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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hellooo. :D. Weeee , sorry last few days bo update. Was having common test. Argh. Whole geo paper dk how do sia. LOL. Den sci was okayokay ah . Lit easy max can . :> . Hehehe , i think maaaths still okaaay. (: . Today was awesome. Hehe. Had sci paper den lit in morning. Den after that recess. After recess mother tongue , do work . -.-' den had reading period. Didnt bring storybk and teacher give chance ! Weee . But heard so , if her form class never bring, must stayback , hohoho . Den after school got band . Talking craps wit Tiffany , totally moodswing sia , no mood for band , >: . Den after band went yewtee with Yaaaaa-ni , Vaaa-nessa , Evaaaaa-ngeline and Lynnnnn (Y) . :D . Went to order tee shirt for camp . Hehehe . So awesome one lor. Next tue collect. Excited ttvm ! (: Hahaha . Oh yeah , going sec 1 camp from 9 march till 11 march , excited max k . :D. Surely have fun . Got draaagon boat! (: Hehehe , okay . Goooota go . :D

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