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Im pretty hyper, crazy and fun to be with. :) Friendly unless you mess with me. Do follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/replacedd_ :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heyyhey.:)Finished tuition at 5.10pm.x)Delayed the teacher 10min,Muhaha.LOL.She's coming next week,Tue and Thur,OhShit!):But mom gave me a rest day on next Sun.Yayyyy!XD. Muhahaa.And she gave damn lots of homework,FREAK!Must gota finish it by today or tmr.Surely school also give alot.At least i finished my school work and some of the work she gave,Phewww!>_<.Ohyeah,tonight going lot 1 buy new stationeries.Maybe buying new calculator,cous like no batt,den mom said just change batt,i insisted to buy a new one,MUHAHA.X)Scarely Wed calculator spoil,I'll be crying there,LOL.Hope tmr get back Prelim's compo marks,X)))).Ohhk,Gtg study and do have dinner.x) Goooodbyee. <3

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