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Friday, December 9, 2011

hello cold world.

hellos :)  sinces i was bored right now, so lets just blog alright? Hmmmm tomorrow will be flying off around. Feel like ton-ing tonight till 530am then bath and head over to airport, shld i ? heh, okay so had a last minute packing just now. and so tmw's flight would be 920am i guess and so we'll have to reach the airport at 730am... im pretty excited for this trip but also its sad that i wouldnt get to use twitter for the time being unless there's wifi there but yeah even if have, i guess its only for awhile as im not on a free and easy trip :( Anyways, went to lot with sis and mom just now to buy all the things that was needed to bring overseas and also had my dinner there, dinner there. Oh and also just wasted $ on a era cap which i think it's awesome but at the same time, wasting money. Haha, but sinces i've alrdy bought it, then shouldnt regret haha alright so shall go off now :)

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