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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.

ohai. so basically tday woke at 9, then actually planned to go www but then postponed it cos may couldnt go then like left me yani van like half the grp no go , no fun uh. :3 ohk so probably postponed it to ermmm 21st dec? long way to go heheheh. ok so im freaking bored right now and yeah shall just watch some freaking drama or whut. sho probably tmrw will be watching breaking dawn w may and and idk . hmmm, hahaha anw last sat was like buying lots of clothes, using mom's money like a freeflow only trololol. then saw ............. a group of humans which makes me unpleasant yeah hoho. ok sho ive nothing muchup so ciaos! :)

Friday, November 25, 2011


osupppp. sorry for the dead blog for a few days uhuh. So yeah, on tue went for interview at the whut unity center @ bb with may and Aqashah. The place was freaking creepy I swear. :3 Heh. Then after interview headed to Westmall for fun. Then went lot for gongcha! and after that headed back to yewtee with may. Slacked @ the playground there then home. Then ytd went to work. Took 1.5k flyers. Finished 300++ already like 4+. Then sua we quit then we cabbed back to the unity center plus it was raining and we give them back the papers. Then yeah, was superduper tired like hell. So headed to S11 coffee shop for late lunch with may! Didnt eat the whole day! Ok hehehe then homed. Kekeke so tmr going back schl w Evan, vt and others to do some lit proj. Meeting evan and VT earlier @ 1! :D Hehe okay so ya ciaos :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

High hopes ):

Oheydudes. So yeah, so long bo update got miss me not . haahha joke. okay so basically lets start from 16 nov? it was mom's bday so yeah i be guai one day, didnt go out (Y) heheheh. yeah, then on fri, went somerset 313 and scape with may, evan and jody. At first went arcade, aft that shopped around. Heheh. Thn headed home around 8+. Yeah, then ytd went lot with mom and sis at night. :3 Today rain like fvcking big so went yt for dinner. Uhh. Im like feeling so empty right now, reading over the timeline, its like evan is like replying to my tweet. Yeah, im fvcking paranoid and sensitive ikr. im trying to change. :x Hais, influence bah.   Uhhh so yeah just now kena kpkb by mom say whut i cnt go work, skali kena cheat or whutsoever. like a lame only. the company is real one leh lj . haiyo , so this tue going interview at batok there. maybe calling may along, ohkk , so now watching hotshot hahhaa . downloaded alot of movie. #moviemarathon soon. hahhahaa ok, ciaos! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

like a skyscraper.

ohyeah supp. yesterday went bugis with 6eys, without yani. She isnt free. ): Then met up with poh and evan with may at arnd 11 plus at bb mrt. :3 heh. then trained down straight to bugis. started shopping for wallets and then started with shirts and stuffs. heh bought 2 tops and a bag same with may and evan de. :) Poh was just window shopping all the way troll. then after that headed to koi. slacked there while waiting for the number, then headed back to bugis to slack. Ate our lunch there while waiting for VT to come. Then aft that trained down to somerset. Went to arcade, hahaha, had so much fun ddr-ing with may. sweat like a mad only! :) then after that at 5.55pm , only left with me , evan and may cos poh and vt went to their bc. ): hais. okayyy, then may went to buy gongcha, then we headed to cineleasure there to shop. walked into vans, fredperry and alot more shops LOL. Then ended up went into a assesories shop and only may bought lots of stuff. me and evan bought iphone covers. then yeah aft tt headed back home. reached home at 8. yeap. 
gahhhh today just rotted at home the whole wide day! then nothing much rlly happened. tmr mom's bday and something else. k so nothing much, shall end here rightynow ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11 11:11pm

11/11/11 11:11pm, i wanna be pretty. 

yosuppp. today just rotted at home all day huh. sho bored. then next monday bugis with 6eys.    yeah, everyone from 6eys except yani. ): haissssssssssssss. ok, then just had a good chat with bii aka poh (Y). talked to her about everything and yes, she understands how i feel, rlly great for someone to understands how i feel. really. :'). heh okay sooooooo was chatting w edwardng also, he told me he stead but dw tell me who. lamesai ! >: hehahaha. okay so yeah nothing much. i hope the 11/11/11 11:11pm wish will come true aites. heheh ciaos. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


