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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hey. :D. Im a totally retarded domo lover and i told you that. HAH . Okay , random . Laaawl. K , yesterday fun ttvm . Had band , den cos of Vanessa Tan , Mr X dont let me try out cornet . Argh . -.- . Den nothing much , after band went back class . Painted th class with Yani , Evangeline , Lynn , Vanessa , Iskandar , etc . Hate that wong teng chao ttvm can . Messed up the class , den happily go home . Fvckhismomupsidedown lah . Den fightfightfight , Yani almost punched him , HAH . I support chu Yaani ! :D . K , den nothing much happend . Went home around 6 plus , hee . Yaaani squeezed in the train , wth . LOL. Den i wait nxt traaain . Reached home , bathe , den revise work till 11pm . Den tv , :D. Kay , then jst now went Yewtee with mummy. Buy things and had lunch there. Bored ttvm . Den saw band senior. O: . Nothing much , bye. ;D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weeee. Abadoned this blog so long alr. Was really , way too busy to online using comp . Was using iPhone to go fb recently. Hahaha . Ummm , past fewfew days or even week , nothing mch , sch uh. ;D Busy with tests and etc. -.-. Luckily today no homework and TGIF tmr. :D Heheh . Today had sumpah much fun . Had ghost story telling with Yani , Vanessa , Iskandar , Evangeline , Lynn , Teck leong. ;D. Veryveryfun i tell u . Say halfway , door got sound, aunty come in . Aw, LOL . Then vanessa shouted like hell . HAHAH . Today they all saying all sorts of ghost. LOL. Alot pregnant , HAHA . Veryvery dam scary when its raining and we closed all th lights and doors. Hehehe. Okay , then tmr band . :/ Fall in . Argh . Bored die me . Kay , gtg. Bye :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heyoo! (: Today was just another monday uh. What's so special bout valentine ? Today was tiring uh. Got swimming. Den after finish swimming, tired ttvm. Skipped th CCA again. :p. Heckcare. (Y) . Heheh . Den went home . Wth sia. Kelly morning at mrt , scold cb loudly. everyone look sio. :/ den she dam gl. drink water oso like a baby. tsk3. fail. :D hehe . den after swimming went home wit yvette and nichelle. They going for guitar lesson. tsk3. Den reached home , lunchd , homewrk , then bathe . :/ tv .. :D. Bored . Finished homework le . Waaalao , sadieme ~ Mt only score 41/50 . 3rd in class. -'- . EFFTHMISTAKES. Argh. ._. I think i fail my diagn test. HAHAHJ . Kay , gtg.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hohoho. Hello. ^^ Woke at 8am , bored . Watched teevee. (: Now got what doraemon. Childish ttvm k. :/ Haish. Finished my homework le . Revised science test le . Now nothing to do. Science test tmr . But hor, sci file , textbook . All in sch . Gg.com. :D. Luckily got assesment books. (: Hehe . Yesterday when blackjack-ing. Lose like 10 plus. Haish. Den lata going movie with mummy. Alrd online booking le. :D Hehee. Den whole afternoon cfm bored . Nth to do now. Hahah . Facebooking . Kay , gtg . Tata. :D

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hey, today sho sucks. >: . Kelly at home sleep. Fvck her,LOL. Den morning reached sch 7.10. LOL. :P. Den went parade square sit. Den 1st period maths , nothing much . Den mother tongue. READING. sucks! :x . Den got ME :D Hahaha. Fun hell. <: Got skit. Den recess , aft recess ART.(Y). Fun-est part of today. <: . Paaaint . Had fun wit Lynn, HAHAH. Den finishh lesson. Bored hell. Last 2 period geo test. I finish it by 10 mins. Cos 2 pages nia. Den fell asleep till times up. (Y). Epic. :D. Hahah . Den sch finish , went yewt point . Wanna print th thingy , in th end th ppl say need PDF files. cb. den walked home lor, tmr den go print. :x kay. done posting. today got shackloads of homework. :/ tsk. i finished all. MUHAH . kay. gotago . tmw got band. aww , [: . kay.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hey. Today boring lah. Woke up 6.30 , prepared for sch . Den meet same ppl . Went sch . Got what fire safety talk . 1hr , sit thr . Stoned. :/ . Almost sleep. Hahah. Den went back class, got EL lesson. What lexile test. Wtf sia. I do finish , den spam spam mah, cos lag. Den accidently press tio quit. cb. -.- Have to redo at home. Den need print out giv cher. Den sua lor, alot ppl oso liddat :D. HAHAHA . Den go recess , aft tht maths . Talktalk nia. No time lesson ;D. Den got CMP, funfunfun ! ;D . Den aft tht sci . BOREDD. I half asleep again . Den this time, tcher call index 5 answer qs agn. Fuckherupsidedown la , always aim me . 3rd time liao sia. Sway -.- Den dismissal , had lunch . Den maths supp till 330. Failed test 1 , have to redo test plus got extra remedial.Pcb. Den went home wit Kelly and Fad. Kelly epic lah, said lost her phone at canteen , in th end in her pocket. LMAO. Kay, gtg. :)><>

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Heyhey. Never update for this 3 days liao. Busy going peepol's house to bainian. :D. Uhm , first day of CNY went to father's side's uncle house. LOL. Bored like hell k. Uncle talking grandfather story, den ask questions , walao. Wasted 2 hrs there. :p. Den went Father side aunt's house. LOL. Sit thr, watch tv , den eateateat ; fvcking bored k. Den went mother side aunt's house . This time is funnnnn. ^-^. Ate dinner , den went aunt's room. Watched them play caards. Den i join in . Den win like fvck . Dam happy. :p. Den watch them play . Den went home arnd 1am . Played wii with sis. (Y). Den count angbao , muhaha. Im richhhh. (Y). Hehehe. Den yesterday mother side's aunt cameee. Ate steamboat for luuunch. Denn played wii wit sis . Den watch them play cards. Joined in. Den watched tv. Had steamboat for dinner again , haiish . Den night went their house . PLAY CARDS again . -.- . This time i brokeee. :/ Lose aloot. Den chatchattt. Home at 1am oso. :p Then naw going watch movie wit mom at westmall/cwp . (: . Sure lot ppl lah . :/ Den nothing muuuch. No more angbao liaao . ): . Haiish . Gtg lah k , bye .