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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Helo..Bored at home. Chose sec sch , im freaking despo to go to HillG , but dad said its like lousy sch . Wthh , den he choose , dono submit alr not . Heck care . Sinces he wanna "CARE" , so he will "CARE" for me , and i dont :D. Lols, bored.Tmr is 27 , dk if gona go th open houses . Its like, fun , but im lazy and dont even have th mood to go. :l. Planning to stay at home instead of going got th o-h . Haiis , scored so badly , but hope i could go in zhenghua or at least greenridge or hg . Hmmm , 2 more weeks to go overseas , cant wait :D. Hehehe , SnowsSnows! :D. Okkkays , played maple today, bored , lv 5 up times . :p. Fb , scrolled up n down . Okays, its 4am naw , LOL . Gtg , night (:

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