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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heyheyouyou.X).Got back all of our results except Maths and HMT Compo. :O Wanna noe my results ? I know. Dam baddd!)): Ltr tell ue . Uhm . Todae morning got Teachers dae celeb. Quite fun ? :O. Lols. Wishes all teachers in KPS a happeh tchers' day. :DDDDDDD. Den had Aces dae exercise. Dance what JumpJam. LAME!LOL.I was stonning thr. Laughing at Raudza. For beinq so Hypr-active. :D HAHAHAS. Btw, yayyyy! tmr no schoool <3 Muhaahaa!((: Maybe going out with mummmmmmy!Ouhk . My results areee :
Englishhh : 65/100.
Chinese 83/100.
Maths : IDK.:)
Sciences : 58/100.
HMT 41half/60. x)

Nehhh.All so bad. Dam not satisfied with Chinese. -.- I SHOULD HAVE GOT A*. Stupid me. So many mistake. Dam!):

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hohoho.:DDD. Today had so damn much loads extreme fun. :D. Went to Johore with aunt,mum and sis.Bought damn loads of things. I buqht a pair of shoes, new specs and a new school schoool baqq. :D.Coool eh. The specs is done in 1 half hr. LOL. First time seeee da speeeeed so fust!=D.. Lols.I spent like 400 ringgit. Its like SGD 200. LOL.:D.Like who cares,spendspendspend!:DD.HAHAHA .Okay.Gtg.(; Chatting with some friends in MSN. Buhbyyyeee. <3

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heyyya,:))).Today got our EL marks. Highest in class 70,LOLS. I got 57/95.:(.Den today got HMT.Got our marks for Bklt A of MT. Got 42/46. :D Gt 2 wronqs,-.-.Uhm.Some fucking people spammed my cbox. :)).If want spam den write uer name,assholes.Hope u die faster.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Heyyyyyuhh!:D.Today had so much fun in school without those doggies.:)).Today's chinese paper was so dam easy!I think can score.:D.Uhhh.Yesterday's Maths paper!>:(.So dam hard lo.Maybe get 40+ nias.Hoping a pass.:D.Tmr got science,awwww!)): And somemore got hmt!Yeah!But today Miss Go didnt come schoooool. She's sick again,maybe tmr she'll come, if no hmt. :D.Hahahas.Tonight got tuition.Haven done the homework tht she gave,LOL.XD.Uh.Gtg.Ciaoz!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heyyyya.So dam fun today.Had english paper,was quite easy.Aiming for 70-80x).Hopeso,HAAHAA . Uhhh,so shit lor. Compo got 25half/40.I wrote so good siaaas.So bad,Prelim's standard so shitass.Uh.Now writing like tht mz use more phrases,ASS!X((.Should have got 31,Awwww.Nvm.Den art class,more funnier,LOL.The teacher let us revise our own work.Then we started chattinq,LOL.Dam weird,i was laughing then suddenly the specs fly off and the one of the lenses drop off,LOLLOOL.Hope cnt fix den can buy new one,HAHAHA.But surely get scolded,LOL.Sians,tonight got tuition 8-10pm,LOL.So tired eh!Tmr maths paper.^^ ILOVEMATHS,MUHAHA.Hope i passpasspass!xP.Btw,didnt go chinese study group today cous my specs lenses,then now cant see anything,like so blurry,:((I wanna go de leh,AWW!D:.Uhk,gtg revise,study,eat lunch,buhbye.Ohmygrandma!My tuition homework not done,LOLOL.Shittttt!GTG,Byebyebye!<333

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heyyhey.:)Finished tuition at 5.10pm.x)Delayed the teacher 10min,Muhaha.LOL.She's coming next week,Tue and Thur,OhShit!):But mom gave me a rest day on next Sun.Yayyyy!XD. Muhahaa.And she gave damn lots of homework,FREAK!Must gota finish it by today or tmr.Surely school also give alot.At least i finished my school work and some of the work she gave,Phewww!>_<.Ohyeah,tonight going lot 1 buy new stationeries.Maybe buying new calculator,cous like no batt,den mom said just change batt,i insisted to buy a new one,MUHAHA.X)Scarely Wed calculator spoil,I'll be crying there,LOL.Hope tmr get back Prelim's compo marks,X)))).Ohhk,Gtg study and do have dinner.x) Goooodbyee. <3

Saturday, August 21, 2010

[c=36]Heyyyya,So bored now,stayed at home the wholeday,luckily ltr going out.x).Did mockpapers,homeworks,study.Den facebook,tv.:D.Hahaha . Finally Danielle is back to facebook,YAYAYYY <3.HAHAH.Okeh,gtg,chat,Btw,cant wait till PSLE over,going out everyday,skipping schools,MUHAHAA,LOL.Okeh,Gtg.Cya(:[/c]

