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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hey. Today boring lah. Woke up 6.30 , prepared for sch . Den meet same ppl . Went sch . Got what fire safety talk . 1hr , sit thr . Stoned. :/ . Almost sleep. Hahah. Den went back class, got EL lesson. What lexile test. Wtf sia. I do finish , den spam spam mah, cos lag. Den accidently press tio quit. cb. -.- Have to redo at home. Den need print out giv cher. Den sua lor, alot ppl oso liddat :D. HAHAHA . Den go recess , aft tht maths . Talktalk nia. No time lesson ;D. Den got CMP, funfunfun ! ;D . Den aft tht sci . BOREDD. I half asleep again . Den this time, tcher call index 5 answer qs agn. Fuckherupsidedown la , always aim me . 3rd time liao sia. Sway -.- Den dismissal , had lunch . Den maths supp till 330. Failed test 1 , have to redo test plus got extra remedial.Pcb. Den went home wit Kelly and Fad. Kelly epic lah, said lost her phone at canteen , in th end in her pocket. LMAO. Kay, gtg. :)><>

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