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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hi arh!Muhahahaha!o.O.LOLS.Just came back from swimmingg.Took alot underwater pics, posting at facebook soon.(: Today freaking crazyy!LoL.Ms Go says where my ws 10.Den she say print 1 $5, i freaking crazyyy!I went to buy a new boook.Muhahahaha.LOL.$1.8 only.:P.Hehes.Dennnn~ Urmmm.Nothing luh..Fri is sports carnival!Ihateit!:P.Hehes.Today class was boring!T_T.Now watching tv.The news, dam disgusting lar lols. Suddenly say 1 boy head stuck duno where.And den got wad people die and den rot.LOLS.:P.Hehes.Homework noy donE!OMGOMG.Brb(:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hellos,LOL.I also dono why i want to post this.Maybe its out of boringness.Muhahaha.Haven do homework.Got alot.T.T!Now watching tv and facebooking.So bored.T.T!Tml maybe going swimming with sis at 1pm.Friday going shopping with DanRu!:D.Dono wanna go wher.Explore arnd SG?Hahahas.Impossible lar dey.Friday sports carnival..Dancing?!LOL.Wdh.HAHAHA.Hope it goes smoothly.xD.Bored.I go do homework now.Blog next time or even tmr.GTG,bye!;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Woooahhhh! Just came back from schooool!:D. So bored. Loads of homework.Mamaaa!T.T! But today no supp, i mean this week!Yayyyyy!Bleahs.Facebook all the friends stil at school, slack.LOL. Blahblahblahhhh! Oh ya! Just now recess the water cooler near the toilet leak water and then flood abit. LOLL,:P . So fun !And yesterday wen swimminq wit sis. Maybe goin this fri again with DanRu ? Not confirmed. Muhahaha. Now so bored, BRB homework (:. Ceeeeyaaaa! <3

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hi!:D. Today went to lot 1 with Dan and Ru.:P Firstly, we went to Popular, Dan seeing some CD.Den we went to Mini Toons. Took a long time there searching for our bdae prezzie.Dan and Ru shared money and bought me a Pink CareBear. I bought Dan a iPhone cover..Den we went to Action City.. Dan said wanna domo, want me buy.Lols.Den i said my house have, wanna give her. But sis say sell to me.Rofl.Now kinda bankrupt.LOLS.Den we went to CCK Park.Had a great time there. Went to play with slides, sands and swing. Muhahaha. We did a 3D heart on the sand.LOLS.Coooool!:D. Den we went play swing, LOLS.Dizzy there.Bleahs.Den after awhile, we walked home. Went yew tee to meet sis. LOLS. She dam angry cous i late.:P.Den sat MRT, went to Tiong Bahru to eat 18chefs. The food was like normal, but we can choose our own sauce and ingredient for the pasta.Den we went arcade. Actually wanted to catch a bear that wearing happy birthday tee-shirt.But cant catch.:P. So, we catched small domos. Hehe. Giving it to Dan on mon.Hope she like it uh. Den went home. And, went out again. LOLS. This time is with aunts and parents. Went to Ginza uh. Ate at there.. and den want to aunt's hse. Used her laptop. And den went home. LOL. Heyhey! OH YA! Tmr going swimming with sis. Mom tagging, but mom not swimming ka. LOL. So excited, but NOT FAIR! Sis can buy new swimsuit!ROARRRRRRR!Hahahas. Now gona facebook, den sleep. Gota go! Btw, tmr got tuition at 3pm, new teacher, uh. I hope she's pretty and teach well. BAHAHAHA. Bye(:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Elmoelmo! Muahahaha! Today sooo fun! Went to dandan's condo's swimming poool with Ruru. Hehes. Had dam much fun. We played loads of game in there. And den, Ruru's new learned kungfu, kicking people in water. Muahaha. Den we played searching for items.. At first we threw $1 den Dandan's googels. Hahahas.Den we played monkeyy. Throwing googels. Suddenly threw till my head! LOL, Dandan is soooo short! HAHAHS. No offence.:P.Den went to Dandan's hse ... Faceboook... LOL. And den she give ruru and me eat some phillipines food? MILK sweet? LOLS. Duno whats tht. HAHAHA. Tmr maybe going out with Ruru N Dandan again.:p Gona get dandan a belated bdae prezzzie! ;D Hmmmm. Maybe a mouse(For comp) . MOUSE. Not THE ANIMAL. :P Hahahaas. Dennn. Went hm , :P. Okaehh. Gtg, bye(:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hi ! Didnt blog a few days. Forgotten.LOL. Hehes. Yayyyy! Tmr got study camp! Can see my fwen le! :DD Hahahas.. Meeting Fathin in the morning to go school tgt. xDD. LOL. Tmr school 8-12 ... 4hrs. Hmmmm! Oral baah.Tmr bringin all the books. LOLOL. Heavy bag! :(, hehes. 10pm ley, now i go facebook awhile bah! ;D Buhye