Friday, August 20, 2010

Heyhha.x)Today had MT oral,ytd EL.Quite easy,hope i get high marks,god bless.x).Uh.Nxt wk have Prelim exam liaos,sianz.Haiish,must study alr.Aft Prelim is PSLE,den Relax.:D.Yayyy,hope PSLE come sooooner!GodBless i get flying colours for prelims and psle,Goodluck everyone toooh.Now doing sci mock paper and watching tv,okay,Gtgx)Byebye.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

HeyHey!XD. Today`s oral is quite good ? Uhhh.I do talk alot?x) But the conversation so dam funny.Dehy ask me if i have enough sleep,like what shit.LOL.X)Den i anyhow answer . Hehehe . Den Yuzhen accidently go kick the examiner,Muhahaha.Tmr is chinese oral.Goodluck.x)F O C U S. Gtg revise,Ceeyaaaa!<3

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hehehehes.Heyhey!Haven sleep,donwan to sleep.x)Uh.Lets say abt this freaking unlucky day,LOL.It was ytd, 17 Auq,Tue.Happened aft recess.MrsHanna brought us back to class,while walking back at th gallary back thr,the rough floor,Augie pused me and i fell.Fell,nevermind,Augie still push me.Den my leg scratched the floor thr supah hard,den cous Mrs Hanna said who make noise,den i quickly stand up act like as if nothing happen,while all th boys were laughing.-.-Wtf.Den went back class,flipped up my pinafold,saw loads of blood on my knee.Freak.Den wiped using tissues,dam pain.Den had supp in th afternoon,supah pain,LOL.Today still pain ah!Like got one hole on my leq,the skin drop off.Den got a lil blood.Ewwww.Scary.LOL.Okehokeh,mom is back,Gotago!x)))))
Heyya.x)Busy lately,sry.Uh.Best of luck for tmr's PSLE oral,p6s.So nervous eh.But i think i can do well,cous just now practice alr.Haha.Coughing and coughing,sian.Scared tmr read halfway then cough,haiis.Like goin to sick soon.Hopefully bless me until after Prelim's Exam k!xD.Just finished all my homework.Still got tuition homework.Next wk got 3days of tution,sians.Uhh.Tmr morning meeting Fathin at 6.40am,siaos.So early,i think im sure gona be late.XOXO.Uhh.Tmr is take EL Oral.x) Hope i talk supah loads till teacher impressed.Hahahas.So sad,my prelims did so badly!T.T

Cl oral : 38/50.
El Oral : 17/30 (FREAK!)
CL Listening compre : 20/20^^
CL Compo : 28/40. (Dam low)
Haven get back El compo.
Hope i get 30+x)

