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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hai. Another boring day. Today going jb with mom,sis and aunt. Den yesterday nothing happen luh, slacked with evan, lynn and tricia until 7 den went home. Hmmm, quarrelled with hh a few days ago on fb. As in not quarrel la. But me and rachel started talking bout her cliques then become like this lor. Cold war or smth. zzzz. hmmm. ive got nothing to say. i wanna scold this bitch here.
eh bitch get a life la break people's phone screen den bo say sry still at there say what 'so sad la' wtf is this man. Then act bossy, lie, por people, act cute, step big, twisting stories and putting words in my mouth. what is this? who do u think youre man. u're just a xiao meimei. dont go around accuse people aft that say what? sorry. sorry for what? sorry for empty promises? sorry for fucking us up and down? sorry for giving us attitude? sorry for accusing us? sorry for lieing? sorry for everything? well, sorry cant cure everything now. i'll shove this sorry up ur asshole now bitch. u think its very fun accusing people, putting words into people's mouth and acting innocent? pui. then kena kick out of the clique still at there ask people wan side who. srsly. its just that huihong dono ur true clr only, or else i dont even think u'll be able to join their clique man. -.- ive ever put myself in ur shoes and think before, but you're seriously too overboard. accuse kelly for nt attending trg without knowing her reasons den break her phone aft tt still duwan apologize? then no friend go por people? hahhahaha. joke of my life man. go to hell i tell you. karma will sure slap u.

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