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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Friday, November 25, 2011


osupppp. sorry for the dead blog for a few days uhuh. So yeah, on tue went for interview at the whut unity center @ bb with may and Aqashah. The place was freaking creepy I swear. :3 Heh. Then after interview headed to Westmall for fun. Then went lot for gongcha! and after that headed back to yewtee with may. Slacked @ the playground there then home. Then ytd went to work. Took 1.5k flyers. Finished 300++ already like 4+. Then sua we quit then we cabbed back to the unity center plus it was raining and we give them back the papers. Then yeah, was superduper tired like hell. So headed to S11 coffee shop for late lunch with may! Didnt eat the whole day! Ok hehehe then homed. Kekeke so tmr going back schl w Evan, vt and others to do some lit proj. Meeting evan and VT earlier @ 1! :D Hehe okay so ya ciaos :)

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