About Me

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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hey!Hellos! :D . Went to lot 1 yesterday afternoon .:P Hmmmm. Bought a new iPod ......COVER! :P LOL. Den went minitoons .. Bought loads of things there . :P. HAHAHA. Den ate lunch there and den went home arnd 7pm. LOL . At night went out with aunts again . Bored. EVERYTIME same place. -_- . LAWL. Didnt buy anything. Den went to eat dinner. Den drove aunts home den we went home . Dam tired so ytd didnt post this. :P. Today gt tuition . Awww. Sucks. Haven do the homework!:p HAHAH . Doing it later . Hhmmm . School homework oso not done. Shit!LOL . Die ah . :P . :/ Prelims oral coming . 4/5 of Aug . Awww man! PSLE/PRELIMS. -_- Everytinq comes. LOL .:P Ohkay . Its 12pm alr. Gtg facebook ! HAHA. :P

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