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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yo peepols. Orhsome yeahhhh , 11 days bo update . HAHAHAS. I lazy on comp and busy with schl. Scored really effingly bad for common test. Report book come out i effing regret max. :/ Haish. LOL. Mom say want find tutor. HATE IT MAX. >: . Den nowadays so busy lor. Everyday supp/CCA. Hais. Tmr starting is MT week. Den alot stuffs appointed by chers to do. =3. Cfm wont update lor. Hehehe. Ytd was awesome. ;D Went JP w mummy. Den saw Tricia ! (Y) . AWESOME. Hahahas. Den bought everlast watch. Den walked around Jp, den went Bugis. :D. Bought converse schl baq . Den ate at th coffee shop thr. Den walked to buy Koi :D. Awesome. After that went home , went yewtee to buy food for sis. Den bought a jeans iPhone cover for $38 . Sho orhsome. Spent like $200 . LOL. Den reached home arnd 10 plus. Wanna go bath , den put my koi in fridge . In th end dropped, and needa clean up like a doq -.- . Hais . Den on comp , chatchat. Den slept. Today woke up 9plus . Had breakfast den teevee . Den slackedslacked , on comp , chat till naw. :/ Watching tv , den packed my bag. Kkays, gtg.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Haaaai , today bored max lah k . Huihong went gb camp , nobody pei me chat . Hais . Fri alrd siol . Whole week of hol , at home rot . Tsk . Today woke at 11 , finished all th homeworks , den went online . Whole fb sho dead . :/ Then make a fool of myself w edward and zheng . Sho fun k . LOL. Camwhore w my domo (Y) hehee . tmrw mayb going outtta to outterspace , nah . Shopping luh , :D. kay , gona change blogskin , brb :D

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wah. 8 days bo update liaoooo, hahahas. Last mon/tue busy packing stuffs for camp maaahs. :D. Den wed go camp. Suay daoooooo . Fk lor. First day kena bird poo on leg. Second day , whole shirt wet while sleeping in th fvcking wet tent. :/ Third day slip and fell hard on floor in front of Dewi ` wah . embarrasing one lor. ): . Den hor, i tell you lah k , zoo suck ttvmzxc lah . No time for showering, somemore must assemble on the WET grass. Den smelly like fvk. Ewwwwww lah hor. But nehmind, im back right here in 1 piece . Muhaha. Busy w life lah k . March hol liao . Sadly , whole ton of homeworks is right here . Lazy do siol . =x I raaather no holiday siol . >.> Hais . Still got what Elearning, yuck la , lol. Just nw morning went band prac , cher late for 1 and a half hr. Fvck it lor. -'- Den nvr get instru. Waste time nia. He concentrate on woodwind nia. BOREDMAXCAN. Den went KFC wit Fateha , Mel , Tricia and Van. (Y). Freaking much fun there. We go and ask peepol like horny questions like, 'you have hair ?' . LOLOLOL ! Den tricia and fateha dam horny. Disgrace to hillgrove , hahaha. den went home, bath , tv , comp str8. :D:D:D . Tmr going lot1 meet van for sci proj. Went need go for lit proj. Argggggggggh. -.- . Kay, gtg.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hihihihi, :D. Tmw is another Monday. Argh , gonna have swimming, hate thaaaat ! >.<>.> . 3 more days to camp lor. Still haven pack. Um , nonono , still haven BUY the things i need. LOL! Okay, Yvette said she's gona last-min pack. :/ Hohoho , goodluck den. Yesterday movie shuck much. Textextext inside, never watch one lor. Den ate at mac , went home . :I. Today boring nia, whole day stay at home. Actually wanna go out de, but den Evan say she going with Davian, kao. I den duwan ah! LOL. Okay. Den nothing much lor. Later going lot 1 or smth. Bye.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hello . (: Today was freaaaking fun. Woke at 930 . Prepared to meet up with Evan and Vanessa . Den went out at 11. Reached at 11.15 . Heh .Den van went to buy th same bag as me, evan and lynn . Den we walked arnd whole lot one finding stuffs. ;D.Went to fairprice to buy plates and stuffs. Den went action city. Bought a mini fan for camp . (: . Den went arcade . Took neoprints . Haven deco den vanessa go press wrong , den exit , LOL. But still pretty luh , natural pretty mah . HAHAHA , Bhb. :D. Den went in Cotton on , shopped for stuffs , but didnt buy . Didnt know that th BRA shop was linked to cotton on , den walked and walked. -.-' Den when walking out , Evan's bag accidently made a bra dropped . And i was like , didnt see it , den go stepped on it , Fvcking awkard ! >: . Ew. Den they went home while i wait for mummy . Bought insect repellent and stuffs and bought a school shoe for $100 at converse. LMAO . :/ Den settle lunch at kopitiam . Haish . Im a spendddddder. ;P. Heheh , okay . Nothing much den , went home and pack on camp stuffs. 4 more days can . :D Cannot wait ~ Hehehe . Okah , going movie now , gtg. (:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hellooo. :D. Weeee , sorry last few days bo update. Was having common test. Argh. Whole geo paper dk how do sia. LOL. Den sci was okayokay ah . Lit easy max can . :> . Hehehe , i think maaaths still okaaay. (: . Today was awesome. Hehe. Had sci paper den lit in morning. Den after that recess. After recess mother tongue , do work . -.-' den had reading period. Didnt bring storybk and teacher give chance ! Weee . But heard so , if her form class never bring, must stayback , hohoho . Den after school got band . Talking craps wit Tiffany , totally moodswing sia , no mood for band , >: . Den after band went yewtee with Yaaaaa-ni , Vaaa-nessa , Evaaaaa-ngeline and Lynnnnn (Y) . :D . Went to order tee shirt for camp . Hehehe . So awesome one lor. Next tue collect. Excited ttvm ! (: Hahaha . Oh yeah , going sec 1 camp from 9 march till 11 march , excited max k . :D. Surely have fun . Got draaagon boat! (: Hehehe , okay . Goooota go . :D