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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halo :D . Went GTP just nw , it was boooring . :l. Won nth. Den take pic, etc . Den jody was choosen to be th princess while Indra is th prince . Hahaha , grats :P Den finished at 730 :D. Went home to colleeeeect KEITH's bag and other's umbrella , den went blooock 766 to play block catcccching with Yuzhen, Jody, Danielle, Ruqoyah , Keith , Yvette , Joreen :D. It was dam fun . We ran from 2-10th floor finding dem . Den at 8th floor keith and yvette get scolded by an aunty fer makin noises :D. Dennnn , we went door bell ringing, lol . We rang like alot of hse den we ran :D. Although its like "LAME" but funfunfun ! :D . Den wnt minimartttt . Bought drinks , walked home , chit-chat :D. Reached hm 9 . Bathed , dinner , tv , comp :) . Playing maaaaaaaaaplestory naw . Its kinda BORING. But i've nothing to do :D. Awww,sheet! Tmr is result day :/ Im so dam fucking nervous and scared .): Wish me good luck peeps ! Hope i would get 230 ? :P Hahahaas , think positively right . Alrighty . Btw , good luck every p6 :))) . Okayyys, gtg . Nighty !

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