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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heyyyy!:D.Didnt post for awhile.Cuz laptop officially confiscated on last Sunday till PSLE ish overrrr!T.T. I secretly used.Cant resist temp to use facebook ~ LOL. Yesh, and MS :D. But not playing tht till PSLE is overrrr~ One more weeks. 6 more days, to PSLE first written paper:D.Goodluckk all! God bless 220 for PSLE ~ Hahas. Just for me, a simply wish, is to go in Unity Sec's express . ): Hahas. Must work hard lo ! Urghhh. 12 more days to freeeedom ! Yeshhh!! (L) Waiting and waiting ~ HAHA . Okae, gtg . Tonight gt tuition , byes ~

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hey.Boredboredbored.:).Just back from outside ~ Went shopping lor.Bought a new tee with hood.:).Den dinner,home. :D. Now fb, blog.Blahs. Going MS soon ~ Yesh. MAPLESTORY . (:. Lols. After PSLE can plae till comp explode ~~~ (L) .LOL. But sadly mommy taking back laptop of smth . Hope dad buy me a new one or fix the desktop ~ HAHAS. :D Okae. Boreddd.Gona sleep soon.Tmr no tuition :D. Changed it to Wed 8pm ~ Cuz tml dono tuition tcher wanna go wht F1 ? LOL. Of cuz, TO WORK ~ NOT DRIVE . HAHAHAHA . PSLE is in 1weeks time. And, i dont feel nervous or smth . But kinda scared <: . I think others think like tht oso right ? RIGHT?! LOL. Sometimes i feel like studying , sometimes not . :X Weird mindset, hahas. :). Okay, gtg. Byeeeeee>

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kkkk.Didnt update for some time.Busy.2 more weeks to PSLE. And it really suck. 2 more weeks of suckish daes. ): Boredbored.Didnt go school todae.Stayed home..): Ytd played candles at arnd th void deck near mah house.Den bored.Home.Homework.Sleep:)..Till now she ... )= Nevermind.Argh.Bored to death.Stresss like hellllll.Studying sooner.Mayb ltr, sianz. PSLE come faster lahs. 2 more daes lahs.LOL. Btw, Paper 1 n Paper 2 on the same dae, realli stressing me out. Nevermind,gtg,boreddieme~ Bye.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jyeah , hie ! xD .Yesterdae didnt update, lazy la. You wanna read so much ? Tsktsk ~ Lols, jokieh :D.Okae ytd night went WestMall,den ate at Swensen .. den end th dae . LOL.Den todae . Juz now went Yew Teh with sis and mummie :). Ate at LJS den went NTUC,buybuy.Den home sweet home. Den chiong homwork . HAHA ;). Now going sleep, update abit nias.Okae, den walaos . Not fair ): Sis gona rebond her hair tmrw . But den cuz i got supp + cannot dont tie hair . So cnt go ): Awwww.Fvck!Lols.But den nbm :D My hair still straightstraight. :) Unlike sis, so dam curly. LOLS. Hahahas . Oki whatever. Sry for vulgar,HAHA . Gtg, nites!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hey!:D.So bored.Today morning woke at 630am.Den makemake,den go meet Fathin.Den went school for PSLE LC.Blah.Keith apologize to me.Den i also.Den blah.PSLE Lc is like so dam freaking stress.-.-Even LC also so HARD.Lols,kinda lah.Okae,blah.Den after school raining, den went Eco Pond with Carin and Augie.Den i just , in the rain, catch th fishes for fun.Same to Carin and Augie.Den blahblah,nothing,went home,bath,facebook,:)) HAHAH . Okae, bye.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heyheyheythere,:).Urm, yesterday night chatted and msq with Yuzhen:D.The moment really rocks.Hahahas.Den today had sucha fun day.Omg.Laughlaughlaugh, stomach almost burst.HAHA:D All thanks to Gowri,LOLS.We play and play,den i accidently threw the raq until outside the window till the court there,LOLS.Den duncare.HAHA:D.Den complain teacher cuz people throw pen at her den the ink spill,blah,actually fake, we were sabo-ing only._. . LOLS. Toobad, who ask "HIM". lols.Den went minimart to photocopy a new set of paper,lols. Cuz got ink at dhe old oneoneone.Den while walking, saw miss go at coffee shop,whatever.Lawlsss :/ Den so bored now.Tmr having PSLE LC. Omfg,PSLE coming,freak.And btw, today got our Report book. Got all sorts of grades.A,B,C,D.Lawls:/.My aggregate 190.Damn freaking LOWLOWLOW!))): Gona work hard,HAHAS<3 Den got loads of homework, cuz tmr no lesson:D.Okae,gtg,bye.((:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey,today had a fun day.:D.Lesson was bored,lols.But then after school,went to the Eco Pond thr and plae with Joreen,Fathin and Auqie. We "Saved" fishes tht were outta th land.Den me n Joreen tried to "Catch" the guppies. LOL.Den we go n play a thing idk what.Can turn.I think is spoiled stool.LOL.Den got muddy muddy one.Den we add all th leaves n flowers,like baking cakes.Adding ingredients,HAHAHA. LOL.Den went canteen buy smth.Den walked home with Auqie n Fathin.Den on th way,saw damn loads of kittens/cat.Den Fathin grt phobia.So we walk home first while Auqie plae.;).Lols.Den blah,now doing homework+tv((: kae,bye .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hai!:DBtw,ytd night went to YewTee.Blah,eat at LJS.Den went NTUC again,den gg home((:.Den did mah homework till 2am,:D Realli killing.And in th end,today dunid hand in d. -.- LMFAO.Orbiquek lo,Shermaine.LOL.Okay,whatever,today had school.So damn boring. Uhm,blahblah.Den had PE, not fun.xD.Den got homework,wtf.Carin got iPHONE;(.I wanna too. This is killing , to wait for PSLE to over, Eeeee! PSLE sucked. Den summore from term 4 onward qt study blah duno what in dh morning.No more slackin in hall le.Kelian,sadsad. Den blah,Whole wk no supp .But den Fri gt hmt.HAHA:D.Den nothing much.Helping Edward to lv up in maple,kinda bored.Blah,gtg,revise+help edward+homework,Bye((:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

