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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hellyeah , Cyndi wang is freaking hot, chio, awesome. (Y)(Y). Anw, someday imma make this blog private. hoho. i need privacy. anw, went kbox just now and also met jobina, jingyi, brenda and melinda at lot 1. was like wtf, thn jobina asked me for iphone charger ? like lol. k this blog is like somehow emoemo one. ummmm. seriously, no one is perfect, stop being so judgmental like youre any better k , bitches. AND stop being two sided, fuckers. school's strting in 1 day's time andandand i haven even touch on my mountains of homework. i know i damn guai k , dontneed praise me. :P hahaha. k somehow life's being a bitch and im falling apart. used to have a few close friend and now they all dispersed away. hais. rarely hang out with them anymore. sometimes we dont even talk. what's happening man. Okay , stop being emotional, hahaha . huhuhuhu , this week only schl on wed. thur is aces day + cher's day celeb. half day hell yeah ! \m/ . k , stop here. bai.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


What is happiness seriously ? I dont know. To some people, happiness may be just having tons of stuffs. Maybe happiness is just having money. Maybe happiness is being famous. But to me, i seriously dont know. I cant be happy when so many things are happening to me. Fvckmylife seriously. It sucks. Nothing's going right. Everything goes the way i didnt expect it to be. Okay, still having probs with two of them. Well, i dont really give a fcuk about it anymore. It doesnt matter what's the ending. How i wish i was living in those dramas, there'll always be happy endings, but why cant reality have ? We'll somehow have to suffer and die. Unfair or what. Okay well, probably no one likes me. Everyone thinks that im a nuisance. I dont even trust myself. Seriously depressed ttm. I can encourage people to stay strong, but why cant i. Behind those fake smiles are all those pains and tears i've hid to myself for long. I dont want to express it out, i dont want people to know. Nobody cares. Probably, life's cruel. Im literally dying, its like i wanna die, but i cant. -__-. Ok, wtshit. Today went lot 1. Den tmw and tue holiday. Fri oso. Anw, tony tan is the president, and people are saying that he is sending girls for NS. Hey, i duwan be bald k. lol. Longpost here. Anw, ive changed my blogskin & music. <:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ohaiii. Tues liao worh, hoho. 2 more days. Then friday holiday. Next mon,tue also holiday. \m/ yeahman. hahahaha. k, then tday went changi airpork. was quite fun uhuh. walked around, used ipad and explore the airpork. hehehe. then had mac for lunch at arnd 11 plus. aft that bused back schl. had maths supp at 230. was like fun ttm. only 15 mins lesson nia. the rest all had fun. hahaha. then got 1 monkey outside class, the whole class run go out & see. lololol. hahaha. den supp end at 3.40 liddat, went canteen to slack w minhui , may , rachel and a grp of people. thn went home w may & rach at 430. :> k, tmw got band. wtshit. -____- idw laaaaaaaaaa. omfg. k gtg.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Harlowwwwww. Soon i'll be damn free to update everyday liao kayyys. Today morning sucks. Kena called out by kingkong with those who pon band, and then she call leny chua to saysaysay about why we shouldnt quit band and shits. And ask parents go down meet that botak black vp. Then ask why, i anyhow say affect studies, he shoot tio i bwg. -___- wtf seriously, its just a CCA, need see vp. Den transfer of schl how siol ? See president isit , fuck . Haiz , den after that had DNT. As usual , lessons all th way. Den i think wed i going back band uh , sinces they all oso gg . Uh , then aft schl laksa say stayback for survey @ 230 , end up she come down comp lab 4 @ 240 & tell us do it on wed. Fuck sia srsly , waste our time. Lol. K, then aft tt went clementi mall wit tricia. Koi-ed there and then chatchatchat , then after that around 4 plus den trained home. Tmw gg changi airport for th maths thingy , haiz . Cfm sian daooo . Aft tt still got 1h supp -_- nabei .
well , i got smth to say to this fucking bitch. come`on , leave thm alone lah , fuck u sia . you duwan talk/friend me is yr fucking prob , donid go tell ppl nt to talk to me right, childish sia you. Den go por people aft that brainwash them ? pui la you . Por those people where u said they're jiaobin at th strt ? lame much , <: anw , idgafd . you want ask ht go w u jiu go lah , lose 1 friend wont die , u think ht will listen to u then go lo , suit u ah . i ask 4 people , all tell me u both dont worth to be my friend uhuh. treat me like a mother fucking toy , bored then play w me, dirty then throw me away, i make sure u regret. i make sure. -.- now even if u want make fren w me , i also duwan lah. what for having sucha friend that dont even treasure me ? took me for granted ? hahahaha , then dont regret. kekekek , go on, be happy with ur life, having only 2 friends. :P at least people are there for me whn i need them , i know who are my true friends. not like you biatch , when i need u , you're fuckin missing, hais, go on gossiping, backstabbing, lying. idgaf. i've learn to drift away from people, because they'll aways end up leaving, so what for being so close w them and theyll somehow leave u? and girl, no one is perfect. fyi. -.-

