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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hey.Boredboredbored.:).Just back from outside ~ Went shopping lor.Bought a new tee with hood.:).Den dinner,home. :D. Now fb, blog.Blahs. Going MS soon ~ Yesh. MAPLESTORY . (:. Lols. After PSLE can plae till comp explode ~~~ (L) .LOL. But sadly mommy taking back laptop of smth . Hope dad buy me a new one or fix the desktop ~ HAHAS. :D Okae. Boreddd.Gona sleep soon.Tmr no tuition :D. Changed it to Wed 8pm ~ Cuz tml dono tuition tcher wanna go wht F1 ? LOL. Of cuz, TO WORK ~ NOT DRIVE . HAHAHAHA . PSLE is in 1weeks time. And, i dont feel nervous or smth . But kinda scared <: . I think others think like tht oso right ? RIGHT?! LOL. Sometimes i feel like studying , sometimes not . :X Weird mindset, hahas. :). Okay, gtg. Byeeeeee>

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