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Thursday, March 29, 2012

iloveyoutoo :')

Yay hellos. Okay basically i miss all of them on top. And of cos, the malacca trip! :( Missing all the fun times and memories together! Hehehe. So today had school till 1.45pm then went for band at 2.30pm. So had rehersal and stuffs till 7 plus then leave school! Freaking late aye. Then headed home and tomorrow is the real sparkle concert. Today only got 1 timing the rehersal yet we are all drop dead tired. Imagine tomorrow, there'll be 2 shows. Gosh, confirm become zombie. Hahahaha ok and oh ya i lost my ez-link card in the freaking school toilet. I know its.... lol but yeah. Freaking heck care it uh. Okay so yeah shall end here alright bye :) x

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