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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weeee. Abadoned this blog so long alr. Was really , way too busy to online using comp . Was using iPhone to go fb recently. Hahaha . Ummm , past fewfew days or even week , nothing mch , sch uh. ;D Busy with tests and etc. -.-. Luckily today no homework and TGIF tmr. :D Heheh . Today had sumpah much fun . Had ghost story telling with Yani , Vanessa , Iskandar , Evangeline , Lynn , Teck leong. ;D. Veryveryfun i tell u . Say halfway , door got sound, aunty come in . Aw, LOL . Then vanessa shouted like hell . HAHAH . Today they all saying all sorts of ghost. LOL. Alot pregnant , HAHA . Veryvery dam scary when its raining and we closed all th lights and doors. Hehehe. Okay , then tmr band . :/ Fall in . Argh . Bored die me . Kay , gtg. Bye :D

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