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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey .. )': . Back from school . Got my result . Eff'ingly sucks although its 200 abv. Dad is like so dam sarcastic , keep saying bad things . ): Too bad , i cant get an iPhone. But this yr like drop so much . =x. 291 become 282 . At least i scored better then sis ? :D. Hmmmm, i improved by 14 marks . :l. I should be happy or sad ? Argh, forget it . Like whad zhen said , fact is a fact , we cant change anything . Mostly of mah friends scored like 170+ , 180 +, 190 + . >.> Highest in class 230 , Raudza , wthhh . Im dam jealous. Lols, okayyy , gtg . Bye . Btw , grats those who score sooo gd :D

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