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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heyya.x)Busy lately,sry.Uh.Best of luck for tmr's PSLE oral,p6s.So nervous eh.But i think i can do well,cous just now practice alr.Haha.Coughing and coughing,sian.Scared tmr read halfway then cough,haiis.Like goin to sick soon.Hopefully bless me until after Prelim's Exam k!xD.Just finished all my homework.Still got tuition homework.Next wk got 3days of tution,sians.Uhh.Tmr morning meeting Fathin at 6.40am,siaos.So early,i think im sure gona be late.XOXO.Uhh.Tmr is take EL Oral.x) Hope i talk supah loads till teacher impressed.Hahahas.So sad,my prelims did so badly!T.T

Cl oral : 38/50.
El Oral : 17/30 (FREAK!)
CL Listening compre : 20/20^^
CL Compo : 28/40. (Dam low)
Haven get back El compo.
Hope i get 30+x)

Hahaaaa.Okayyy.Gota go soon,wanna sleep liaos.Brb,take medicine.Ceeya.

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