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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hellos.:)). Going out soon. Going lot 1 to watch movie. Watching Old Cow VS Tender Grass . Cous Milene says her doq inside this show and cous my sis's movie ticket till today only. (Free one) LOL. So sian now. Gota bath soon. Tmr got tuition! Ewww! Lols. xDDD. Eating at lot 1 bah . Tonight still going out. <: Yeahh! Next wk Prelims oral . MothaFucka . Gota revise soon . Maybe Monday . -.-' Sian . Btw, yayy! Monday got 2 periods of PE. Mr Tan owe us . :P. And Mrs Chin coming our class, WTFH . Hope she leaves soon so tht we can hab our PE. Btw still habin muscle pain . Wtf lo . Climb stairs, i look like so retard. LOL. Asshole. Hope monday ok . Hmm . Gtg, Bye!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yo! Yesterday so fun. Went to lot 1 straight after school to watch the movie 'Sorcerer Appretience'. When we reached there alr 12.50pm, so we rushed and we changed our clothes in the toilet den rush in the theatre. LOLS. The movie wasn't so good.. But still enjoy it. Lols. Hhmmm . Played inside the toilet of the theatre for awhile. And Keith did somethinq nice. (: LOLOL. Shhhhh! xD. Den after movie, went to arcade. Played for awhile b4 eat.(: Went to Pizza Hut for lunch. So fun there. Yvette and JieYing played with the CHEESE and CHILLI with their water, LOLOL. So fun! XD. Den when the pizza are served, i put alot of CHEESE onto Yvette's pizza, LOLOL! And so fun. Cous, Yvette got no water to drink, den i let her eat all the cheese . And so , she wanted to drink water so badly, LOLOL! She said she so WANTING to go home n drink water ytd. LOL. X: Den she said when she go home and finish drinking th water, she felt like as if she`s in the heaven . LOLS. So exaggerate. x) .Dhen i also lo . Went home. Btw, went lot 1 with Danielle, Keith, Ruru, Yvette , Jie Ying, Sachi , Lydia , Haw yew(-.-) LOL . :X Heh.

Today school, so BORED.): No PE. Awwww. Ytd did like 20+ Standin broadjump . Now my leq, OMFG. LOL. :P Hardest thing is climb stairs, sit down , stand up and walk and even RUN. LOL.XD Sians. Now so bored, watchinq tv . Anyone entertain me? LOL .X:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Yooo! <3
Yesterday had tuition . :D Actually from 3-5 only . But then cous the PSLE questions, the tuition teacher stay till 6pm . And den she almost forget her iPhone . GAHAHAH ! LOL . So fun >:D. Today got schoool . Got supp till 3.30 . :X. Not BORING. Lols . Uhm , after supp played water with Azura, HAHAHA. She LOSE! FAIL! LOL . Den went home! >:D. Facebook , facebook! :P

Btw, the post on 24 July , i never post, it should be 25 July Sun . -.-

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hey!Hellos! :D . Went to lot 1 yesterday afternoon .:P Hmmmm. Bought a new iPod ......COVER! :P LOL. Den went minitoons .. Bought loads of things there . :P. HAHAHA. Den ate lunch there and den went home arnd 7pm. LOL . At night went out with aunts again . Bored. EVERYTIME same place. -_- . LAWL. Didnt buy anything. Den went to eat dinner. Den drove aunts home den we went home . Dam tired so ytd didnt post this. :P. Today gt tuition . Awww. Sucks. Haven do the homework!:p HAHAH . Doing it later . Hhmmm . School homework oso not done. Shit!LOL . Die ah . :P . :/ Prelims oral coming . 4/5 of Aug . Awww man! PSLE/PRELIMS. -_- Everytinq comes. LOL .:P Ohkay . Its 12pm alr. Gtg facebook ! HAHA. :P

