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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Harlowwwwww. Soon i'll be damn free to update everyday liao kayyys. Today morning sucks. Kena called out by kingkong with those who pon band, and then she call leny chua to saysaysay about why we shouldnt quit band and shits. And ask parents go down meet that botak black vp. Then ask why, i anyhow say affect studies, he shoot tio i bwg. -___- wtf seriously, its just a CCA, need see vp. Den transfer of schl how siol ? See president isit , fuck . Haiz , den after that had DNT. As usual , lessons all th way. Den i think wed i going back band uh , sinces they all oso gg . Uh , then aft schl laksa say stayback for survey @ 230 , end up she come down comp lab 4 @ 240 & tell us do it on wed. Fuck sia srsly , waste our time. Lol. K, then aft tt went clementi mall wit tricia. Koi-ed there and then chatchatchat , then after that around 4 plus den trained home. Tmw gg changi airport for th maths thingy , haiz . Cfm sian daooo . Aft tt still got 1h supp -_- nabei .
well , i got smth to say to this fucking bitch. come`on , leave thm alone lah , fuck u sia . you duwan talk/friend me is yr fucking prob , donid go tell ppl nt to talk to me right, childish sia you. Den go por people aft that brainwash them ? pui la you . Por those people where u said they're jiaobin at th strt ? lame much , <: anw , idgafd . you want ask ht go w u jiu go lah , lose 1 friend wont die , u think ht will listen to u then go lo , suit u ah . i ask 4 people , all tell me u both dont worth to be my friend uhuh. treat me like a mother fucking toy , bored then play w me, dirty then throw me away, i make sure u regret. i make sure. -.- now even if u want make fren w me , i also duwan lah. what for having sucha friend that dont even treasure me ? took me for granted ? hahahaha , then dont regret. kekekek , go on, be happy with ur life, having only 2 friends. :P at least people are there for me whn i need them , i know who are my true friends. not like you biatch , when i need u , you're fuckin missing, hais, go on gossiping, backstabbing, lying. idgaf. i've learn to drift away from people, because they'll aways end up leaving, so what for being so close w them and theyll somehow leave u? and girl, no one is perfect. fyi. -.-

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