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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heyhey,i forget to tell you this,a freaking dam stupid thing. -.-. On sunday, mom went to work.Arnd 2.30pm she left home.Den i was still like so tired so i continued sleeping cous i slept at 6am that morning. Den arnd 3pm + i woke up. I had a terrible stomachache.. And den i called mom. I told her tt and she said postponed the tuition. And so i continue 'resting' till dad came home.Mom didnt told him, so i did. I said so, after that, he said i was lying. Wdh. Den nevermind.Mom den called him.Den mom told him maah, you know wad he said? He said, stomacheache cannot tuition meh?WDF,i really wish he had a terrible stomacheache and see whether he can go work or not.LOL.Den nevermind.He said, if i dont tuition,i cant play comp forever. WDF is this?! Nevermind, i oso wish i can tuition...But .. Its dam pain =.= Like someone pulling my stomache.ROFL.Den when i went to bath, i was like almost faint.ROFL.Supah pain luh.Den after dad gimme eat medicine, i rest awhile den vomit ... ROFL.Mom den came home at 7pm+... Den she said i got fever.She then lemme eat panadol.Den porridge. Didnt eat the whole day. Hmmm. I was like sleeping the whole day.LOL.Den went yew tee. Cous mom said wanna go out.Nobody at home, dad went out awhile to buy something.I dowan ltr he come back den mom haven come back.So i tag along.Mom bought alot things.Hmmm.Den went home after awhile.;)Den slept. At arnd 3am, mom lemme eat medicine, my temperature was 38.7 degree. WOAH. LOL. Den i cant sleep, cous like slept the whole day, so i watched tv awhile till i sleepy.Hmmm, then next day, was feeling a little better bahh. At night went yew tee cous mom said wanna order cake fr my bdae.We went Emi cake shop.I chose 'Pure Addiction' LOLS.Weird name.But the seller says is all choco.Hmm den cous no others alrd, got father's day one and durian cake. But sis dont like durian.So, i chose chocolate one. Okay.Den went Koufu sit awhile seeing mom eat.Den went buy fish fillet for sis and went home. On laptop cous nt so sleepy. Den facebook. Okay. This post is like freaking long -.- Okay.Lemme stop here.:P.BYEBYE!(:

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