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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yo! Yesterday so fun. Went to lot 1 straight after school to watch the movie 'Sorcerer Appretience'. When we reached there alr 12.50pm, so we rushed and we changed our clothes in the toilet den rush in the theatre. LOLS. The movie wasn't so good.. But still enjoy it. Lols. Hhmmm . Played inside the toilet of the theatre for awhile. And Keith did somethinq nice. (: LOLOL. Shhhhh! xD. Den after movie, went to arcade. Played for awhile b4 eat.(: Went to Pizza Hut for lunch. So fun there. Yvette and JieYing played with the CHEESE and CHILLI with their water, LOLOL. So fun! XD. Den when the pizza are served, i put alot of CHEESE onto Yvette's pizza, LOLOL! And so fun. Cous, Yvette got no water to drink, den i let her eat all the cheese . And so , she wanted to drink water so badly, LOLOL! She said she so WANTING to go home n drink water ytd. LOL. X: Den she said when she go home and finish drinking th water, she felt like as if she`s in the heaven . LOLS. So exaggerate. x) .Dhen i also lo . Went home. Btw, went lot 1 with Danielle, Keith, Ruru, Yvette , Jie Ying, Sachi , Lydia , Haw yew(-.-) LOL . :X Heh.

Today school, so BORED.): No PE. Awwww. Ytd did like 20+ Standin broadjump . Now my leq, OMFG. LOL. :P Hardest thing is climb stairs, sit down , stand up and walk and even RUN. LOL.XD Sians. Now so bored, watchinq tv . Anyone entertain me? LOL .X:

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