel&eunice todaaay. Whole morning was like '***hao' to rachel. LOL ttm. Den reached schl le strted pouring. Den donid assemble, str8 go class. :D. Den lisa was like talking alotalot , and i listening but suddenly someone shouted my name out of th class den i look at window is boon and someone. At first i tot is 1E1 malay girl , but actually was tricia. Den i diao wrong person, trololol. k , then had PE today. Played floorball. Lynn,minhui,evan&ht was like anyhow hit th ball and i was running like a szb arnd th hall , but nehmind. Train 2.4 mah , LOL. k then, today gt sci practical , siandaozxc -.- . Aft tt got 1&half hr el , sian . But when coming up th stairs , we all camped at th stair for like 5 mins, awesome not 1E2. But that sherin thomas go rush up & tell esther. Tmdccb , si black dog. -.- Zzzzz. Den survived thru lessons, last 2 period is music, went macworld. (Y) hahhaha , was like laughing till my stomach pain with ht at thr , playing all sorts of indian song & accidently took an unglam picture of ht , hahaha wtfh trololol . Den we all dk how to delete it, den was like laughing like szbs. Den aft tt 1.50 went for maths makeup lesson till 2.50 , aft tt went slack awhile at class den went home with May. Otw home was like 'Chester-ing' to him. lol siaozxc right. k , done posting, kthxbai. :]