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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

like a skyscraper.

ohyeah supp. yesterday went bugis with 6eys, without yani. She isnt free. ): Then met up with poh and evan with may at arnd 11 plus at bb mrt. :3 heh. then trained down straight to bugis. started shopping for wallets and then started with shirts and stuffs. heh bought 2 tops and a bag same with may and evan de. :) Poh was just window shopping all the way troll. then after that headed to koi. slacked there while waiting for the number, then headed back to bugis to slack. Ate our lunch there while waiting for VT to come. Then aft that trained down to somerset. Went to arcade, hahaha, had so much fun ddr-ing with may. sweat like a mad only! :) then after that at 5.55pm , only left with me , evan and may cos poh and vt went to their bc. ): hais. okayyy, then may went to buy gongcha, then we headed to cineleasure there to shop. walked into vans, fredperry and alot more shops LOL. Then ended up went into a assesories shop and only may bought lots of stuff. me and evan bought iphone covers. then yeah aft tt headed back home. reached home at 8. yeap. 
gahhhh today just rotted at home the whole wide day! then nothing much rlly happened. tmr mom's bday and something else. k so nothing much, shall end here rightynow ;)

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