Saturday, June 19, 2010

HEYHEY!Haha!So fun today!Played water with sis in a small pool, like those kids pool. Need blow one. But ours is bigger and doesnt need to BLOW! HAAHA! Took alot of photos.LOL. But its ugly, couz my face full of water.:X. Played like 30 mins. Den dad like.. scolding say we bath so long. LOLOL! Den now like going out ler. Goin BuGis! (: Maybe shopping or watchin movies if not play arcade bahh . Seee 1st! Mom working till night 10pm, duwanna stay at home with dad. So we go out! HAHAHA!So now going le, bye!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HEYYYYY!HellOs!:D.Hhhm.Nothing much today.Another boring day..Hm what about yesterday?A supaah boring birthday.Haahas.Nothing much.Urmmmm.Last week of holidays le, somemore last 3 days need go school!RAWK!:(.Arghhh!Holiday is too short!But its kind of BORED staying at home....LOL,how i wish i can go to school but there's no class.Grrrr!I will try to make it fun.Left 4 days.URGH! Haiis. Nevermind.STUDYSTUDYSTUDY.PSLEPSLE.Wdh . Psle =>Please stop learning everything.^^.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heyhey,i forget to tell you this,a freaking dam stupid thing. -.-. On sunday, mom went to work.Arnd 2.30pm she left home.Den i was still like so tired so i continued sleeping cous i slept at 6am that morning. Den arnd 3pm + i woke up. I had a terrible stomachache.. And den i called mom. I told her tt and she said postponed the tuition. And so i continue 'resting' till dad came home.Mom didnt told him, so i did. I said so, after that, he said i was lying. Wdh. Den nevermind.Mom den called him.Den mom told him maah, you know wad he said? He said, stomacheache cannot tuition meh?WDF,i really wish he had a terrible stomacheache and see whether he can go work or not.LOL.Den nevermind.He said, if i dont tuition,i cant play comp forever. WDF is this?! Nevermind, i oso wish i can tuition...But .. Its dam pain =.= Like someone pulling my stomache.ROFL.Den when i went to bath, i was like almost faint.ROFL.Supah pain luh.Den after dad gimme eat medicine, i rest awhile den vomit ... ROFL.Mom den came home at 7pm+... Den she said i got fever.She then lemme eat panadol.Den porridge. Didnt eat the whole day. Hmmm. I was like sleeping the whole day.LOL.Den went yew tee. Cous mom said wanna go out.Nobody at home, dad went out awhile to buy something.I dowan ltr he come back den mom haven come back.So i tag along.Mom bought alot things.Hmmm.Den went home after awhile.;)Den slept. At arnd 3am, mom lemme eat medicine, my temperature was 38.7 degree. WOAH. LOL. Den i cant sleep, cous like slept the whole day, so i watched tv awhile till i sleepy.Hmmm, then next day, was feeling a little better bahh. At night went yew tee cous mom said wanna order cake fr my bdae.We went Emi cake shop.I chose 'Pure Addiction' LOLS.Weird name.But the seller says is all choco.Hmm den cous no others alrd, got father's day one and durian cake. But sis dont like durian.So, i chose chocolate one. Okay.Den went Koufu sit awhile seeing mom eat.Den went buy fish fillet for sis and went home. On laptop cous nt so sleepy. Den facebook. Okay. This post is like freaking long -.- Okay.Lemme stop here.:P.BYEBYE!(:
Didnt post for quite some time.LAZY =X. Heyhey, btw, just finished watching Karate Kid. The show is nice(: Everyone must watch!LOL.Actually full house one.But mom booked the tickets online,luckylucky.Hahaas.Then right just now i was giving the ticket usher the ticket while my mom walked in first.Den i didnt see the theatre so i just followed my mom.She went in the wrong theatre,LOL!She went in theatre 3.But they were showing the same movie.Owhh.Hahaas.Den we finished the show at 12am.Den took bus home.Its alrd past 12am,so its 16June, my bdae! HAHAHA! LOL.Sadly,tmr mom need to work..She said she will collect cakes arnd 4-5pm den str8 home..I hope she's early.Hahas.Okay.Its 2.30am alrd, gota go.Bye

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hi!Today didnt go out.. Stayed at home played maple. LOL. Zul is so nub! HAHAHA!=X ..Den facebook. Nothin else... Den hor just now mom said wanna watch the DVD tt she bought ytd ... Den i opened le the tv.. den i go comp room le. Den my FUCKINGZ dad came n call me.. den u know? say why i opened the tv ? den i say is mom wanna watch .. den mom say nvr. WDF is this?! BETRAY?! LOL! =.= SAD LA HOR. SO UNLUCKY.. OPEN FOR HER THEN SAY NEVER CALL ME OPEN DE. =.=!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

