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Monday, March 14, 2011

Wah. 8 days bo update liaoooo, hahahas. Last mon/tue busy packing stuffs for camp maaahs. :D. Den wed go camp. Suay daoooooo . Fk lor. First day kena bird poo on leg. Second day , whole shirt wet while sleeping in th fvcking wet tent. :/ Third day slip and fell hard on floor in front of Dewi ` wah . embarrasing one lor. ): . Den hor, i tell you lah k , zoo suck ttvmzxc lah . No time for showering, somemore must assemble on the WET grass. Den smelly like fvk. Ewwwwww lah hor. But nehmind, im back right here in 1 piece . Muhaha. Busy w life lah k . March hol liao . Sadly , whole ton of homeworks is right here . Lazy do siol . =x I raaather no holiday siol . >.> Hais . Still got what Elearning, yuck la , lol. Just nw morning went band prac , cher late for 1 and a half hr. Fvck it lor. -'- Den nvr get instru. Waste time nia. He concentrate on woodwind nia. BOREDMAXCAN. Den went KFC wit Fateha , Mel , Tricia and Van. (Y). Freaking much fun there. We go and ask peepol like horny questions like, 'you have hair ?' . LOLOLOL ! Den tricia and fateha dam horny. Disgrace to hillgrove , hahaha. den went home, bath , tv , comp str8. :D:D:D . Tmr going lot1 meet van for sci proj. Went need go for lit proj. Argggggggggh. -.- . Kay, gtg.

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