osupphumans. tday woke at 8. sibei early yi xia. then prepared to go out. then at 9plus, may came mah house. was like slacking for 15 mins then headed to CSC. hmmm, then saw them playing bowling, was like errr lazy to play bowling so yeah dw play. sat there and spam jody's whatsppp. hahahahha. k then went to clementi seoul garden for lunch. the bill was like $180++ and the top 6 had to pay $20 and the rest $10. hehehhe. but still funn la. then outside seoulgarden got the lightings, i itchy hand go touch then kena electric shock for like 3 secs. like fuckkkking pain sia. lucky no die trolll. k then jer and jody went off for work and another for jacky. then aft tt mheena and rheena cant go , so yeah left tricia yvette vk vt me may and zy. headed to bugis. :3 hhehh. shopped for earrings and braclet then ya fuck things happen and was kping ____ all the way == hmmm sibei bueysong. want judge so much? go fuck urself. u so slim ? why stomach so big. hahah cbk. k then aft tt went sougurt. shared w tricia may and yvette. then slack till 630 headed to yt. was like slacking @ mac till 8plus then home. was like talking bout ehem ehem things all the time, hahaha it was fun. k so yeah thats all for tday and i've created a private acc - xSKYSCRAP3Rx . so yah ciaos =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

osupppp. had an outing today with 6EYs. :D uhm, to be exact shld be 4EYs. LOL. me, evan, poh and tan. :). heheheh. went to meet up w them @ clementi mall. then was like slacking all arnd, walking and walking. then met the blogspot person and bought my earrings, then aft that went to wm. :3 minhui went to buy standard ticket, but i tapped out for no reason. lul fuck. then aft that headed to lot. dinner at pastamania @ arnd 5 plus, then slacked all the way till 6.10 then gtg meet sis. went to tw salon to meet up w mom. then aft tt homed. hais. sibei tired ttm! :3. hhehh. and tmw gg bugis w awweessoommes? hehhe okay ciaos =.=

Friday, November 4, 2011

burn down in flames.

whassup. tday same, woke at 11, then bathed and prepared to wait for poh and vanessa and may to come mah hse. then aft tt we slacked, cooked lunch and yeah just slack slack and stalk ppl on fb. hahaha. then arnd 445 may accompany mh to wm to meet her mom and also may wanna buy gc. then awhile later at 530 she came back and we continue stalking and slacking. hehehe. then aft tt at 7, left and headed to lot with may while vanessa went home. k then we walked around and around and around and shopped for bags and shirts but ended up @ sasa, buying nailpolish. :3 hehehe. and yeaaa next tue when going bugis may's gona come mah hse earlier to put nailpolish & eyeliner. :3 k excited excited. hehehe ok so tday was pretty fun and yeap, we gossiped alotalotalot. HAHAH. ok so yeah tmr's sat alrd, yeah so ending this now. ciaos.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

lalalalalalalala elmos world.

ohais. tday woke at 10.30. then bathed and headed to wm to meet vanessa and evan. pei vanessa to lunch at pontian until 12. then headed to school for dental :3. brought forward my appointment as to pei evan and also the earlier the bettr. :)  heh okay so after dental headed to lot1 with may, evan and vt. went to returned the disk we borrowed and gotten back my $20. and also, then headed for lunch @ food junction. then aft tt went to buy gongcha and yeah then went to evan's house. actually wanted to watch paranormal activity 3 but then cos too blur so ended up watching the child's eye. k hahaha so scary. then aft that may homed then me and van left. so we called Koh to ask smth then we laughed like hell. hehehe. then homed with vanessa @ 725. reached home @ 8. then skyped with poh (Y) hehehehe. had fun :) later skyping again. hahaha k so thats all for tday, ciaos. =)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

helloooooo. k so basically woke @ 10 today :3 bathed and headed out to yewtee to meet vanessa and evan. then they bought lunch alrrrrrr. so yeah then went back home. heated up our lunch. then watched paranormal activity 1 while eating heh. then soon after awhile yani came. :D Yayyyyy. then continue our lunch then watch watch watch ~ then finished already, all of us are like superb scared. :3 hehhhh. k then we went in room, on the aircorn and surf the net, and then played hotel 626 while skyping with poh. Heh. then now in study room, all playing tap sonic while me blogging hoho. :p. heh okay so yeah dad is coming back to get whut student pass shit then so thus therefore hences in conclusion............ they all have to hide under table. LOL. aiya k so ciaos. love them all (Y) =)