HEY Peeeepos... Ytd didnt blog.. cous nothing to write. Hehes. Didnt go Danielle's bdae cous idk :x ROFL. Didnt seee msq... Hehes. Now maplin. Lv70 ler~ ZuuL still 56-57 ;x idk. LOL He said i hack. ROFL~ hahahahas!NUB! LOL. Okay lahs. Den aftnoon went yew tee wit sis lor. She bought dye hair de den we go buy some food. Hmmmm~ Den nothing le. Hahas. Nthin special during holidays. HMM! BYE!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Harlooo!=) You guys is thinking tt i post everyday cous im siao/crazy right?! Hahas! Nope.Its just tt im boring at home.T_T. So i blog lor~ Hehes!Hmmm. Nothing tdy. My notifications in fb are dead. D: One whole day no notifications. T.T! Den play maple lor. ZuuL nbr online.. :DDD. Hahaas. Ytd night got lv . ><. Hmmmm. Not gtg! ;D Lazy type. LOL. Bye!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Arloooo!Peeps.Goinq Lot 1 lerhhx!I post nw or else ltr i forget D:. Haaahas. Today nothing much. Tuition lor. -.-. I kept the answer sheet from a worksheet and i letta tcher mark th paper. She marked, alot wronq. Dam stupidd horr?! Haaahaa!Mom said wanna fire her. IHOPESO. x3. Hehees! Hmmm. Sis wnt chalet a day niaa. Ltr she meeting us at Lot 1! OHSHYT! Mom is callinqqqqqq! Gotaa go! Hahass! Ltr if qot mre thinqs i post bahh. BTW, Maple tdy didnt lv :( Stuck at 57. ZuuL nbr online, HAHAHA! :D . Oh bye! BULLSHYT.
Hahas.. Arlow . ;D.
Wnt shoppinq ehh . Jealous?! Lols.
Bouqht a Tee and den wnt dinnerhh at same kopitiam bahh . ;)
Dad ordered stinqrayy! Woahh! Hahas. HDM! <- HOTDIEME. LOL.
HMMM. Den went to Aunt's hse awhilee nah! Dad tauqht me & sis play mahjonqq. Cous at
Aunt's hse found mahhjonq. Dhen as miie and my sis fwen alot noe hw ply, i ask dad teach lo . :D. Now , i knw hw ply. Euu all cnt look down on me! HAHAHA! Jus jk. (:
Dhen went hm . Dad found our own mahhjonq. Den ply wit sis 2 rnds. She wanna qo slp ler. Den keeeeep lo . XD. Btw, tdy at shoppinq centre bouqht @cash . 30k eh . Jealous eh ? ZuuuL ? Hahas . Tml promise zuul say wanna send him 12k ._. . I dw senddddd! :( . Hope he dont online hahas. Today maple didnt level uppp! I was slackinqq. Goinq all arnd maple , shoppinq n discoverinq. Ahaaha . Den .... recruit peeps to quild ? :D. Dhen nothhinqq else bah ... TOMORROW GOT TUITION. :( IM GONA DIE! I HATE TUITION! TUTION SUCKS! SUCKS! TUITION SUCKS ! I HATE TUITION! TUITION, UUUUUUUUUUU SUCKS! TO THE COREEE! :'( Gtgs. Byeee! :( .

Labels: I hate tuitionn! Hahas!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hye peeps. xD. Today playd maple. Met iyuul aka zul. He's dam noob =X.
Hahas. Begging me for hairstyle coupon. Level 54? Ahaaaha . :3.
Dhen at night maple map kena raid. >< . Dhen nbm. I offline :)
Went facebook instead. Hehes. Went dwn minimart down my hse wit mom just nw.
Bought some groceries ? :x Den came bak home. Play maple aqn. :)
Sadd. Tml mum qota qo staff retreat? Not at home agn :( . Haiis .
Hmm . Now gtg :) Ceeya ! :l

Thursday, June 3, 2010

helloos. Im so lazy to update. =x . Hmmmm. Lemme see. :D. Mum today nvr qo wrk :p. Ermmmmmm. Den . Nightnight went yew tee . x: at home bored mahhs. ate at koufu. den. ermm. nothing luh . went home. just finished fb. ALICE REBORNDED HER HAIR AND ITS SOOOOO CUTE AND LOOK SOOOO MATURED. But.. I like tt :D, hahas. Now gtg :D. Buhbye (:
Hey. Hellos. Today nothing special happened. Nothing. Really! :^(. Hmmmmm! Lemme seee. I played MapleStory den play and play and play and play and play. LOL. Didnt qo out shoppinq. Mom went job interview. She wanna chanqe job bahhs. She said successful. Idk real or not. xD. Denn . Hmmmm. She bouqht some food from yewteeee. Ermmmms. Denn . Nothing luh . :D. Alone at home th whole afternoon. Facebookinq and maple. Uhh . Now gtg (: . Dono ppl sayinq wad Sports Carnival. :x I didnt have anything. Ahaaaha. :D. Now gtg. Really. Buhbye ;D

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hellahh . :). Just came back frm YewTeee. xD. Nothinq much . Ate dinnerh at Kopitiam ... den at PasarMalam bouqht some things lor. Den meet sis at yewtee to go home tgt. :) Now reach hm liaoos. Wanna play mapleee. xD. Go facebook see awhile bahhs. :D Buhbyee!