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Friday, April 15, 2011

Heyhellohi, :D. How many days never update agaaaain ? Hehehe , nowadays busy ehh. Projects, tests, MYE all coming up ley . I dun even have time to online comp lor , everytime use my phone one. :D. Heh , yesterday went westmall to watch JB NSN with yani , vanessa , evangeline and mei ying. The movie was awesomelyawesome until cannot awesome lor! (Y). Omg, jb rocks ttvfm. Hehe, den met mum at lot 1. She said she meeting friend. So , asked her buy me JB book at popular while i go home ferst. :D. Hehehe, the book also quite awesome. Woohoo. Den just now school ended at 12.45. Went to take my mother tongue compo test. I wrote all rubbish cos like totally rushing. :P. Den went to wait for tricia cos she have to write reflection on why she talk in class and stuffs cos of Ms lee. -.-. Nowadays ms lee like so, boring. I seriously starting to hate her lor. Hais. Btw, today got maths test. Quite easy. I think i'll pass cos yesterday i got revise abit. :D. Hehehe. Den today also got history test. Like seriously, i wanna fuck that Lynn koh can. -'-. I go lend the history test paper from tricia, den i wanna see th answers nia. Den that lynn koh go lie to me say what, not this paper. So i never go see lor. I return to tricia. But that lynn like see alr. -.- Den nvm , in the end is that paper lai de. So idk how do. And she memorise th answers alr. Like what fuck is wrong with her, she betrayer or what. Wanna score top say lah, fucking bitch. Nvm lor, at least i not like her, i dont cheat. Den after waiting for tricia, den went westmall slack with her and teckleong. Went to eat at mac, den walked around westmall like nobody's business. Den after that went to CSC. Played arcade and bowling there. TeckLeong bowl so funneh max lor. HAHAHA! He like aiming th hole nia. :D Hoho. Den his action sibei big can! <: Hehehe. Den after that went back westmall , walked around , slack , chat. ^^ Den went home around 5 plus. :D. Hehe, today sibei fun lorrrrr. Especially the bowling part. HAHAHA. Den tricia never play cos she saaay what her hand pain. LOOL , okay, long post. Done , bye. ;D

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