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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Heyya there. (: Just came back from the freaking study camp and the focus group.Its so damn boring. ): Im gona die there!T.T . I turned mah mood to holidae mood :D . Den summore got studycamp. Study = mood spoiler. :PP.LOL. Okay.So boreeeed.Got damndamn looooads of homework today, gona die,right now.): LOLS. A whole stack of chinese newspaper homework,whatever.Den chinese comprecomprecomprehension, and a mock paper,den maths focus grp the paper whole set den Maths iExcel, den science -_-. Iznt this KILLING ?!): Whatever. 28 MORE days to sufferrrr x) Aft tht relazxc, den result come out = die. (((: Yeah,LOL.Mylifesucks. x( Okay,gotago,Homeworkk time. Ciaoooooz , UPDATE ltr (:

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