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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

HEYHEY!Haha!So fun today!Played water with sis in a small pool, like those kids pool. Need blow one. But ours is bigger and doesnt need to BLOW! HAAHA! Took alot of photos.LOL. But its ugly, couz my face full of water.:X. Played like 30 mins. Den dad like.. scolding say we bath so long. LOLOL! Den now like going out ler. Goin BuGis! (: Maybe shopping or watchin movies if not play arcade bahh . Seee 1st! Mom working till night 10pm, duwanna stay at home with dad. So we go out! HAHAHA!So now going le, bye!

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