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Saturday, March 3, 2012

used to the pain.

Hellos! Its already March. Time flies :3 Oh yea so taken my common test last week and received back most of the paper. So yeah, heres the results. Mother tongue : 26/50 (IFKR I DROPPED SO BADLY). Science 32/50
Literature 15/30. History 22/30. Maths 28/30. Got 3rd in class for maths and ya i was so shocked hahahaha. Okay so haven gotten back my geog paper. Hopefully will get A. Hehehehe alright anyway today had floorball inter-class match. 2E2 ah 2E2. Kena trashed so badly. Even by sec 1s... fucking xiasuay but at least we tried our best. My finger was injured wtf :/ Umm k anyway tomorrow will be going to school early in da morning for malacca briefing, afterwards heading to town with Evan and Vanessa. Gona shop till drop heehehhe. Pray hard that the weather would be gooooooood. :) Alright so shall end today's post here, bye (:

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