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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heyoo! (: Today was just another monday uh. What's so special bout valentine ? Today was tiring uh. Got swimming. Den after finish swimming, tired ttvm. Skipped th CCA again. :p. Heckcare. (Y) . Heheh . Den went home . Wth sia. Kelly morning at mrt , scold cb loudly. everyone look sio. :/ den she dam gl. drink water oso like a baby. tsk3. fail. :D hehe . den after swimming went home wit yvette and nichelle. They going for guitar lesson. tsk3. Den reached home , lunchd , homewrk , then bathe . :/ tv .. :D. Bored . Finished homework le . Waaalao , sadieme ~ Mt only score 41/50 . 3rd in class. -'- . EFFTHMISTAKES. Argh. ._. I think i fail my diagn test. HAHAHJ . Kay , gtg.

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