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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oh hey. Yesterday went Jp , shopped around. Didnt buy anything. LOL. Actually wanted to buy converse shoe , but like all i have le . Heh , so didnt buy. :x . Den dinner at swensen . Reached home around 11pm . Den played my phone and textext with Zavier and Rachel till 2am bah . Den slept . Today woke up 9.30 by Zavier == . Den watched tv , comp , text . Play phone . Den didnt even touch my hw . Now still comp-ing. Heh , tonight maybe going watch movie , kk done posting , ciao .

Friday, April 22, 2011

Helloos. Yesterday didnt use comp , so didnt update ps ;xx. Yesterdaaay school as normal . Boring lessons over at 1.45 . Den cmp kinda fun uh , finished our project den we listen to justin's mv and stuffs . And joke all around hehe . Den went back to class , played awhile with th boys and minhui , den evan and lynn came. Den went down canteen to slack awhile , den when we went up the class , junjie, weikang, jeff and jonathan hid our bag and files . Den we were like super pissed off , so evan,lynn and me screamed and shouted like some szb , trying to ask them to rt our files and stuffs . Den they all were threatened by me , that if they dont return my history file , i'll throw their science file away , hoho . Den weikang was like freaking scared cos i was holding onto his file . Den in the end they rt lor . Den fucking pissed. Walked up and down , lol . Den after that went canteen to support our class for the salad making competition . Uh , we won first. But like, whatever. I dont even care. LOL. :X. Okkka , den went home . Comp , and slack . Den went yt w mommy and sis at night . Den ltr going jp shopshop , Kkkk , done posting . Bye . (:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hellooo. Today so pathetic lor, bieber's concert and i dont fucking have the ticket , like aww ? :/ Hais . Den nvm , something really pissed me off this morning man . Woke up 630 , prepared , go to school . Den took mrt mahs , den this idiotic bullshit guy , didnt say excuse me , and he started pushing all around like nobody's business , den he walked out . Like wth , liddat still nvm. Den he still pulled my earpiece , and my phone dropped onto the floor , and when he's out, he still stare at me like nothing happened. Fuck you man. -.- Zzzz , unlucky max. Den nvm , school waas fineee ? Evan taught me how to fold straw hearts ? LOL , kkk , den nothing happened . Got maths supp , ended at 4.30 . Den i so guaaai , went home straight . Did my homework den start comp . Heh , btw , today's geo test , 100% plus chop sure fail . I totally dono how do , not at all babeh. Awww, wish me luck man. Hehehe, and tmr gona getback our lit test , omg , fail. D: . Awwwshit , goodluck babeh . (: kkk , done posting , nightnight. (:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hell`o guys. :D Can see that jb is so hot and awesome and im a die-hard fan of himmmmm. :D Hahahas, okay. Today was super boring. Woke up at 8am thanks to Bernard. Text me early in th morning asking if i miss him. Like seriously, LOL, who th hell would miss him, lmfao. Den ate breakfast, tv, comp . Den packed my bag. Tmr no swimming le , omgzxc , fvcking happy can . Den just now took a nap , sibei tired can . Den woke up , tv , comp , chat. Nyahaha , im too bored hoho, so changed my mixpod && blogskin , hehe. Later going lot 1, mommy promised saay will buy me jb's album. Omg, i love you maxxxxx , hahahas . okay , done updating, ciaos.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Heyhellohi, :D. How many days never update agaaaain ? Hehehe , nowadays busy ehh. Projects, tests, MYE all coming up ley . I dun even have time to online comp lor , everytime use my phone one. :D. Heh , yesterday went westmall to watch JB NSN with yani , vanessa , evangeline and mei ying. The movie was awesomelyawesome until cannot awesome lor! (Y). Omg, jb rocks ttvfm. Hehe, den met mum at lot 1. She said she meeting friend. So , asked her buy me JB book at popular while i go home ferst. :D. Hehehe, the book also quite awesome. Woohoo. Den just now school ended at 12.45. Went to take my mother tongue compo test. I wrote all rubbish cos like totally rushing. :P. Den went to wait for tricia cos she have to write reflection on why she talk in class and stuffs cos of Ms lee. -.-. Nowadays ms lee like so, boring. I seriously starting to hate her lor. Hais. Btw, today got maths test. Quite easy. I think i'll pass cos yesterday i got revise abit. :D. Hehehe. Den today also got history test. Like seriously, i wanna fuck that Lynn koh can. -'-. I go lend the history test paper from tricia, den i wanna see th answers nia. Den that lynn koh go lie to me say what, not this paper. So i never go see lor. I return to tricia. But that lynn like see alr. -.- Den nvm , in the end is that paper lai de. So idk how do. And she memorise th answers alr. Like what fuck is wrong with her, she betrayer or what. Wanna score top say lah, fucking bitch. Nvm lor, at least i not like her, i dont cheat. Den after waiting for tricia, den went westmall slack with her and teckleong. Went to eat at mac, den walked around westmall like nobody's business. Den after that went to CSC. Played arcade and bowling there. TeckLeong bowl so funneh max lor. HAHAHA! He like aiming th hole nia. :D Hoho. Den his action sibei big can! <: Hehehe. Den after that went back westmall , walked around , slack , chat. ^^ Den went home around 5 plus. :D. Hehe, today sibei fun lorrrrr. Especially the bowling part. HAHAHA. Den tricia never play cos she saaay what her hand pain. LOOL , okay, long post. Done , bye. ;D

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Heyheyheye. Dono how many days bo update alr. Too busy leh. Nowadays sibei stress up siol. All th project pop up. Zzz. Sci project, i leader, den all th members dun care. I also dun care uh, they want fail jiu fail. Everything throw to me do , i also dono what to do . Hais , then that tengchao , everytime talk to him about sci proj he will b talking about what pussy. hornymotherfkingboy. Den now maths proj come up , luckily got min hui help , or else die agn. Same grp as Lynn, Minhui and gillian. Luckyducky can. They all veh hardworking. hohoho (Y). :D. Den still got cmp proj. Sibei funny la lor. Sit beside evan and minhui at cmp lab. They keep making me laugh every secs, everytime CMP my stomache sure explode one lor. Den now band getting instru , stress max. SYF just finished few days ago . Band kena silver . Not bad. :D. Heehehe . Den ytd got jogathon. At first start walking one lor, den see Lynn run i jitao chiong. Almost bang wall nia. That Neo KK keep taking pic, fvckherah. Den after that went movie w Tricia, Huihong, Huiting and Yating. Actually got Yani one, but den she go JP find davian. Den watched Rio lor , kinda boring hoho. Wanted to watch JBNSN but then Tricia cannot , say what 440pm too late. Jiu sua lor. Den after movie slack arnd, so boring norh . Den went home started comp den do hw lor. Now so bored lah k. Homework mood come alr, but sibei lazy :X. Hohoho, cos all th hw is maths -.- tsktsk . Mid yr coming liao , fk lor . Aiya, heck care. Next monday oral. Gg.com . kthxbai .