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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Helo..Bored at home. Chose sec sch , im freaking despo to go to HillG , but dad said its like lousy sch . Wthh , den he choose , dono submit alr not . Heck care . Sinces he wanna "CARE" , so he will "CARE" for me , and i dont :D. Lols, bored.Tmr is 27 , dk if gona go th open houses . Its like, fun , but im lazy and dont even have th mood to go. :l. Planning to stay at home instead of going got th o-h . Haiis , scored so badly , but hope i could go in zhenghua or at least greenridge or hg . Hmmm , 2 more weeks to go overseas , cant wait :D. Hehehe , SnowsSnows! :D. Okkkays , played maple today, bored , lv 5 up times . :p. Fb , scrolled up n down . Okays, its 4am naw , LOL . Gtg , night (:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey .. )': . Back from school . Got my result . Eff'ingly sucks although its 200 abv. Dad is like so dam sarcastic , keep saying bad things . ): Too bad , i cant get an iPhone. But this yr like drop so much . =x. 291 become 282 . At least i scored better then sis ? :D. Hmmmm, i improved by 14 marks . :l. I should be happy or sad ? Argh, forget it . Like whad zhen said , fact is a fact , we cant change anything . Mostly of mah friends scored like 170+ , 180 +, 190 + . >.> Highest in class 230 , Raudza , wthhh . Im dam jealous. Lols, okayyy , gtg . Bye . Btw , grats those who score sooo gd :D

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halo :D . Went GTP just nw , it was boooring . :l. Won nth. Den take pic, etc . Den jody was choosen to be th princess while Indra is th prince . Hahaha , grats :P Den finished at 730 :D. Went home to colleeeeect KEITH's bag and other's umbrella , den went blooock 766 to play block catcccching with Yuzhen, Jody, Danielle, Ruqoyah , Keith , Yvette , Joreen :D. It was dam fun . We ran from 2-10th floor finding dem . Den at 8th floor keith and yvette get scolded by an aunty fer makin noises :D. Dennnn , we went door bell ringing, lol . We rang like alot of hse den we ran :D. Although its like "LAME" but funfunfun ! :D . Den wnt minimartttt . Bought drinks , walked home , chit-chat :D. Reached hm 9 . Bathed , dinner , tv , comp :) . Playing maaaaaaaaaplestory naw . Its kinda BORING. But i've nothing to do :D. Awww,sheet! Tmr is result day :/ Im so dam fucking nervous and scared .): Wish me good luck peeps ! Hope i would get 230 ? :P Hahahaas , think positively right . Alrighty . Btw , good luck every p6 :))) . Okayyys, gtg . Nighty !

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hohoho,hiiiii.Went Dan's house at 1pm . Watched movie , or didnt really watch , :p chatting away , :D. Hehehehe, den we went lesson at 3pm . Almost late :p. Den i dont really understand what th hell is th teacher teaching, and i find guitar kinda boring naw cos i dont understand . :p Hehehe . Den went aries , bought hair spray , den pasar malam buy smth for th phoneee . Den home, bath , tv , fb . Downloaded mapleee . :P . installing naw . Gona play soooon . <3. Hmmmm , den boredboredbored. :P. Heyyyyy , dad went KL work till tmr night then back . :p Hope th flight delay or smth . Hahahaha, i know im badddie , but i srsly hate him :D. Okayyyyyy , hmmm . Wed got GTP . Dreads th day aft GTP . ): . Hope i get 220 abv :D. Okkkay , gd luck everyyyone! Gtg , nightty.
Heys,:D.Sorry for not updatin ytd . Went SunPlaza ytd with mom and sis . Bought a blouse and ate at ThaiExpress . Im so gona stop buying clothes! :D. Den home . Urmm , today dam bored . Modem spoiled , tmr den th singtel peeps send new one . So ,no internet . Using th donger , lols . dk how spell . Ahaa ,:p. Den went lot 1 with mom . Watched harry potter . Kinda boring show. Den went mac . Bought like 3 meals just for th monopoly game . Im sucha money waster . LOLS. Okayyyy, den home . Facebooking naw . Okayyys, tmr no sch . Going Danielle's house to watch movie, den go guitar lesson . Okayyy, gtg . Nighhhht :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Heys.Had so much fun ytd.Stayed back in school till 2pm.Hugged each other, took photo, chit-chat, etc. Actually wanna take with Miss Go. But she went home. )':. Nevermind, still got today.:D. Den went Bugis with Jody's mom, Jody, Danielle and Ruqoyah.Bought things..den walk arnd for like 3 times, wth . XD. Den went lot 1 , actually wanna buy cap, but den not nice. Den duwan . Den went stagmont with Jody,Danielle and Zhen . Danielle and I stayed lesser than 5mins, LOL.:P. Den walked home, bath,dinner, facebook. :D

