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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Heyheyheye. Dono how many days bo update alr. Too busy leh. Nowadays sibei stress up siol. All th project pop up. Zzz. Sci project, i leader, den all th members dun care. I also dun care uh, they want fail jiu fail. Everything throw to me do , i also dono what to do . Hais , then that tengchao , everytime talk to him about sci proj he will b talking about what pussy. hornymotherfkingboy. Den now maths proj come up , luckily got min hui help , or else die agn. Same grp as Lynn, Minhui and gillian. Luckyducky can. They all veh hardworking. hohoho (Y). :D. Den still got cmp proj. Sibei funny la lor. Sit beside evan and minhui at cmp lab. They keep making me laugh every secs, everytime CMP my stomache sure explode one lor. Den now band getting instru , stress max. SYF just finished few days ago . Band kena silver . Not bad. :D. Heehehe . Den ytd got jogathon. At first start walking one lor, den see Lynn run i jitao chiong. Almost bang wall nia. That Neo KK keep taking pic, fvckherah. Den after that went movie w Tricia, Huihong, Huiting and Yating. Actually got Yani one, but den she go JP find davian. Den watched Rio lor , kinda boring hoho. Wanted to watch JBNSN but then Tricia cannot , say what 440pm too late. Jiu sua lor. Den after movie slack arnd, so boring norh . Den went home started comp den do hw lor. Now so bored lah k. Homework mood come alr, but sibei lazy :X. Hohoho, cos all th hw is maths -.- tsktsk . Mid yr coming liao , fk lor . Aiya, heck care. Next monday oral. Gg.com . kthxbai .

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