Friday, July 23, 2010

Yo!:D Today school so fun ah! During HMT we do our presentation for the Haiti project. Dam nervous den read alot of words wrong.:|. Lols. HAHAH . Went home at 3.15pm. xD CompCompComp all da way! xD Tml want to go JP with sis, duno she wants anot. Wanna buy new watch! HAHAHA .$100+ ... Supah ex. LOL. So bored. MSN chatting now , HAHAHA. Haven do tuition homework AGAIN.:/ Maybe tml do or sunday den chionq, LOL. School oso alot homework . Teachers are murderer except Miss Go. No MT homework.:/ HAHAAHA.:D Now Gtg. Bye <3

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

HAHAHA . Hello. Im back . :)) Never post these few days cous busy . :) Today schoool was FUN! Racial harmoneh concert [ Kinda boring ] . Then no maths lesson! GAHAHAH . School ends at 12.30opm . Played catchin with Keith , Yvette and Danielle .xD . Had Fun . Spraying water to each other . LOL. Im drenched ._. . Mama la! Keith spray water into my ears. -_- . Now ear so pain . LOL . Tml school got supp . Awwww. T.T . Till 2.30pm . :D. HAHAHA . XD. Okok . Now gtg facebook , byebye ;)))

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hellooos. :))))) . Now at aunt's house. LOL. Just went Bugis with sis and mom . Went this fashion then play game. $50 for 3 limited edition carebears, COOL eh. xDDDD! Lols. Now so bored, waiting to go home and download song in my iPod..Tell u smth. Just now when at Bugis street, i was rushing cous dad said want to go dinner le. Den bugis street loads of ppl mah . Den when people was drinking water, i knocked on the girl and then she almost CHOKE! LOLOLOL!!! Hahahahahas. Coool right, xD. Hmmm , gtg. Aunt nagging again . OLD HAG! LOL. Jk. She's so sarcastic .-.-
Hellos. :) Now downloading games to my iPod. Waiting so long, so post this. Hehes. Going Bugis soon. Play arcade bah.Lols.So bored. Haven do my tuition homework. Tml got tuition,LOL.Die.T_T. Dont care ah,HAHAHA. Now going facebook then go bath le . Byebye. <3333

Friday, July 16, 2010

Helloooos!:D . So bored uh . Today got HMT till 3pm. Quite fun, laughing when people were presenting.Hahahas.xD.Lols.Now then i realise, afterall, its still seventeen!:D. Hahahas. ILWS. <333. Lols. Now watching tv + iPod + Hp + Msn + Facebook.LOL.Still bored,XDDD. Hmmm. Haven do tuition homework, ;D.Maybe tml do, Kk ,gtg . :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hellooos peeps.Didnt go school today cous duwan go the Suntec. -.- Bleah . Just went Yew Tee with sis. So bored now, xD Facebooking , listening to sonqs, teevee. Lols. Now wiping off the scratches from my iPOD. Hahahahas. Tml got school, owhhhh . I duwan!T.T Till 3pm. HMT-.- Lols. Eh GTG. bb

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ehs lols.Hahahas,back to posting,LOL. Someone login my facebook and scold my friends birtches. I changed my pass, my dad changed back.Wtf, NOOB sia.-.- Hate my life,;(
Just came back from schoool. So bored.Alice gave me my birthday 'notebook'. Hmmmm. I duwan Jusandra's one.;D. Hahahas. So bored now, later webcaming with whoever is online,LOL. Ohokay.Byebye.;]