Later going Graduation day .. peeps, im so gona miss you . Lets have fun, take pic . :D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Heys.Back from SunPlaza with mom :D. Went thr to buy things. Bought a blouse,2 shorts and some assesories . Yayyys. :D. Now , im struggling and wondering which to wear for GTP . Wthh , hahas. :l. Chatting,chatting,msnmsn, :D. Boring. Uhhhhh , tmw is th last day of school! >.<. 360mins . Yeahhhs, 6hours. Gona be crazy, laugh, speak, chitchat, hangout , whatever . With ALL mah friends ;). But i think im so gona go crazy till i let tcher scold. Hahahahas, okayys, 11pm alr. Sleeping soon . Bye .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Heys.Had so much fun today.Went to Keith's house at 2.30pm. Practiced guitar at first for like 30mins. Den bored, so decided to make MV. In th end went crazy, laughing, chattings. :D.Heehes. Den quarrel over th music book cos we mixed up.:l.Lols.Den Keith's granny give us cakes . Ate, den watch Mara Clara. I dont even understand a single thing!Lols.Uhmmm , den went home. Yvette and Danielle shared umbrella with me :D. Loools. We pushing and snatching for th umbrella and i shouted in th middle of th road for funnn . Muhahahas. Actually, we aint wanna th umbrella. We just dw our guitar to get wet, LOLS.:PPP.Hehees, den went home at 6pm. Bathe, facebook. Dk what to eat for dinner. What mom cook really sucks. Idw eat. Ltr maybe go down and buy food with sis. Btw, today is mom's bdae. :D. Ltr gt cake to eat .:>. Btww, happy birthday mummyy! ((: . Okayyyys, gtg.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Heyyys.Guitar lesson was fun . :D. On th way to MRT station met Aice,May,Jessie .. den saw Mdm NG! Wthhh . Den Danielle was avoiding, HAHAHA. :p. Den learnt 2 songs. But my fingers really pain cos need press very hard, ): . Den when lesson end, i was like, WTH ? 1 hour ? This seems like 30 mins. LOL. :p. Haahas . Den went home . Practised. Tmr going practice with vet and nielle at stagmont :)))). Okayyyys,byee .
Heyy.Just came back from school.Had lunch . Hmmmm, going bath soon den head off to YewTee MRT to meet Yvette,Danielle for guitar lessons . :D. Today is th firsttttt lessson . Hope it will be funn . :P. JHahaas . Actualy going Haz's house to play Teacher-Teacher . But Danielle donwanna go . So came home . Bleahhs.Nothing really happened in school today.Got assembly, th knowledge quiz thingy. Monoceros wonnn :D. Den wnt back class . Spilt class. Went to 6B1 , ==. Did nothing. Teeasing May for fun cos i was BORED.:P. Den chitchat, aft tht dismissal . Slacked at th bench waiting for Yvette to write smth till 1.20 den walked home with dem .:P . Okayyys, gtg . Update ltr. [;

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Heyyyyys.Bored again.<:.Wakaka.Watching NannyDaddy at mommy's comp. Hahaas. Later going to OSSIA Music School with mom to sign the thingy for parent's consent.:p.Parents now not at home, they went outoutout. :D . Yeahhhh . Awww,shit . Tmrw gort sch . Ewwwwwwww . But im freaking excited cus tmr gt guitar lesson . Muhahahaha . Okiie . Bored to DEATH again . -.-. Gtg,buaiis .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Heyys.Bored.Hmmmm,went lot 1 with Yvette and Danielle at 3.30pm.Signed up for the guitar lesson and bought guitar.Haahas,its like so fun.<:.Loools.Cant wait for Monday!:D.Heehe,but the guitar is like so big, and we'll be carrying around every Monday?! Omg.Just now when i was walking,den knock here knock there,LOLS.Den ppl keep looking at me.:P.Haahas,im crazy now.Weeet,msging Danielle,chatting on fb.:D.Boreddddd.Today nothing happened.At school went comp lab till 12.15pm.Surfing internet,hmm.Scrolling up facebook.UpAndDown,UpAndDown.Muhahaha.Den found out by Mrs Rex tht i brought hp.But she didnt say anything and just asked me to keep,hahas.How i wish every teacher was like tht.:P.Hmmmmm,after tht went science fiesta.Didnt really go see all th booth.Only went booth 1 and booth 2.Slacking there till 1pm.Voted for both of the boooth.But in th end, still is the booth 1 won.But i think poster is booth 2. :D.Haaahas,okayyys.Lets end here.Nightty.^^
Heyyy, i know this sucks. But i changed it in school,and no time. :D.Hahahahas,at comp lab 1 now with some of the 6c2's and 6A1.Later at 11.55 will have science fiesta, muhahah.:P.Den dono at 4pm going with Yvette to lot 1 for buying guitar and reqisterrrrr.(:.Haaahaas,im so excited to learn guitar.:p.Lesson starts next mon.Cant wait,Bahahaha.Bored.Facebook,scrolling up and down,so decided to change template.HAHAHA.:D.Okayyys, gtg..Byeee. :]

