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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Heyys.Bored.Hmmmm,went lot 1 with Yvette and Danielle at 3.30pm.Signed up for the guitar lesson and bought guitar.Haahas,its like so fun.<:.Loools.Cant wait for Monday!:D.Heehe,but the guitar is like so big, and we'll be carrying around every Monday?! Omg.Just now when i was walking,den knock here knock there,LOLS.Den ppl keep looking at me.:P.Haahas,im crazy now.Weeet,msging Danielle,chatting on fb.:D.Boreddddd.Today nothing happened.At school went comp lab till 12.15pm.Surfing internet,hmm.Scrolling up facebook.UpAndDown,UpAndDown.Muhahaha.Den found out by Mrs Rex tht i brought hp.But she didnt say anything and just asked me to keep,hahas.How i wish every teacher was like tht.:P.Hmmmmm,after tht went science fiesta.Didnt really go see all th booth.Only went booth 1 and booth 2.Slacking there till 1pm.Voted for both of the boooth.But in th end, still is the booth 1 won.But i think poster is booth 2. :D.Haaahas,okayyys.Lets end here.Nightty.^^

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