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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Haaaai , today bored max lah k . Huihong went gb camp , nobody pei me chat . Hais . Fri alrd siol . Whole week of hol , at home rot . Tsk . Today woke at 11 , finished all th homeworks , den went online . Whole fb sho dead . :/ Then make a fool of myself w edward and zheng . Sho fun k . LOL. Camwhore w my domo (Y) hehee . tmrw mayb going outtta to outterspace , nah . Shopping luh , :D. kay , gona change blogskin , brb :D

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