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Friday, December 23, 2011


Hello all. Sorry for the lack of updates these few days. Was kinda busy.. Anyw, started on homework ytd, didnt do the chinese email and compo(lazy) then i submit alrdy.. anyw idgafd too :3. btw tmw gg meet evan for lunch @ cck then head to marsiling to meet the bs ppl to collect our bags. Then at night will be gg aunt's house. hehhhhh yayyy christmas presents (Y). yeaaaa btw schl's reopening in freaking 12 days time. hell................. all the stress, homeworks, exams, cca. oh and  my cca is still hanging there. i heard that mdm khong is quitting so ms sim will be the teacher in charge already, but they dont allow us to quit and so yeah idk what to do too so its like in the middle of quitting but fail to do so. haha. rlly wanna transfer school just cos of this cca thing.. the teacher are all pestering me about why didnt i attend cca and stuffs. Im rlly not interested in band yenno hais. 走一步看一步吧 .. alright let's end here bye. 

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