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey peeps!^^ Just finished doing the Haiti Project with MeiYin.BOREDBOREDBORED!): Today got supp till 3.30pm. Something irritated me. Every lesson with Mrs Hanna confirm is Science?! WTH.DIE LA.BORED AH.D: Tmr gt MT supp. xDDDD!Okeh. GTG(: K.Bye;)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hellos, :D. Went lot 1 with Alice,Vanesse,Jusandra and Jody!xD. We went at 4pm -.-. So late ah,LOL. Went library first cous Jody and Alice wanna borrow books.Den went to arcade, took neoprints uh.LOL.Very fun ah.xD. Den decorate, den Vanesse went home,:). Hmm, went 'Kopitiam' SEE Alice and Jody eat,LOL.Hahahas,Den took MRT to Yew Tee.Cous ald 6.30pm.LOL.Went to the stationary shop besides KFC.Bought a belated birthday present for Alice.Saw PeiShi there,LOLS.Jusandra,Jody,YuZhen and Alice still owe me mine!HAHAHAHA.LOL.Den went home ah. Facebook, MSN, Take pics.LOL.Watch Tv,;D. Hmmm, GTG, Tution HW not done,LOL.DEADDEADD!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Helloooos, :D PEACEEE<3 Heheh!YuZhen and Ruru forgived me. Yayyyy! No more wars,LOL.Just came back from Schoool, got supp. BORED.T.T Hmm, tmr got HMT, till 3pm, more worse.Waste time,waste teacher's breathe.LOL,jokes.:D Hehehes. Now chattinq with Danielle, Uhhm, Gtg, K. :D Hid my iPod somewhere, sis cant find, HAHAHHA. Nooooob! LOL.GTG.(:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hellooos.Yay today no supp.(: Few more months, PSLE. So excited.LOLS,Jokes.;D Someone is turning me into a DOG, hahas.Ihateher.Bribing peeps.At least i got my sis staying beside me.Dan and Keith.:O <3333. Awww. 220 above to get a laptop? Thats a condition from my dad? Wtf, too high la. People Yuzhen 200 above iPhone 4G+Ipod Nano. Wth. So suckish.I hate this life. DOGS LIFE! :D Hahahas. Tmr got supp.Zz.Mama la!Waste time only.LOL.Ehs,GTG.(:


Monday, July 5, 2010

Elloooos(: Just came home from lot one with sis.She went work.Along at home now,T.T .Hmmmm, bought a elmo T-Shirt , sis bought carebear one.I want carebearrrr!T.T and bought a nerdy glasses for fun.Muhahahas.Planning to buy the $49.90 carebear someday when i got monehh.LOLS.Homework!Homeworkk!Not done.LOLS.:(Awwwwww.Homework,i hate you.Hmmmm.I better go and do now, bye(: -HOPE DRYS CAN FORGIVE ME- :(

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hellooos.Just came back from CCK Park with Danielle,YuZhen and Jody.We went lot 1 to take neoprints.LOL.When we decorating the pics, we were shouting out loud.Especially Yuzhen.Practicing screaming ar?LOL.Then we go food cultre to eat.LOLS.I poured a cup of peach tea and kena scolded by the aunty.LOL.Dontcare.:P.And den we walk to CCK Park.YuZhen was like singing 'Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, HEY!'Lols den scream.And she even dance there.LOL.A little rain.We played swing and all.Den when we sitting on the swing, suddenly Danielle jump off or whatever. And i unbalanced and fell. -.- Whole body sand.LOL.Den dam angry.I threw sands to Danielle.And i think got in her eyes.LOL.Den went toilet.Den rain.Walked home from CCK Park.:O.I think Danielle angry withh me.):.Whole body SAND!Even bath ald still SAND! OhMeeGoddddd.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Didnt go school today.Sports carnival .. Go there dance? LOL. Wdhh. People said its bored.Dan/Zheng and me didnt go school :D. Hehehes.So boreddd!Lols.4 days of holidays!Yayyyy!Tmr maybeee going CCK Park+Lot1 with Dan,Ru,Zheng. I hope zheng can go!:D.Hehes.Awwwwwwww.STRESSSED!Prelims 4 more weeks, sure kena nagging sooner or later.Muhahahas.LOOL.Need study sooon.Hope i can get good results this time.(: Practice makes perfect. Nobody is pefect. So, im nobody!LOL.Lame-.-.Ohhkay, GTG(: Bye/