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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Just close your eyes.

Woooooops! How long has it been ever sinces i update this blog? Okay, so sorry about it. Was extremely busy with school, ccas and studies. Oh yeah anyway joined back band. It was fun there, although i just need time to get used to the fingerings and notes etc. :3 Hehehehe. Alright, so nothing much really happened nowadays. Oh yea yes had our Malacca roommates being allocated by Mrs Pan. Wasnt even happy at all.... was thinking of sleeping with Evangeline they all but guess what. I was allocated with two malays. I aint being racist or whatsoever la, but like they had their prayer thingy, and also they'll literally speak malay and i'll obviously be left out. Wtf sia, sinces Mrs Pan isnt even going and also that we've these activities is to relax ourselves and enjoy, but then she allocated us to the room mates that we aint even close with, we dont even communicate. I know she wants us to bond together but then still wtf..... I guess it aint gona be a fun trip though hais and i pity Zanirah and Mheena..... have to sleep with ehem, better not mention the name ok hahahahaha kokocrunch in class srsly lol. haha ok so shall go off now. find me on tumblr k byeeeeee. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hi! Its been quite long sinces i updated yeah. Recently moved to tumblr hehehhee can find me at fak3slut.tumblr.com k :) hmmm. so yeah was kinda busy too. Tests all coming up and i screwed most of them especially lit . Hmm so common test is in like 1 week's time. Time rlly flies so fast yenno. Its like a blink of eyes and term 2 is coming up. like omg it passes just like so fast ok. hmm so yeah anyway went back to band like yesterday. was forced by mr lai.. everyday come kajiao me ask me go back band like wtf. :3 hmm so yea ytd was fine and like everyone was like shocked that i went back. and dini was like freaking happy hahhaha. ok so i'd have to buckup and just catch up the others when i dont even know how to read scores. dieeeeeeeeeeee. ok heheh shall go off now ok. find me @ tumblr. bai. (:

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Oh well, he asked me who I like. I told him no one, and so he thinks that I like him and thus he said that this causes HER to not like HIM. SERIOUSLY WTF. Cb anyhow. My fault la ? Get the fucking fact that she doesn't like u la, knn. Go and die please bastard. Fucking shit. -'-

Friday, February 3, 2012

like a sirrrrr.

Feeling so down these days, what happen to me...? Should i just let him go, forget him and move on? Its been long sinces i had a crush on him yet i dont even dare to do anything about it. But now seeing those stuffs, i think i should just move on. Alright, so today was awesome. Had science test today and all i did was scribbling on the paper, hoping that i'll pass my paper. :x Then after that also had mother tongue test, it was super duper easy yenno. Oh ya and also that mr francis lai asked me to join back band. I told him like umpteen reasons yet he said the problem is easily solved. Hais wtf.... yeah then after school had lunch then decorated the class with Evan, Mh, Ht. Painted the class , as u can see from the picture below. Then our clothes were all filled with paints. Then homed around 6 plus.. oh ya and before i forgotten, ytd headed t sogurt with evan and t then all of us had 6 cups of sogurt in total. #sogurtmadness. hahahaha. alright anyw common test is coming up in like 3 weeks time.. time really flies so fast. Soon, the term will be over alrdy. Everything changed, but why my feelings towards him doesnt? I wanna forget him like long ago but everytime when i saw him, i fall for him a little harder. :/ Nobody will ever get how i feel except minhui. oh yes, she'll never fail to cheer me up hehehe. thanks mh! alright shall end here okbye.