Hahaaaa.Okayyy.Gota go soon,wanna sleep liaos.Brb,take medicine.Ceeya.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Heyya .<3.Today had compo exam.El wrote 4 pg.Cl wrote 3 pg.Hope i dont get out of point,:P.Today no HMT.Miss Go didnt come school,awwww. Get well soon,LOL. Watching tv now.46 more minutes to break fast(for malays).Hah,Goodluck.BoredBoredBored.Danielle,Ruqoyah,Yvette and Keith was banned from using facebook,LOL.I mean by,forcing themselve to think tht they're banned.LOL. Nobody to chat with now,maybe should quit FB too.XD.Msgs also no reply.Duno whats wrong with them.LOL.Okeh,gtg.Byebye.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heyyyyyyya!xD Today had th EL and CL listening compre . Quite easy ? Smooth going? Hah!LOL . Tmr gona hab EL n MT paper 1 .Goooood luck everyone! <3 Uh , today got god dam loads of homework , but i dont even bother, LOL . Maybe doing it later. Hah . Today supp extended one hour till 3.30pm , den MrsHanna brought us out Gate A to seee YOG thinqy, nothing much , LOL . Now facebooking and MSN-ing , uh. Gtgg revise compo , buhbye .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heyheyhey, yo!:P Didnt go play Bball.:p . Went to court, then Yz says she need to go home cous mom asked her. Den Keith wanna go MacDonald to buy food for her mom . Den Keith fell down while riding bike to yew tee.LOL. She injure her knee. Good luck, LOL. So bored now, still haven do homework, Lazy!X= . Okeh . I go slackslack, tonight going Juronq Point. Gtg, byebye.
Hey yoo! So bored now. Mom on phone, i got nothing to do . Haven eat. Later going play basketball with Yuzhen and Keith. I hope i'll be a fun one ? x) Hah . Nothing to post also . Uhmmmm . Haven finish homework, omfg. The chinese mock paper .Dam it. Will finish it ltr when i comeback , HAH! Okay , gtg. Bye ♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yooooooh!Just came back from CCK Park! Said so, went out with Danielle and Ruqoyah . Met Danielle at MRT den travelled to lot 1 . Shop around minitoons while waiting for Ruqoyah!We played the SPECS selling there.LOL! Then Ruqoyah said she cant come cous she SUFFER in traffic jam! Hah! Den we went popular and went to CCK park. :p. Did our homework FIRST okay! Den suddenly Ruqoyah came. LOL. Nice sias. Played the SWING there. Making me dizzy lah! LOL. Den played catching while walking home . Then Danielle and Ruqoyah followed me home. We walked up and down the block! From 17th floor to 3rd floor! :P LOL. Had so much fun . And i realised that the sceneries when you go up to 17th floor really rocks. AND SCARY! Onces fall, Seeya. Haha! Going down to eat dinner and cycle!Yayyyy! Had so much fun today! Btw, i aiming 230 for PSLE.:) I want to go Unity, Kranji, BPGH! Express k! Jiayous Shermaine. Decided to settle and study .91 For MT, 70 FOR Maths, 65 FOR SCIENCE , 75 for EL. Okay . Not unreasonable right. Work hard can achieve! Yeahyeahyeah! So ... Starting from Wed Im STUDYING. Kayh. Goodluck! 230! Go Go GO! Btw, Happy 45th Birthday SG! <-- So old liaos. LOLOL. JKJKJK! K. Gtg, BYEBYE!
Hi! Going out with Danielle and Ruqoyah to lot 1 now.x) Go buy things and study. <3 . Hope library got open . If not we'll be going to CCK park to study , and play , x]. HAH! Now on facebook , for fun. Okaeh . Gtg, bye.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yoooo! Third post for the day! :P. Now at Aunt's house, using her laptop . Uhhhh . Just now went shopping lo . Bought a shirt. For fun one. Cous i got loas of shirt.:P. Hahaha! Changed my template to CAREEEEBEARRR! <3 Heh. Just now had dinner at the HAWKER again . -.- This time, really sucks. While i eating, there's a cockroach crawl on my leg. Dam disgusting and ticklish . WTF. Im sooo never gona GO there anymore, if i do, i'll never be puting my legs on the floor. LOL . I hab WORSER phobia of cockroach now. Awwwwww. 2 more weeks for PSLE oral! And soon its Prelim , goodluck Shermaine!x) Tml got tuition. Awwww. Haven do the work . Maybe later gg home do ? LOL. Duno lah . Having holiday now yeahh . Maybe monday going JB. Uhm . Idk . Wed then start school . Kk. Gtg, bye.
Hellos.x). Just came back from Science Centre. So fun there! So long never explore alr. Now changed. Hah! Took quite abit of pics, posted on Fb. Uhm . I wanna go Snow City also! x) But mom said very smelly there. LOL. Cous sweat of ppl? I think so. xp. Later night qoing out too . Same place , shopping.O.O . Now on FB and Texting, uploading pics k . Gtg bath! Bye!
Yos.x). Yesterday went lot 1 with sis. :P Ate at Pizza Hut[Cous she wants] .Saw Fathin there. Wtf. World so small.xP. Den went to Popular and arcade . Bought new pen and correction tape. Hah. So bored. Den went home at 10pm . Now at facebook and watching Unriddle on XinMSN.X) Tonight going out. And doing tuition homework later. School also alot homework. Wtf, LOL. Ok. Nothing le . Bb:)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yoo!:DDD. Just came back from schoool! Oral! :P. Today is MT and ytd is Enqlish one . So hard sias. ): I think i fail . LOL . Wtf. Good luck lo . :P. The oral examiner is Ms Ting and Mr Fish (: And for EL , is Mr Tan and Mdm neo . -__- . Wtfh . LOL . Hope i get full marks for oral.:P Hahaha. Now facebooking . Tmr got National Day Celebration . Till 10am nias. xD Maybe going out with sis tmr . x) . LOL . Idk . Gtg k . Byhbye .

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yooohs! Today got supp till 3.30pm . <: So bored lo. Lols. Den went home . :D Facebook and revise for Prelim Oral tmr. Heh. Tmr oral for EL sias. Jia yous Shermaine . kays. :D Hah . Sis at camp . I at home = PEACE. (: LOL . Heh. Kinda bored now , so i typed this. Gona sleep soon . :P 12am alr. Tmr 12.30pm release class . Maybe i go home den come back school aqain ? Couz oral is at 1.20pm . (; Heh. See first lo . xD. Okok . Now gtq . Buhbyee.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yooooos!(: Today got tuition sias. Not bored. Heh. Suddenly i love maths and hate science super much . LOLS . Btw, Just watched 'Despicable Me' at lot 1 . Hah. Nice show(: The little girl so cuteeee! <3 OMFG . Hah. Den had dinner at Pizza Hut . Lols. Den went home cous alr 10pm . Packed baq , facebook , watched tv. (: Wtfh lo . Someone login my fb acc and scold people . -.- Sucha idiot . Freakos . Lols . :)) . Omfg . 12am now , tomorrow must wake up early for school! xD. Sian . This coming thu and fri dad on leave, WTF. For what sias . Dont care . Lol. Wed and Thur got oral! Tmr i revise abit first . LOL . Must do well in ORAL . Its the MOST 2nd easy to score one . xP.Jiayous k. PSLE Oral coming soon . 20 + Auq, or 10+ . Lols . I think . LOL . Must revise! Do well for PSLE! Den freedom! Can even absent from school! Yayyy! xDDDD I want PSLE to come and END fast! Muhah . Okeh . Gtg, byebye. :]