HHeyhey . :D Todae kinda busy. ((: Early afternoon, or even, evening , arnd 5pm, went tuh YewTee with mom.Den met mom's friend, den sit down at Koufu, den took lunch :D <- Kinda LATE for lunch.And whatever i eat, its so suckish.Freaking smelly speghati (idk hw spell) den i eat halfway den thrw :D. Den went NTUC, buybuybuy :D,den saw Jody with 2 ppl. Parents or what.Den walk away,home((: Den did mah homework,den went out lot 1 :D . Mom said wanna buy mooncake.Den walk arnd,see see, den in th end didnt buy,HAHA. Den went eat at Ajisen arnd 9.40+ den went arcade :D,took neoprints wit mom,fer fun :) HAHA . <3>

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello.Didnt update ytd, whatever.Todae had tuition at 12pm till 2pm.Den bored.Did some homework.Tmr mayb going library with sis to do homework.Hahas.Seee, i so hardworking,LMAO. >< LOL.Joking na!xD Okae,going out ltr to eat dinner.Whatever.Btw, Selamat Raye to all muslims :D Okae,gtg . Buhbyeeee.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hihihi :D . Omfgomfg . Just found out tht Miss Go called me ; ((: . She called home. Den i see th number, like so STRANGE to me . :D But lyk so familiar. Like frm KPS.:> LOL:/ Den idk, never pick up. :D . Den she called mahh mom. Tell her about dhe homework , awwww . First time call me / mom . LOL. Omfg. <3>:D . Lols. Ohk , gtg. ((: ✔✔✔✔ Damn happyy . <333 \m/ ROCK-ED :D!