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heyyyy,bored.Opened a blogshop with Keith,http://ThSoftToys.blogspot.com . :D. Earning money, trying hard to find money to buy guitar. <:. Heheee,Lools.Boreddd.I need $10 more to buy guitar.weeee. :D.Hope i could sign up for the lesson with Dan,Yvette,Nichelle and Kritika too!Sad,mom dont let,insisted in saying that my friends are all gangster, and said that guitar is useless.So what if its useless, at least i can have fun ? Or else what ? Wait till i die, then regret ? Haha,epic. <:. Boreddd. Come visit my blogshop kayys,gtg. (:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hallo.Using comp instead of lappy.Yeahh,taken back,hmm.Went p6 Forum with Danielle,Keith,Yvette.Had so much fun.Haaha,they came my house at 1pm,den they order mac.Den eat, play truth or dare,:D.Soo fun.Hehee,(:.Den went Forum,dk if Mrs Hanna saw me,barely listened to the speaker,was smsing,chatting with the person beside me,HAHA. (:. Fun times yeahhh,LOOL.Den went home,bath,dinner,facebooking.Not really loads of notifications,freaked me out,bored.Hmmm,tmr friends coming house to watch movie,play,pizza-ing. :D. Sure will have fun,Hahahas,okie, gtg.Bye.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Heylos.(:.Siannn,back from Toa Payohhh, rebonded hair.Bought clothesXD.ThannnnnksMOM!(:
Hmmmm,got my hair nice and straighhht,love it!:D.Den ate thr..came home arnd, 11pm!LOL.:P.Dad say wanna buy desktop fer me, as in the pc only.Cos we got th monitr and kehboard ler.Heheee,but i waaanaa iPhone.Wthh,just now at MRT, saw like whole family, all using iPhone/Pad.Somemore all iPhone 4G,wthhh,so jealouuus.):.Awww.Boredddd.Nbbm, i surf internet,buaii. (:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heyyy.Sooo happy.:p. Went pp todayyy with aunt,dad and mom . We booked airtickets to "HaiLongGou".And tht place is like freaaaaaaaaaaaaaking cold and loads of snows, and we will be going skiing on th 2nd day.:p.Weeeeee!~Hahahas,10/12 we'll be going.But th flight is at 2am.:p.LOL.Sooooo exciteeed.Hahahaaaas.Snnnnow,Snnnnow,Snooows!:p.Gona spam my cam with pics.Hehehee,boreddddddd.Ate at coffee shop,sucked.Den went home.:p.Oki,gtg.nighty!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hiiiiiii.:).Bored.Didnt go school,lazy.Muhaha.Stayed home,tv,facebook.Hmmm, cant use comp soon, cos mom taking back, maybe tml.Awww,shucks.Oki,nothing happened today,boring day.Hmmm,tmw going school,okies,gtg.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yooooh.Bored.Went pasir ris beachhh.Fun but hot like hell.XD.Played loads of game,had so much fun.Screaming,HAHA.XDD.Didnt rent bike, cous no time lerh.Den walkedwalked,play.Hehee.Btw, the beach sucks. Alot of seashells, but no litter!Roarrr.But good, we have more time playing,HAHA.XD.Den came home,bath,bath,went out with Danielle and Ruqoyahh.Went to stagmont,den jieying's block, den Danielle's swimmingpool.Chitchat,catching,Hahas.xD.Had fun too.Hmmmm,okies, gtg. Byebyee.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Harlo.Went yewtee with ShaoYinggg.XD.We went to cut fringe.Muhaha.We cut bang, den my fringe is like fvcking short while hers is like nice!:D.Ohmygoddd.Im gona look weird for some time.D: Ohh,gosh!Hmmm,but i heck care.At least still can...HAHAS.:D.Decided to make sandwiches for tmr's BEACH PICNIC, HAHAHA.XD.Lol.Okii, gtg.Watching tv with shaoyinggg,Buaii!