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Friday, February 3, 2012

like a sirrrrr.

Feeling so down these days, what happen to me...? Should i just let him go, forget him and move on? Its been long sinces i had a crush on him yet i dont even dare to do anything about it. But now seeing those stuffs, i think i should just move on. Alright, so today was awesome. Had science test today and all i did was scribbling on the paper, hoping that i'll pass my paper. :x Then after that also had mother tongue test, it was super duper easy yenno. Oh ya and also that mr francis lai asked me to join back band. I told him like umpteen reasons yet he said the problem is easily solved. Hais wtf.... yeah then after school had lunch then decorated the class with Evan, Mh, Ht. Painted the class , as u can see from the picture below. Then our clothes were all filled with paints. Then homed around 6 plus.. oh ya and before i forgotten, ytd headed t sogurt with evan and t then all of us had 6 cups of sogurt in total. #sogurtmadness. hahahaha. alright anyw common test is coming up in like 3 weeks time.. time really flies so fast. Soon, the term will be over alrdy. Everything changed, but why my feelings towards him doesnt? I wanna forget him like long ago but everytime when i saw him, i fall for him a little harder. :/ Nobody will ever get how i feel except minhui. oh yes, she'll never fail to cheer me up hehehe. thanks mh! alright shall end here okbye.

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