Heyheyhey, :)) . Downloadin Maple . Ltd didnt download properly. LAME!): . Using Edward's facebook account to view someone's profile ; ((: Sweeet!:D Hahahas. Thanks,Edwarddd! :>. Okay. Really bored now. Eh,oh yea. Ltr while doing homework, got one chinese comprehension wrote duno how many percent of ppl who get bored easily die faster,LOOL.Seriously,ITS REALLY BORED((:. Gotago ,bye.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heyya, so weird. I update on tue den become monday. LOL. Got problem ah. :P LOL.Doing the mood spoiler thing now . ((: Homework lah . Doing comprehensioooon . )):Ohk. Watching tv at th same time . And downloading MapleStory. Cous Edward asked me to give him $$ . -.- Give liaos den delete le, NO more playin ((: Ltr addicted, den die for PSLE. LOL. Ohk, gtg. 10 more daes to PSLE Lc(((: Goodluck everyone !:D
Ellooos :D Back from school ((: So bored in school . Mr Tan like so fierce and idk how describe . He asked ppl to get out of his class. :/ LOL. Like what, so scary ): Uhm . School was fine. Nothing much ((: But lots of homeworks, again :D. Thanks goodness, tmr last day,HAHA,:D. LOL. Ouhk.So weird . Like some people come and comment on mah blog , den the link they gave is like, fianance web ,wipe URL web, whatever,LOL .Weird:O. Okah.Gtg , bye (((:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back here posting,yeahyeah.((: Just helped Augie to edit blog, hope she like it . :D.LOLS.Okay, doing the freaking homework now.4 Comprehension to complete,completed 3((: LOL.Suffering.Still got iExcel haven do, omg!:D. I think u're wondering why im using comp when i haven even do my work. Lemme tell u . Cous im boredbored :DD. LOL. Ohk . Just went down with mom to minimart,buybuy.Idk why, just wanna follow.Too bored to be at home . HAHA . =) . Ohk . Nothing much , tmr got school , i go do work liaos. Bye <3
Heyya there. (: Just came back from the freaking study camp and the focus group.Its so damn boring. ): Im gona die there!T.T . I turned mah mood to holidae mood :D . Den summore got studycamp. Study = mood spoiler. :PP.LOL. Okay.So boreeeed.Got damndamn looooads of homework today, gona die,right now.): LOLS. A whole stack of chinese newspaper homework,whatever.Den chinese comprecomprecomprehension, and a mock paper,den maths focus grp the paper whole set den Maths iExcel, den science -_-. Iznt this KILLING ?!): Whatever. 28 MORE days to sufferrrr x) Aft tht relazxc, den result come out = die. (((: Yeah,LOL.Mylifesucks. x( Okay,gotago,Homeworkk time. Ciaoooooz , UPDATE ltr (:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jhey,yeahyeahyeah.:DPostpostpost,who cares.Myblog,my account,my everything. :D So damn lazy to update mah diary ; yeah, lazy to write ^^ Just came back from Westmall lo . :P Watched the freaking show, kinda bored. Like what freak,so touching,whatever,lame!lol.uhh,then went YewTee;Fairprice,buybuybuy:D Mummyyh bought crabb and den my fav B&J Caramel icecream,LOL.Den walk walk home :D Haven pack baq,tmr got schoool.Naggings,scoldings,talking, from teachers:D I wonder if they would survive without water?LOL.Whocares.LOL.Uhk,GTG dinner :D Cyas
So damn bored till wannna updateupdateupdate,:)).Uhuh.Gota watch movie again.:D,whatever,Love Cuts. :O. I wanna watch VAMPIRES SUCKS but then NC16. -.- Freako!): Lols.Uh,whatever.Im so damn bored now.Tdy no tuition^^ Cancelled it.:D Muhaha. Next wk Fri got.Den Sun dont have,yayy^^Lols.Sians,haiiz,gtg soon.Tmr got soon,Fvck.I dontwant!)): . :S. Tooo bad. PSLEPSLEPSLEPSLE!): Please come faster,end now,relax,play ^^
PSLEPSLEPSLE = Pleaseplease stopstop learnlearning everydaeday!:D ; Hahas,okae,gtg,ciaos.=)
Heyhey freakers, wanna spam ? Get the fvck off. :D . Spamming all sorts of nonsence and whatever, LOSER :)).Put yr name ah . LOSERS . Assholic . No life. :DDD.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Heyyy.:D Hows my new skin ? ;D ; kinda plain , i knowknowknow.:D. Well,who cares?Plain are nicer ; jyeah . :D Ouhk,just wanted to tell u abt this skinn . :D Buhbye. ; <33
Hehhey!:D.Just came back from WestMall.Watched 'HauntedChanqi'. Its like,damn not scary and so boring.:/No ghost whatever.Like some nias.Lols.Ouhk.Its kinda boring.Btw,going out tonight again.^^Yayyyy.Lols.Uh.Tmr got tuition and mondae got school,which really sucks.Didnt do the homework for tuition.And heard tht school got damn loads of homework,4 set of science.:O.Omfg.Gona suffer reeeeeally soon.)):.Awwww.Left like no more freedoms,studystudustudy.:O.Luckily,iLOVESstudying.:D A lil,duh!Except science,whatever.>:(.Uhm.Gotaqo now.Ciaoz!=)
Heyheyheyh.Gona watch 'Haunted Changi' at Westmall cinema ltr at 3.55pm. :D I bet it gona be a NICE show!>:D. But kind of scary cous its 7th month. ))): Neverminddd . Take out ur courage,braveness. :D LOLOL . Whatever. Uh. Facebook is kinda boring. ):. And btw, today got no MRT. Like what fvck . Neeeda take taxi. Eh. Next mon got schoool . So BORED. Wl. One wk holiday = 3 days need school. Freak!): Uhhh . Somemore till 2pm. Got focus grp.Yuck.LOLS.Ohk.Gota,bye.:D Update muorr lata ;D