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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, March 5, 2012


hello :) its school tomorrow and now's 12am yet im still here blogging and watching vids. ahahaha ok deekosh's cinammon challenge made me laughed so hard. u guys should go and watch it :D hehhee ok basically headed to jp just now for some shopping with sis and mom. bought a high waisted shorts and had dinner @ swensens. oh anyway will be going malacca on wed - friday with the schoooool. kind of excited but somehow not... im afraid that i'd be left out hehehe ok insecurities sucks but yeah.... :/ alright umm pray that later in school it'll be good and fuq school's ending at 5 due to that flight aviation shit ok srsly limsikchoo gnd la . do i even look like i have the freaking time for ur bloody programme that have to include the whole sec 2 i meant like do i even look like i'd like to be a pilot in future...? da'hell. okay la shouldnt rant here hahaha ok goodnight guise !

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