Saturday, August 20, 2011

it'll never be the same. -.-

ohai. nowadays schl seriously sucks. that day tue kena caught by that lim bitch den call parents + had to go for detention on wed, just for my fucking fringe k. still dare tell my mom say if i clip up my fringe, i'll study better. comeon, den i cut botak, i top in schl isit? -.- den now 1e2 trend is throwing erasers, hahaha. hadfun with amos they all nia. den aft schl sianzxc -.- thn last fri kena kp by that kingkong. ask me go see vp if wn quit band. kp sia seriously. zzzz. den nothin much really happened. every morning have to call ht cos ms tan asked me to do sho cos ht kena suspend cz she was late nia. k wtf. got this fuckin friendship problem with 2 bitch out there. -.- seriously la, what is this ? tt day say what you scared lynn will ignore you and not talk to you, den ask me what to do , like i know liddat. -.- now leh? gimme attitude, taking me as ur toy. fuck you seriously. when you and lynn quarrel, i was the one helping u both to patch up , thn when you both fool me, asking me go bugis den zao all th way frm mrt station, making me like a fool, den that lynn keep diao me, without finding out the truth always say is my fault, ive never even get angry ove these shits before. now what? i did nothing to u all and u ignore ignore? wtf man. happy happy den talk to me, not happy dump me aside, you want perefect friends go find barbie doll la. i did nothing jiu ignore, cb la -.- fine eh, i also dont give a damn, next time got anything dont come find me la hor. -'-

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hellohellohello. Today actually duwan go schl de, but got cmp test den bo bian. Okay, den started the day with my heart pumping rapidly. Firstly is cos that ms siti keep checking evan's skirt den skali check mine den confiscate it. -.- Secondly is t stupiak d&t cher keep ask me clip up fringe den say whut if i bo clip up ask me go detention, srsly wtf sia. Will our attitude affect our studies anw ? Hell no, bitch. -.- zzzzz. What schl rules, rule rule. lame sia. Anw, tday during maths class suddenly 1A1 people shout ccb, mother asshole & fk here and there den ms toh at there like ps liddat dn walk out class scold thm. LOL. thn aft schl slacked awhile at canteen w evan, lynn, hh, shirlin, ht, hafiqah(?) Idk her name lol. k thn until 230 they all go detention, evan, me and ht bused down to lot 1. Laughed like crazeee thr & bought a piggy for lynn's bday. =P k thn aft tt headed back schl while ht go back home. Ummm, den aft that slacked till 5 until hh they all released le thn we headed to wm , slacked till 6 plus den home w evan. k thats all fer tday. tmw getting back maths test. :O ms toh say th class did badly , wtf. -_-

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hai. Another boring day. Today going jb with mom,sis and aunt. Den yesterday nothing happen luh, slacked with evan, lynn and tricia until 7 den went home. Hmmm, quarrelled with hh a few days ago on fb. As in not quarrel la. But me and rachel started talking bout her cliques then become like this lor. Cold war or smth. zzzz. hmmm. ive got nothing to say. i wanna scold this bitch here.
eh bitch get a life la break people's phone screen den bo say sry still at there say what 'so sad la' wtf is this man. Then act bossy, lie, por people, act cute, step big, twisting stories and putting words in my mouth. what is this? who do u think youre man. u're just a xiao meimei. dont go around accuse people aft that say what? sorry. sorry for what? sorry for empty promises? sorry for fucking us up and down? sorry for giving us attitude? sorry for accusing us? sorry for lieing? sorry for everything? well, sorry cant cure everything now. i'll shove this sorry up ur asshole now bitch. u think its very fun accusing people, putting words into people's mouth and acting innocent? pui. then kena kick out of the clique still at there ask people wan side who. srsly. its just that huihong dono ur true clr only, or else i dont even think u'll be able to join their clique man. -.- ive ever put myself in ur shoes and think before, but you're seriously too overboard. accuse kelly for nt attending trg without knowing her reasons den break her phone aft tt still duwan apologize? then no friend go por people? hahhahaha. joke of my life man. go to hell i tell you. karma will sure slap u.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Haihaihai , yesterday had national day celebration at schl . Hmmm , thn today nothing gona happen. Going go out. Anw, u know got this mother fucking bitch that go por people one hor , joined the chiobu clique siol , den got 1 xmm also worh. Pui la srsly, xmm now at fb act innocent sia, wtflol. Both of them go join wrong clique alr. Should join the bitch society or smth . -_- Zzzz , den the clique got 1 red de oso change attitude cos of the bitches. Yuck. I then duwan hang out w them anymore. No more. Ok can. Then tmw another day of holiday andd thur schl reopen. Fml. K gtg bai.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Oppps. How long neh update le ? Ps , was damn busy lately. :P Last Saturday went JB with mom, aunts and sis. Bought stuffs there. Den school was like fun ttm nowadays , especially after schl. Hahaha. I dono pon band how many weeks le siol , like 5-6 times liao , gosh. Then today had powerball interclass competition. Was like trashed by 2A2 seriously. -.-' Zzzzz. Then got some bitch from 2E2 tsk , buey song at there bark worh , pui la . Wn bark, bark louder , don at back bark. Scared nia worh -'- Dog. K dont talk bout bitches liao . Thn at first we trashed 1A1 de , but 2nd rnd we lose. Like wtfuck srsly , Sec1 vs Sec2 -_- Smlj sial , not fair k ? Evan & lynn sho small nia, 1 push cfm fall liao , still wn vs sec2 , somemore gt ah lian , wtf -.- . Den lose lo.. Boys also kena trashed by 2e2.. Sec 2 seriously jia lat la . Den 1e3 gt in semifinal coz 2E4 disqualified cz they all bo go ? Ccb -.- But they ended up losing , ahahahah . k , then aft tt slacked at canteen finished our lit proj , and was like crazeeee outside schl , was like observing th red ants on the gate ? I know we too bo liao. XD . Lynn and evan was like scratching my hand and i tot it was ants , wtf la . Den shout & ran all th way to gombak ? ahaha , thn aft tt went home & nw here blogging. :P gtg , buhbai .